Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

They don’t use Addons (probably) therefore they don’t see TRPs, which have a special report button.

I wondered when lilynore showed up.

So why are you in a party with her again?

I am not? I’m targetting her to make the screenshot.

you sure that aint the Friendlist Blue?

Oh yes it is. I add everyone I report so I can see if they stay around.

Updated imgur so that it doesn’t display her name anywhere:

Please don’t click if u don’t want to see very terribly written sexual content
https ://

I know this is a serious topic. But here is my absolutely unnecessary review of that text:

  1. 2.05 meters does not exist. It’s 205 centimeters or 2,05 meters. Which would make her the normal average size for a draenei.

  2. The sitting part does not happen with the legs.

  3. What if my character is not mesmezired by dancing? Forcing the feeling what my char has much.

  4. “Making you can’t take your eyes off her” is powergaming. Also the correct sentence would be: “Having the effect of not being able to take your eyes off her”.

  5. Speaking in first and then third person is strange. Keep to one. Either “He - She” or “You - Me”.

  6. Remove “can” and replace it with “do”.

  7. How do any characters know that her smell is from Draenor and not any other place?

  8. Why do all girls think big breasts = good? Also why is it D sized? It’s somehow always D sized.

  9. Get fitting armor then.

  10. Thanks for the headsup. That’s her only hobby? Jeez. That must be boring.

  11. Because* not “becouse”.

  12. Forcing my character into situations again with the “staring into her eyes” thing, huh?

  13. The earrings information is about the most useless. Why would I want to know that?

  14. “Worgen’s”. It’s worgen. There is no S at the end and no '.

I rate this profile a solid 2/10. The change between third person and first person is pretty strange and there are too many errors in the sentences built.

Why did you post a screenshot of this again? We all know what kind of profiles exist there. No need for it.


So far, two of the five people he supposedly “dealt with” are back in action today
(Online) So 0 was done about any of the TRP lewdness. Literally nothing. Reporting people seems useless, even if you go through all the correct steps.

My assumption is that nobody was banned for it, and that the rest are coming on later in the night.

you can put an emphasis on that.

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For our entertainment, I guess?

Btw, could anyone inspect me on check-pvp? I want to show my friend that I have more people checking me out than he does. Missing one check right now.


I was very much entertained by reviewing that profile.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

There you go.

it might not even be that long
the one instance i know of had the player get banned for only 72 hours for inappropriate trp content

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What a joke.

This´ll go on for as long as Pet Peeves… eugh.

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Think Goldshire needs a bit of that Teldrassil tanning salon experience


The day Blizzard does -anything- about this issue, is the day I start believing game companies aren’t just about money, but actually care about their consumers or what’s right to some degree. Right now I’m not convinced.

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Companies -are- all about money, that’s their driven motive at the end of the day. If they don’t return a profit year-on-year, they lose investor confidence and get shuttered or sold. Being amicable to consumers is usually done with the intent to monetise that good will down the line.

As for the game’s confusing 12+ rating while the online interaction is unrated [neither ESRB or PEGI has ever rated online interactions]; this is why the game has parental controls and an expletive filter.

Parental controls can limit interaction with the in-game chat system up to, and including disabling it entirely, and the current iteration of it was introduced some time after the last time potential grooming issues became an uncomfortable media topic for Blizzard.

Here’s what it looks like at the moment, for reference:

Interesting. I was not aware of these capabilities. It however doesn’t change a kids availability to addons or TRP. And most kids are just given the game since it’s rated low, and then the parents don’t actually pay attention after that… It’s sad, but it’s reality. And I think we and Blizzard have to deal with reality.

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I’m reasonably sure TRP’s information-sharing capacities do get disabled if parental controls have chat disabled, but I’d have to double-check to be certain. I’ve asked the addon developers for clarification.