So i got a ticket answered today as well.
Since it is in german, i wont post it here but what it basically says is:
2 month ago this GM did a presentation for the devs and productmanagers. He prepared it 3hrs and added exampleaccounts to cover the whole topic
at this point they were too busy doing hotfixes for current problems, since it will take some programming effort
they want no GM solution where every single case is looked into, because they are afraid it would extend the estimated waittime for all costumer service tickets
he will do a request again as soon as he thinks times are a bit more chilly for the devs
so yes, they see there are people out there who deserve it and dont have it, the topic is not dead, but its a question of time and resources
The text was written in a hopeful manner and makes me think that it is good to keep the pressure up and the discussion alive.