Gold Making

its true, dancing generates a lot of gold.

Just remember that you are going to have good and bad days - just learn to accept those days as they are. Not every day nets proffit, and some days are going to rock wild, also if you like transmogs, mounts, and all that, it is nice to take a break from farming herbs and ores, and just goof around old places.

It is going to take time to get on feet. Set yourself some reachable goals per reset (not day, a reset !) and do not burn yourself out. Treat it as a small minigame within game. The psychological part of gold making is as important as actually making it.

I am personally trying to cope with Blizzards devastating saurus news and looking at my realm, maybe are some others. Because most certainly AH has started to gain more activity - also based on statistic on journal.

Journal, by the way, is a good tool to use. Especially when you want to understand your particular realm. Like today i found on off-realm that there is an alt of mine, and theres void of certain items not seen on realm for months, and there I went to see if my game time for this month comes from realm i dont play much these days. In other words - journal offers information that can be good for decision making. But also keep in mind - about journal that ‘deals’ often are just mis listed and mis priced items and are not actually selling deals.

edit : also I remembered there was this one and its a good guide for those, who want to get some starter gold :


There is 1 superior aspect of Alliance, we crush Horde in that field, roleplaying. Pleasure and entertainment is our job. :smile_cat:

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Professions give you nothing, gathering gives you nothing because of all the bots and boxers.

The only way to make any gold is to either farm the 2k emissaries on multiple alts, farm rare mounts or items and that’s about it.

This is why I got 43k today from cooking ?

nope, no. professions mean nothing. And then few trinkets from JC, and 2 mounts from engineering and blacksmithing.

Ssssh! professions are nothing !

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You must be a very good cook!

Gordon Ramsay of Boralus ! That selling article is mystery for me too, who on earth would pay 4300g for stack of THAT, but I do not ask… I just dish out goods and collect the coin.

Not looked my 2nd stash yet after i came in from town. I’ll log into game later and see.


If you want only a small sum to be able to buy I few stuff, follow what others said, old dungeons, mounts etc.
If you want a great amount of gold consistently then:

  1. Level up a druid to 120 and a monk to at least 110.
  2. Make a bank toon. Basically that is a toon at whatever level with the biggest bags and with access to it’s own guild bank.
  3. Download LootAppraiser, TSM and the TSM desktop app. (Need to register on the site)
  4. Start farming. There are virtually dozens if not hundreds of farms, so you might want to look up a few. I would personally suggest Silithus for a beginner if you can get a group and Zul’Farrak if you can’t. The real secret of farming is that you farm a wide variety of stuff from every expac.
  5. Start selling your stuff. Don’t be discouraged if your stuff does not sell immediately, once your reach around 1500-2000 posted items you will be on road.
  6. Run cancel scan as frequently as you can.
  7. Refill your sold stuff.

I did Leguna’s method for the transmog market a little bit back in late Mists or early WoD, I think, when I was interested in making gold. It didn’t work so well for me, but my realm is small, and I didn’t have the interest or the stamina to keep it up. As Leguna says, it only pays off when you have hundreds of items that you are listing and relisting, and you MUST have a price guide to know the price of EVERYTHING, especially which items are not worth listing at all. That was where TSM groups enabled me to do it at all, though.

IF you want to try this, Studen Albatroz is your model. Here’s his YouTube channel: - ignore his most recent videos, which are in Classic.

The advice to make at least one bank toon is a requirement for this. It’s the thing to do, in general, but there is simply no way to make transmog work without a separate character with its own bank and big bags.


I’m playing on a full realm server, and even here mere hundreds of items are not enough. Bolster it to a thousand at least. :smiley:

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Much Love for sharing :heart:

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Appreciated for making one - it does offer initial starting point for new or returning player and they can then go from there. It is good to have certain foundation or certainty before going into grander scheme of things.

For example one thing i would never from on old raids is SOO - its too slow. I always recommend people do less old raids, but on more characters. I.e. swift MOP/wod hc run with 2 characters (minus SOO and HFC mythic - unless you have unlocked port up) is quicker than do larger run with 1 character.

Sometimes I even skip last 2 on ToT (due some my characters not one shotting Lei Shen before he goes to the snailmode) or dont do last 2 on Foundtry because I cannot be bothered to close the furnace to ‘summon’ the boss, and instead go pick another character from army.

And meanwhile I go cook stuff :rofl:


I add this series from Wowhead that I had forgotten about.

It’s above my pay-grade, since I’ve been out of the loop all of BfA, but seems very sensible as far as I can tell.

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Hello guys,
I was wondering if anyone tried the mission table on an army of alt as a way to make input of gold.

It obviously provides less gold than any kind of trade with players & require a lot of alts to be profitable but …

While I have not done it myself long enought to have data on this: You get approximately 2 - 5 rep missions per day ( TODO: refine approximation). Each mission is roughly 500 rep if you get the bonus roll. Each 10000 rep you earn 3-5k gold ( there is multiple rep, but at some point your parangon bar will harmonize so while variance is high we can assume this value. To be more clear, some week you may get 0 cache so 0 gold, but another week you get all of them so JACKPOT !)

All of this while barely login twice a day on wow companion app, preferably at least once every 12h

However, It requires a bit of setup:

  • each alt will have to get exalted to all 8.0 faction before being profitable
  • to maximize gain you need all followers items who increase mission success, one cost war ressource, other is blacksmith craft
  • you need war campagin (until you get shandris/voss) on all alts, which take roughly an hour
    -You need to refill war ressources on alts when exhausted

But on the other hand emissaries will give both their normal reward & a big amount of rep that will be converted to parangon cache so gold. So if you do the 2k gold emissary (or war ressources) on each alt, it will be, on the long run, way more profitable if you are getting parangon cache out of it.

And cherry on the cake: I have heard rumors that mission table will be even more profitable but I am not sure … however when your AP is maxed out, mission table start giving way more gold … so by hitting the ceiling with alts in the end of the xpac gain should increase & your army will be ready to collect all the shinies !

So, I am not totally sure of what I propose, the huge question mark is how much parangon crate you get per week approximately … but it looks very promising

And yes, of course, trading with other players no match this solution entirely

EDIT: After a few days of testing it is clearly underwhelming for now … however next patch, if more profitable mission appears …

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When I was grinding for the rust bolt resistor (cba with longboi) cooking was my main moneymaker. My ally main who did the grind has his mechagon stuff sorted, those spare parts convert into dollars on the High if you use them for feasts. At the time I was selling them for 4k a feast easily and I had a crapton of boxes.

The sandwiches made from spare parts I was selling for decent money as well. At one point their price spiked and I started using my spare parts for them, and bought up all other sandwiches in the process. Over a few days I made about 80k in sandwich sales via my crafts and resells.

Cooking can be very profitable if you funnel all mats onto one cook. Many people cba to grind cooking. They need their mythic plus and raids food from somewhere. Be that somewhere and get rich in the process.

Same for healing pots. Flasks aren’t that great at mats to profit unless you get a lucky multi craft. Healing pots however are dirt cheap to make, always in demand and sell like hotcakes.

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