Glory to Talanji

the 2nd season is better!

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Omg they just added a third, (post) necromancing personality! :scream:

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I will not stop until the alliance start losing some characters.

Should make a necromancer Dunkiee sometime…

The good, the bad and the black! :skull:


I mean, you at least could’ve made a female split personality called Ereviana or sth? Two Blood Elf Mages are kinda boring!

Everyone should have a black version. Just in case! :skull_and_crossbones::black_flag:

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If Talanji should be having a beef with someone is with Bwonsamedi. It was him who wanted her father gone. He could had saved him but he let him die.

Meanwhile Bwonsamedi in SL is weirdly nice and does not act like the one in BFA

It was “Him”

Fixed for you

thanks for the correction

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The alliance is the true enemy. They need to be wiped out.

EREVIEN! Assemble.

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The Alliance States Armed Forces did good work there.
Went in there, shot the warhawking king Rastakan. And replaced him with the peace loving Talanji.

Another win for the Alliance!

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