Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

Rather passive pro-ERP defense there, just because there’s some controls on the potential victims’ side of things doesn’t mean we should tolerate this kind of behavior in our server.

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This is a violation of the Code of Conduct and you risk a ban as per

Hardly a defense, more an explanation of the current status quo.

I’m all in favour of raising another stink in media if it brings about better means to limit explicit content of all varieties in communities that’re supposed to be 12+ friendly, be it sexual, violent, politically extreme or otherwise.


Would you describe someone openly talking about putting genitalia into sauce jars as explicit material?


Does ancient and wise elves sticking their privates in hot sauce really disrupt your immersion?


Does that extend to members and (I believe potentially even officers) in your own guild?


What ends up being considered explicit material is ultimately up to the GM reviewing the material reported, but sure.

I’d also argue graphic descriptions/displays of torture, physical and/or mental abuse, executions, political extremism would fall under explicit material, but thus far that hasn’t been considered explicit by GMs.

It sure does! I’m not about to dispute that it could be a bannable offense, I’ll leave that up to the GM who’ll handle the tickets posted about it.

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Yes, but are YOU as the guild master going to do anything about it?

Or is lukewarm forum posting, tweets at Blizzard CS and vague references to GM tickets as far as it goes for The Frozen Paw Clan?


The person in question has indeed been issued a warning.


All of these have been depicted in game before (besides the graphic part, which everyone should steer away from too.)

Saucy :eggplant: time has no place in the lore/game.


A warning?

Well, I suppose it’s something, well done. :clap:

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Explicit material can also be considered vulgar/inappropriate language in the public channels.

Ngl, but there was quite an abundance of that and you most definitely do not need a GM to tell you that it isn’t ok.

Agreed - but then I have also seen explicit references to politically extreme events and attitudes from the real world like political purges of a 1940s infamous regime invoked over the years, which has usually been judged not a CoC violation after review.

Just the same when someone is called or referred to as a [member of the german worker’s party] or any number of slurs in public channels, CS just doesn’t enforce the CoC very well at the moment. Here’s to hoping they invest on that end at some point.


Agreed, calling people social democrats is a step too far. Wish Blizzard would do something against it.


Isn’t this literally the current Horde storyline with Saurfang et al?

I however have not witnessed Sylvanas talking to Baine about what it feels like to use condiments inappropriately.


If someone did something explicit - that doesn’t justify the fact that you can be pardoned for something less* explicit.

*depends on the point of view, btw.

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It is implicitly, and the game’s story is one that contains a lot of implicit references that it can get away with because the targets aren’t human characters, I figure.

Edit: Indeed, I don’t think the game even features the word “genocide” anywhere despite the copious amount of examples there are of it, it’s only brought up in War Crimes.

There’s a lot of other horrors like sexual violence, but it’ll very delicately tiptoe or sidestep any outright reference to it actually being such, see Garona’s introduction in Chronicles 2 or Lantresor’s presentation in BC.

I agree - I’ve done my part and issued a warning; the person has expressed their agreement that what they did was wrong. If a GM rules it’s a CoC break, then there’ll be a ban on top of that.


Take screenshots, report

Dont u kink shame aerilen


I kinkshamed Aerilen the Butcher of Southshore in my soulful Classic days when he didn’t even exist yet…