GM banned a world buff dispeller for 6 months because of his streamer getting dispelled

i clearly did admit it with my first post, it is fun. Plain and simple.

Ok, well you wrote that you don’t do it to annoy ppl, and I’m asking if it would be still funny if it didn’t.

i would Imagine so, yes.

Everyone is different and derive there fun in different ways. Who are you to say if its right or if its wrong?

I like to kill lowbies when I pass through Hillsbrad, gives me a chuckle.

I imagine it’s sweeter tho to see that main tank fully buffed and know that you just trolled him hard by removing those buffs? Actually maybe trolling is a better word for it than griefing, kind of similar tho :slight_smile:

Sounds like you’re speaking from experience :wink:

Oh, I’m that on point? :wink: Actually, no I’ve never done it

From my experience, if you dispell a raider you basically hinder their parses and make them angry.

But if you dispell a maintank (if the MT is in a position where they can even get MC’d) you hinder the entire raid due to the threat cap.

so there is some imaginary privilege for a MT carrying world buffs in that he gets free passage into the raid? Otherwise attacking him or dispell/mc/distract into lava is hindering a raid = griefing?

No, but given the importance of the MT; they usually play much safer and are good at hiding from dispellers.

And the only time griefing is against the rules is if you’re trying to grief your own faction. For example; if an Alliance guild suicide run into Lord Kazzak to heal him up whilst another Alliance guild are trying to kill him.

so then if the MT can play it safe and hide, thats the solution? the rest of the whiners can play it equally as safe. We fixed it.

Strange arguments
 None of that matters when discussing whether or not it’s griefing, since that depends on the actions and intentions of the player.

The action was never in question here. He was clearly banned for dispelling.

As for the intention, what difference does it make if he dispelled for fun or dispelled to annoy? You still lose your world buffs, and how the hell are you gonna prove what his motives are?

You guys are really stretching with this griefing rubbish. It is just world PVP lol.

I got ganked a moment ago in WPL. I am not sure if the guy did it to annoy me or did it for fun. Should I report him in case he did it to hurt my feelings?



It is very simple: if you don’t like this aspect of PvP you should play on a PvE server and never turn PvP on.

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I call it grieing, that’s it. Maybe you need to look up what griefing actually means.

Dispelling buffs is only a “thing” because we’re playing in the world buff meta. I personally don’t care for them, they’re nice to have as a bonus but they aren’t a mandatory requirement for any but the sweatiest / most competitive raid guilds.

Killing things a few seconds later than expected because PvP activity happened on a PvP server should never even be considered for punishment.

GMs seemed to be way more professional back in vanilla, but then they weren’t afraid to appear in those cute blue robes in-game


Griefing is the act of chronically causing consternation to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.

You’re only losing a buff for gods sake! You can still play!

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Yeah, it’s not the worst but I would say it still falls under the definition. Especially when talking about those low level priests who stand in BRM or BB just dispell ppl who are moving to their raids.

i just threw my head back and laughed the following 5-6 minutes that went by in the video after the dispel happened.

has best weapons and top tier gear
is warrior
does like 150 dps
has shaman in his group (probably an enhancement with improved WF)

basically making excuses for his poor performance.

lmao what a fat loser, i hope he was reprimanded for siccing his pocket GM on the dispeller (preferably in the form of a ban, because he is as guilty as the GM for this ban) and that the GM himself was fired on the spot. what a joke!

Lmao what happened to the logic you used in your argument with me the other day? something along the lines of “blizzard says its OK; so by definition its not cheating”
kinda turned on its head for this one, ehh? you damn hypocrite. stop embarrassing yourself.

And as usual, you can’t read.

Blizzard says dispelling is okay, so it’s okay.

Actually, my stance on this is the EXACT same as my stance on multiboxing. I don’t like it, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t allowed.

The comment you responded to even says that I’m NOT in favour of people being banned for griefing. Geez, you really are one of the most ignorant, stupid things I’ve ever had the displeasure of trying to communicate with.