Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

HREH. that’s the decimator of dun morogh to u kidda…

lmao don’t refer like that to me, the purger of durotar

So that’s why Durotar is a so arid…

Can you forward the issue of trial accounts using TRP for aforementioned practices and using TRP as a work around for certain restrictions?

For example communicating with people outside the trial restrictions through TRP.

I think their response to inappropriate TRP content was to add the flag mature + report button in the first place.

I’m not too sure what they’d be able to do about trial accounts beyond disabling/strictly limiting the addon for trial accounts, but I can ask.

Safe to say it doesn’t really help since people would just set up new accounts and repeat.

Much appreciated.

Sadly that doesn’t matter either… Since the people I report with screenshots and everything are still not banned… Even though the GM claimed he “Dealt with it.”
The same people still stand around Goldshire with the exact same messages in their TRPs.

They literally do nothing about it, even if you go through the horrible process of reporting people, gathering screenshots and waiting 48 hours for a reply, the GMs literally don’t care. It’s a full on joke. Never expected a GM to do zero about it.

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Don’t you guys get completely bored of having this conversation over and over given that every time it is had it leads to nothing but a lot of impotent bickering? This stuff isn’t going to change, ever, stop uselessly frustrating yourselves over it, in the grand scheme of things, it is barely important. Even in the grand scheme of the server it is barely important.

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I happen to disagree. I’m not one to quit on things just because apathy is the main emotion of people nowadays. If I believe something is wrong, I’ll keep putting effort in to try and change things. Accepting things being bad and just living with it has never changed anything. Nobody with such an attitude never did anything of note. Except maybe write books about how apathy is great.

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Pretty noble minded. That sorta energy is porlly best spent outside a videogame I reckon. Where it might have some traction and noticeable effects to the people that need it. It is wasted on AD because you are not going to change what goes on in Goldshire. Limit TRP’s, ban people, this and that, people will go around it if they really want to stick into that community, always have and always will. The entire Anti-ERP vocal contingent of this server won’t change this, it’s not a point of apathy, it’s just the reality.

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thank you for your input ERP defending alt


I disagree. But thank you for sharing your view. I have enough energy for both doing my best to change things in the real world and ingame. ^.^

Apathy is a waste of energy. Change is what energy is for. Both ingame and irl.


The issue is that if someone really wanted to be protective of the children they’d not involve their erotic antics in a video game I feel. That’s the issue. Video game communities can change lives.

But then again. Combatting it is hard.


To have any effect you would most likely need to gather a giant group or guild dedicated to reporting people for something like a month straight at least. If Blizz gets reports from 20-30+ people each day for that long they might MIGHT do something.
You have that kinda dedication, go ahead, I don’t. I’ve spent long enough on the internet and in various games to know it’s only a matter of time before the tone stops being PG. I’m fine with simply pressing block like I do in other games when people act out.

It is time for Perroy to make a PSA in the PCU discord ain’t it…

Jokes aside. I agree.

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Maybe if that’s the answer, that’s what I’ll end up doing. But I’m trying many different routes. Does sound interesting however, and if any such groups exist I’d definetly not mind helping out.

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People oft mention the children in these scenarios. It would be interesting to see any hard data on how many kids are on this server and how many of that subsection of the AD player base is affected by this. Some things might be done better if the evidence was there to back up that belief, but I’ve never seen it beyond peoples own word.

Well, I happen to know I started playing RP servers as a 12 year old myself. That is enough evidence for me, personally… To know that kids play these things. I don’t believe I am a unique snowflake and that I’m the only kid to ever stumble upon a roleplay server. Luckily for me, things weren’t as bad back then… But now… If someone like me stumbled upon WoW… I just pray to god (Whom I don’t believe in) that they avoid the weirdos somehow.

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Aye but that’s only anecdotal evidence isn’t it? It’s very specific to just you, it doesn’t aid in much to get the ball rolling behind a big movement like cleaning up goldshire on AD.

Yes it is. One kid is too many, you’d only need to prove the existance of a single child on AD for it to be a relevant problem. I already know one. I think most people agree subconsciously that children shouldn’t have to see erotic profiles everywhere they go. And they should be able to level through Goldshire without having to see descriptions of people’s erotic fantasies. They can keep those in private. Even adults shouldn’t have to see those lol.