[Goblin and friends RP] B.O.O.M.T.E.C. Incorporated - UNDERMINE!

Excellent scavengers, even better engineers - as long as you have the dough -. Excellent time with these guys.
Warning : Hex will shoot your imp in the face.


Our profit-seeking boys and girls are currently deployed in Quel’Thalas to provide military aid to our elven allies, but we’ll be back to the regular schedule next week!

We’re back from the land of tall and bright buildings!

Our first order of business after doing so was to head into Winterspring, up to an uncharted peak at its heights where a scouting team of nine Bilgewater goblins disappeared.
We found them, but not exactly whole.
The mystery of what has happened to them is yet to be cracked, and we will keep at it…

In the meantime though, reports are coming in about a dangerous caravan of death worshippers. That oughta take our minds off of murder mysteries for sure!

Busy week with busy nights for the Bilgewater boys and girls! They might be settled into Ratchet properly now, bolstering the ranks of the local bruisers and business owners, but that’s not all!

Death hounds them in several ways too, as they unraveled the mystery of the disappearing explorer crew high atop Wintersprings derelict peaks, as well as the identity of the strangely familiar vulpera leading a group of fanatics. Revelations left and right but at what cost?

At least their side gig of setting up bone digsites in Vol’dun next to their azerite ones was a success… What epic battle against a gargantuan devilsaur skeleton are you talking about? I don’t see none!

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A strange night, last night.

The Cartel operatives dove through time and space, to a long since doomed world that would become known as Outland. The Cartel landed face first into the last moments of the world of Draenor, before the cataclysmic magics of Ner’zhul ripped the planet apart.

Doomsday cultists of a doomed world, fleeing wildlife, with twisting skips and jumps back in time as the cherry on top. It all culminated with the Cartel escaping back to their own time and place, with an unwanted tag-along, in the form of a mechanical guardian of the lost Apexis civilization.

The Cartel did manage to defeat the mechanical foe in the end, with much difficulty.
The mission the group set out for was a success and the Cartel even claimed a bonus in the form of the remains of the Apexis Machine. There is much to be learned from such a sophisticated, yet ancient machine.



After some extremely far-flung missions in search of lucrative business ventures, we’re hanging out in Ratchet, nurturing our connections by occasionally helping out local “law” enforcement!

Don’t forget, the Bilgewater Cartel wants you!
Come join us and receive a generous (one time only) uniform if you join our security forces.
Join as an entrepreneurial merchant and you won’t be hustled for bribes by the local law enforcement.
All races welcome (terms and conditions apply).


Are you a goblin, forsaken, orc or vulpera looking for sweet deals and rewarding missions? Then join The bilgewater battalion.

We head out around Azeroth on missions meeting interesting characters. Good both and bad. People we seek to help and gain deals and business. Discover and find artifacts to. Or just manage to find ourselves in interesting situation.

We are also in ratchet ad merchant or bruisers. To make sure the harbour town is in good spirit


Last night, the Cartel ventured out into the Barrens, to the lush jungle know as the Overgrowth.

Their goal was to solve an issue hindering one the Cartel’s many experimental business ventures by lending assistance to their valuable “Business partners”. The Bristleback Quilboar. It turned out that a murderous beast had been picking off stragglers and leaving grizzly displays strung up for the Quilboar to see. In the name of profit and improved relations, the Bilgewater operatives decided to lend a hand to hunt down this menace.

In the end, the “Slasher” turned out to be a young Saberon, trying to prove himself to his Pride by hunting the Bristleback and making trophies of his victims. Needless to say, the Cartel and their ally, Chief Tuskripper who obviously had a personal investment in the hunt, put an end to the Slasher.


But, the threat of these otherwordly predators remain. If this unproven cub could cause such terror, what will the true hunters of the Pride be like? The hunt continues.

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The Cartel hired one of it’s first proper mercenaries last night, and as a rite of initiation, almost immediately fell face first into a cave full of hostile memories and apparitions.

We also got to destroy a helmet containing untold power. Nobody’s done that before, right?

The past week and a half, the Cartel showed some impressionable folk around during their missions, all in the name of a highly irresponsible but lucrative PR stunt on behalf of our Board of Directors!


I joined Argent Dawn and this lovely guild a few weeks ago, already participated in a lot of different events and had a lot of fun! Great to be here.


Last night the Cartel headed out to a small goblin town to investigate an incident of a magically animated stone dragon terrorizing the area. Stone dragon? Ehh, don’t worry about it. It’s all under control.

Control indeed.
Not being COMPLETE idiots, the Cartel headed out in force, bringing a full squadrons worth of Spider Tanks for this dragon hunt.


The hunt was… Well. The Cartel did find the beast, after following a trail of destruction and it turned out bringing the tanks was the correct choice, as the stone beast engaged the Bilgewater operatives in a fierce battle. The battle was brutal, the dragon being blasted from all directions, tanks being tossed in the air by the stone monster’s claws, but as the Cartel started to finally turn the tide, the dragon escaped.

It was a mixed feeling as the dragon escaped the last few parting shots from the Cartel’s cannons. It feels good to make an enemy want to run for their lives, but… They got away.

The most important thing, however, is that the Bilgewater Cartel’s Win Streak is unsullied. And don’t you listen to anyone who says otherwise.

(Bonus: Foreman Gridcog in his personal Spider Tank. A decommissioned Anti Air model that lacks rapid fire action, but packs a punch. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/485034273724694538/974685730121064458/tankcommandergridcogSMALL.jpg )

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Following the footsteps of a runaway scientist of the Cartel, our brave goblins-and-others entered the Plaguelands, where the valiants of the Argent Crusade kindly provided them shelter for the time being!

Said scientist was eventually apprehended, and a quick trip was also had in order to deal with a stone dragon problem, but the Cartel is currently camping in Hearthglen still!

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I have some BAAAAAD memories about the Bilgewater Cartel camping in Hearthglen…

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Thank you, random human.


Don’t listen to this bozo, whom I have never seen nor met nor stolen from or kidnapped or caused any form of distress or harm towards.


You’re lucky the Argent Crusade are paying us right now or we’d SO make up another contrived plan to capture you again!


Only if I get to capture one of your Forsaken and leave him or her tied up in a stable again!

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This is the start of the Fifth War, I hope you know that.

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