Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

https ://

Got a response on my five reports, now to see if they are unbanned in a week… I’ll keep an eye out and keep people updated.

Legally they can’t say, and it’s smart not to… Cause if I think they punished them severely, WoW can keep reaping money from their sub and I’ll think the problem is solved… I really hope that isn’t the case. I hope the people I pointed out get an actual punishment, and I’ll report 5 new ones today… even if the effect is minor.

I truly believe if it becomes a big enough inconvinience for them they’ll stop doing it.

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I honestly think the best move would be to make the game 18+. There’s no way that Blizzard will ever be able to ban all of the ERPers, and I honestly don’t feel like children as young as 16 should be playing a game like WoW in the first place.

But remember, the game is 16+. So if there’s anyone under 16, it’s not the games fault they are exposed to 16+ content but that childs parents. I just think that parents, or caregivers, should be more careful in what they let their kids on.

I’d never see my kid playing a game like WoW, regardless of if it had ERP or not, games that are massively multiplayer are breeding grounds for predators because its easier for them to go unnoticed.

I personally have never encounters ERPers that don’t ask your age before propositioning you for ERP. I think that so long as they’re keeping the ERP in whisper, and asking ages, I don’t see much harm in it. I myself prefer to not do ERP on WoW since it’s technically against the games terms of use.

It’s rated T for teen, as in 12-13 + will play it. I spent a few minutes in Goldshire last night and someone did a full fledged emote to me with no context describing her bare body and what she was doing to herself without me asking or in any way talking to said person… So clearly it does happen.

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ESRB/PEGI doesn’t rate online communities.
If they did, it would have been.

https ://

ok ERPer defending alt thanks for your input


They have rated it 12… So that’s clearly not true

Edit: World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade is rated 12 by BBFC, T by ESRB, 12 by PEGI and 12 by USK.

Hence the game is played by 12 year olds and above. Hence sexual content should be kept as FAR away from the public areas as possible, if it should even be allowed in the first places. I personally have no problem with consentual adults doing whatever they wish to do. My problem is when people openly potray it or display it everywhere like disgusting creatins, and whisper people sexual content with no context.

Games are only rated based on the content, not the community.

I’m not sure that’s true, but for the sake of argument we can say it’s true. 12 year olds are still playing the god-damn game, so it’s still wrong. No matter what way you look at it most sane human beings would agree on this point.

This isn’t like parents allowing kids to play or watch media that is rated far above what they can reasonably consume, and then being outraged about the content within. When children are exposed to adult content, of which they were never an intended or wanted audience, that’s a different matter and definitely a case for looking at why they were viewing it in the first place.

But this is a game that is rated at 12+. Teens are its audience as well. In knowing that, isn’t it fair that us adults make sure we don’t abuse that presence? No one likes being told we’re too old to play the game because some of us dared reach 30, so it’s equally rich to claim kids of 15 are too young for a game that is rated as being equally for them too.

However, yes, you’re right that when it comes to online groups like this parents and caregivers should be better aware. Equally, I can’t blame them for believing a 12+ rated video game is appropriate for their 14 year old girl.

That is why there is a Code of Conduct/Term of Service that states its forbidden.

AD needs a good kid praying hub tbh

Yea. And basically no enforcement. That’s why this thread exists :(… To solve that issue.

And just to hammer it in, it’s 11+ in Finland… There’s 11 year olds and probably kids younger who the parents see no problem letting play since it’s rated so low…

Imagine a 11 year old kid getting introduced to se-x from some old creepy guy on the internet who gets turned on by it.

Idk why I’m the only one losing my mind over this xd

Edit: A single child affected by this is too many, and idc whose fault it is. It shouldn’t happen.

Good thing those kiddos are often dropped on pvp/normal realms by default.

The creep should be dealt with because of obvious reasons, preferably the ‘assen’ incident style.

Now letting your kid engage in an online community is on its own something that raises an eyebrow.

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I agree with you there… Sadly it still happens, and that’s why these things should be contained…

Even if it’s the parents’ fault it’s still terrible that it happens, and if there’s anything to be done to stop it, that action should be taken… I think we all agree on that.

What people do in private or in whispers with people they know wish to participate doesn’t bother me… I only made this thread because of the example above, and some other people randomly asking me to make them… You know what… As the start of a conversation in whispers… Like these people have no concept of the fact that children are playing this game (Or they’re turned on by it), and that’s what bothers me.

Yeah, I sometimes used to get those unsolicited whispers as well.
The request to tape her flaps to her arms and take like the winds wasn’t well received.

They’re also total losers to boot, imagine begging someone to write back and forth shoddy at best ‘explicit’ texts while rubbing your underwear and furiously tapping that lay down button because you are to insecure to go to that one Hub on the internet that caters more to your needs.

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Okay. I’m literally facepalming.

The Gamemaster said he took care of the instances, yet I see the very same person with the exact same TRP standing right here with her description about how she’ll ride ur **** For gold and do anything you wish.

Literally nothing was done about it… Great job Gamemaster.

She literally has 4 paragraphs describing her characters ****…


Also, include Screenshots if its about TRPs, since GMs probably don’t use that addon.

Maybe they gave the person a chat silence?

Honestly doubt it. And what would that fix? She still has paragraphs about wanting to ride people’s **** and describing her ****…

In her god-damn TRP. Nothing was done about it. Literally 0

I’m starting to think Blizzard actually doesn’t do anything about it and just pretends to, lol.

GM says he dealt with the issue, and thanked me. Literally did nothing.

I’m looking at the very player as I type. “It was dealt with”… Sure it was…