Hello, I’ve really been enjoying SoM so far! Goodjob Blizz. However, something made me emo today, I crafted Gnomish Death Ray and tried it several times. It appears that it is bugged in Season of Mastery and is not shooting at all, all it does is drain your health. (It’s not the malfunctioning either, it’s just not working at all)
I’ve googled this and some people on reddit appears to have the same issue.
Peace o/
Ah that explains alot actually, i thought maybe I was just very unlucky.
Berny gnome engineer. Fix death thingy now blizz.
I submitted multiple bug reports, for about 10 days now and got 0 replies. They have yet to address the issue also. So I don’t know, maybe the 1 worker that works for the company can get to it when he finishes fixing the ranking bugs.
I understand how frustrating this must be for you all!
We have received multiple reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. But we have our team on the case and working to get this fixed!
If you discover a new issue, please submit a new Bug Report. Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them and help us greatly.
20 years old game and cant fix a simple bug, work faster we do pay money to this game.
Even worse, the Death Ray was working fine in Classic, yet in SoM they broke ALOT of stuff.
Some things definitely feel different gameplay wise also that’s for sure. Not really sure how they managed to mess things up I mean it’s not like it was created from scratch lol
R.I.P what was once a gloriously fun game became a broke down toy held down by glue and manure. whatever
So true- Meanwhile maybe a quest on private servers didnt work quite as intended, but the core was correct and not this chinese copy they spat out
I noticed the bug a while ago.
Gnomish trinket isn’t working and casts without doing any damage.
maybe it gets fixed soon!
Hello this item has to be fixed ASAP! Im nearly level 35 and I need this item to blast those darn orcs out of STV.
Sad but true.
Some spells have different sound effect, setting new hearthstone location no longer provides the blue effect, some quests are bugged & most recently invulnerability bug.
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