Glorious victory of the Alliance

At the Q&A it was said that the Alliance has won both Darkshore and Stromgarde
Congratz, my blue friends :partying_face:


Well, as Danath said, this is what you get for invading Arathi with troll as your commander. Hope I can visit the rebuild city.

hopefully the zones will be restyled.
also what exactly did we win? the alliance didn’t even restore the status quo, we barely managed to survive, and with huge losses.
also i’ll have to undestrand how the whole alliance+ the rebel horde is enough for just 1 assault against the loyalist horde, it means the united horde is much stronger than the alliance canonwise.


Danath is now King, Stromgarde is back as a fully fledged Human Kingdom.

That is what we won.

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To the victor go the spoils. Stromgarde shall be rebuilt, a shining testament to the glory that was the Empire of Arathor. Hail Stromgarde! Hail Danath! Hail Thoradin!

And Darkshore can… uhm… continue to be a charred wasteland for the smurfs.


well said friend … for the alliance!


For the Alliance, my comrade!

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This is why I like doing that warfront.
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trollbane is cool but he does have some problems among the fact that he has no living heirs

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Maybe winning Darkshore means the Night Elves can resettle it. The corpses rot, nature reclaims the bodies, and Malfurion already got the trees to start growing again, so it’s all good.

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Where is the quote to put Liadrin head on a spike!? That is the best quote.

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It was so glorious that humans left it…Admit it you just someone to grow food for you.

Since this is Blizzard, they can just retcon Danath into being 20 years younger.

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Feels rather empty as long as Ashenvale is still under horde control and as long as all those innocents the horde killed are still suffering eternal torment.

The Alliance really needs some payback on the horde.


Stromgrade shouldve been blighted until was turned into ocean of blight.

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I’m okay with that, if we could have placed all Void Elves there first (and cut off any void teleport stuff).


No ,put all gnomes and humans in there.
There all fixed,and human lore wont drag down evryone else anymore for alliance.
And gnomes theyre not a actual race anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

See? This attitude is exactly why people want to melt you down to sludge.


death to the elf mongrels! glory to humanity … the dwarves and maybe the gnomes. …


nah its cause people dont have the pale skined blue eyed elvess on alliance is why.

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