Gold Sellers auto-buying AH and reposting

There is currently gold sellers controlling prices on everything pertinent to endgame PVE/PVP. If anything gets posted under a certain threshold they buy it, and sit on it. They are locking Libram, Flask, Consume, and other items. Out of no where the cost of consume went up 50% and there is nothing to point at for this. The need for them hasn’t increased. Yes warriors are getting Head item this week so the cost of Voracity will go up a bit for non-lionheart warriors. The cost of flasks went from 150->200 for Titans over 1 day. Open world herbing is practically impossible with bots and gold sellers around the clock afking nodes, having toons logged out on them with herbalism - using eagle eye on there hunter to check and then log over. Can you please just hire people to do in-game GM work? Is paying some 23 year old with no college experience 18 bucks a hour that big of a threat to your profit margin? You could probably have 10 GMs handling all 3 servers on EU. It’s not hard to identify and investigate.

Is it a account with 340,000 gold and banks full of Lotus with constant gold trades and weird sales of high values insta buying everything off a your ordinary player who is raiding or pvping? Huh.

Gold buying is going to become a expectation for serious guilds. I will quit before that occurs.

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This does not prove that they are goldsellers unfortunately, merely that they trade in a high volume in this particular item. There are addons whom you can set up a buyout

This work has been handed down to the specialist anti-cheating team and is not part of the regular GM duties.

Being a professional at Blizzard is a serious career that also includes (long) training. You can see an example here: notwithstanding the amount of blame people already put on existing GM’s calling them “untrained bots”.

Most of the discussion was already held in your previous thread by my 3 posts.

Contrary to popular opinion, PVPVE is not the only activity in the game, but being a trading goblin is entirely legit. Ofcourse, that only covers the legitimate players.

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OP being unable to refute with a solid argument, instead preferring to personally attack a poster whose opinion they disagree with. That is a sign of a weak mind.

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your denying there is a gold seller and bot problem
do you even retain what you post
your shilling for gold farmers to be left alone. do you even play the game?

I did not, please do not twist my words.

I see you did not read my current and previous posts.

If you got concerns about them by all means report them ingame, publically attacking me doesn’t do anything here.

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Why do you think that.

MVP’s do not have moderation powers.

Your previous topic contradicts this:

In here we see another personal attack, by you which goes against our forum code of conduct.

At the ClassicWoW reddit I may remind you of “Rule 3: No witch hunts or brigading”.

haven’t logged in for weeks. Glad to see banning GDKP fixed the economy for everyone. Gl lmao

It’s called inflation. And sadly it happens because of botting, but i am talking about other bots, not those who farm black lotus or manipulating AH, but those mages that sitting in LBRS and generating 100 gold per hour each. /who blackrock spire mage, each of them generating 100 raw gold per h. You probably didnt play classic era, when there was a horrible situation with such bots (they farmed stratholme there but it was fixed and now they farming LBRS - but when they farmed strat it was the biggest inflation on era), and items cost like *5-10 times more then in classic. For example Greater shadow prot pot was 50g, essence of air around 100g. And when they banned all of those strat bots (before they finded a new dungeon) - prices on all consumables go down.

I did and I remember it. They do flood the AH with gold and put a incredible amount of gold onto the server that never goes away. Many of t hose doing it sell the gold, even players sell the gold sometimes.
I don’t remember Essence of Air 100g but that makes me believe it was a bunch of gold farmers botting the air eles in SIlithus.

No. When resource is botted it is cheap. Like robe of archmage pattern (that farmed by those bots LBRS) - check it price on AH - its around vendor price. When it was around 100g in classic. Price go up for resources that are not botted, because bots generate more raw gold. 90% of bots farming raw gold in dungeons

The only solution? Stop playing Classic, unsubscribe, it’s the one and only means of pressure that players have on Blizzard, the forums are not read and worse, you risk being banned by complaining or responding to the wrong people.

Unsubscribe, Classic is not Vanilla and is completely rotten to the core.