Glory to Talanji

The sooner Blizzard implement Battlenet accounts and improve moderation, the better. :sweat_smile:

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This is a ruse to expose those who would support the alliance with the alliance
Well played, well played.

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Has that ever worked for anything? Asking for a friend.

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No no we are all Twiluna!


so you cultist regularly get a forum vacation just like your glorious leader? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, Iā€™m a good girl! :innocent:

Well I deleted my twitter account. Those admins are all alliance biased aswell.

Which one? The first one that got banned or the second one that got banned?

Nah, nevermind. I dontcarevien. :man_shrugging:

We know it otherwise here in Goldshireā€¦ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

No, we withdraw willingly if we donā€™t manage to find enough recruits, and find them from another sources. :joy:

Such as from the Secret Flagging Discordā€¦

Works against Clown, if he demands that you feed him.
Then he goes away to spam in the food threads proper. :hamburger:

Wasnā€™t that because you supported AFD and anti nato stuff ? :x

Only a fool would support Talanji. She ignores the cries of her people for vengeace. Soon enough another rebellion will rise up and then she be ousted. I canā€™t wait for that day. Dazar would be a much better ruler. He was a legendary warrior.

You truly are! Non other have the same amount of craziness in their eyes :eyes:

May the horde burn!

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I am not crazy. I just want what is best for the Horde.

You do show passion in a crazy way! I can understand passion for the faction and game but you take it to far.

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I am not crazy. I just want the best for the Alliance.

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Taurens should become the supreme ruler of the Alliance and the Horde. That way we secure an ever lasting peace.

And outlive him too.

Shoulā€™ve seen a dentist decades ago.

I love the new split personality Netflix psycho thriller ā€œInside of Erevienā€. :popcorn: