Go hug ur mom

Or anyone you hold dear. Its okay, just take a break. Spend time with the people around you. You will not regret it.


Can I just give you a hug, instead?


Great idea. I’ll do just this.

At this time it would be rude to travel 20 miles just to wake her up for a hug.


She might think its awesome.


every day in my head :slight_smile:


Eurgh do I have to? There’s only one person I want to hug and she needs inflating.

You just want to hug his pet imp you foul pervert.

This is why you phone her up first.

“mam!! I’m coming over to give you a hug!”
To which the reply will probably be "not bloody likely son, not at this time of night. But if you do bring vodka.
Strong vodka.

Lots of it. belch"

if he brings strong vodka yeah. if he just brings round a 500ml bottle of coke zero she’ll likely throw at him, followed by volleys of abuse and a subsequent removal from her will.
"Bloody coke zero!! HE BROUGHT ME BLOODY COKE ZERO TIDDLES! Right you know what? Pffft him… You will never want for Whiskas after I’m gone.

Bloody kids."


You know me too well. :rofl:

Not at this time.

I’m always huging my son
i can’t do that with my parents cause they were COLD when i was kid and they still are
i love them but they never were like the DISNEY parents :smiley:

Please tell me your real name is Norman…

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i can only smile to sky for her, but i can hug my son.


I do that every day.

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Although this is not a problem I personally have, this is great advice, because there are many people out their who don’t have the ability or skills to communicate with the people they love.


There are so many, yet so far… :cry:

Soon, in a week’s time… soon.

And I’m happy to see some more love threads these days. It means a lot.


Ever since my parents passed, I live alone and I work from home and very little contact with the outside world.

Who do I hug?


Hire an Escort?

Sad to hear feel me Internet hug

no one cares


Yet you replied friend :wink:

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same pretty much, was caring for mum when she passed i was left alone.

still am alone… not ideal … but im not really a person which loves company all the time anyway.

so its kind of whatever… but bad at the same time lol… hard to explain…

i do miss her a lot but life is a … you know.

i just go day by day at this point until it eventually is my turn to pass too… so far survived covid 4 times… so not looking like anytime soon much to my disgust.

i guess there is still plans for me.

i currently am very sick mentally and physically… but im going to do to my highly physcial job anyway…

its kind of sicking that part of me is doing this because i want to cause damage to myself.

my hips are shot at the moment… i could catch a bus to my dads for work… but i choose to walk 5 hours carrying 40kilos on my back… because pain is the only thing i really feel at this point.

downside to being higher than average IQ in this world is you are smart enough to see how stupid this world is.

not just the world but life in general.

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