Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

A head’s up; GMs generally don’t take screenshots into account since these can be fabricated, no need to waste the effort there.

The best you can do, if it’s TRP, is use the in-built report feature (it’ll send the text content of the description along with the report), or if it’s speech in channels, right-click the player name and click “report for language”.

If you don’t have either option, report the player name, server, zone and rough timestamp of when the conduct occurred, that shows them where to look in the server chat log for it.

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I agree. But then again, while that’s true, it’s just more safe to do it in another environment. But it’s not something you can actively combat unless the community is 100% against it actively too.

And so. There are people who have met one another irl ( so they can confirm they are over 18) and ERP (or so I heard 4 years ago), but they don’t do anything in public. There’s all kinds of weird and confusing and interesting and toxic and whatnot stuff on AD.

Yet, the thing is, there won’t be a movement against this kind of stuff unless the already fractured RP community comes together and reports together. Which is very unlikely.

I think people might just surprise you.

There’s this thing where people wait for the first one to act before participating. You just need a few people to start, and have people know they’re doing it… And people will join in and help out.

People are not selfish prickkos. They do see the bigger picture in most cases… Especially if they see others acting in ways they agree with.

Edit: Nobody helps a car crash victim if the first person doesn’t start. If someone falls over in the street, most people walk by untill the first person starts helping, then everyone suddenly jumps in and wants to help.

Same with riots. Nobody riots untill there’s a riot planned and someone actually starts.


As far as I understand it there is an issue within the terms of service that people often bring up as well. The game is +12 yes but with a rather specific tag line of ‘Online interactions not rated’ . Given that the +12 age rating only extends to the contents of the game they themselves have authored and written, I’m not even sure what they’re standing on mass banning people who ERP would be. You see enough racists or generally trans, or other kind of phobic talk going among the raiding and PVP playerbase and that is oft just ignored aswell.

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They do infact have a strict no-ERP in public policy… As you can see on the countless GM interractions people have had with them. They do not accept any form of eroticism in the open or where it’s visible to everyone. I’m not sure what their stance is on what people do in private whispers, but the GMs I have spoken to do say that Erotic content is against the ToS, and they will ban people if reports come in.

Defending ERP as acceptable on WoW is a broken proposition. The GMs don’t condone it, neither does the company, as per the ToS and the countless people who have already gotten banned for wrongful conduct.


Yeah but that’s the goldshire stuff. I asked a GM once about harassment and erp. They said you’re not allowed to erp in public channels in the world of warcraft (I assume public is say, emote, yell and general trade and all). They said that if someone is harassed into erp or just in general harassed, no matter the channel, the harasser may be punished.

But then again they also redirected me to the legislation department of blizzard and told me it’s not 100% that they might respond.

Frankly, I feel at this point actually getting people to make a habit of reporting/blocking explicit profiles/chats and moving on would have way more positive effect than these bi-monthly therapeutic moral panics and outing/harassing people (which can do actual, tangible harm).
The “think of the children” is a bit facetious as well, since those proverbial children’s online safety is responsibility of their parents and Blizzard first and foremost, and they are far better equpped at dealing with it than a community driven by short bouts of outrage.
What you can reliably do to help their safety, is to screen your discords and groups so that under-18 people are not exposed to the ridiculous toxic/radical crap that sometimes happens there, but I don’t see anyone ever talk about that :man_shrugging:


Interesting. I’ve not heard of many folks banned for it in my time over the server, but that does make sense. Especially if it is directed in a way that could be perceived as abusive. I still stand by my original point however, even if it is publicly banable it doesn’t seem the overlords of blizzard are putting much on a conscious effort into doing much about it. I don’t think this stuff is going to be changed and I think it’s rather exhaustive to try, in the end I reckon it will only end in disappointment for those that do.

If I wasn’t on 2% on my phone I’d give the screenshots.

Also @Emberblast I agree. Parents should be more involved.

It’s even more a waste of energy to tell people not to waste energy over and over again.

Clearly some people do care about the issue and are gonna try to do something about it, regardless of how much you think it’s a waste. You pointing out it’s a waste is a waste, if it’s a true statement… Which I don’t think it is.

I think people should start reporting way more on the issue as a start. Maybe guilds have to be made to work against this, And Blizzard have to some way or another get more involved with the process aswell.

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This is AD. Sadly, not always a place where that happens. (Consistently)

Not telling anyone anything, just stating my opinion, as everyone else in the thread is.

Suppose you are… Just find it contradicting that you participate in something you find it pointless to do anything about. Just seems like a waste of time for you.

If I misunderstood anything I appologise.

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It’s only anecdotal but a surprising amount of the people that I roleplay with state that they’re under the age of eighteen, and some of them are pretty great roleplayers as well. From my experience, minors certainly play on this server and certainly participate in roleplay, and they shouldn’t be exposed to adult content that’s inappropriate for this game.

Hard numbers can’t be acquired. It’s best to simply stick to the Code of Conduct at all times and refrain from any sort of potentially offensive and/or vulgar interaction, including ERP, in order to avoid potentially causing offence and behaving inappropriately towards/around children.

Opens the door for a lot more policing of what people say and do to be watched out for, and to have those folks then punished. If your code of conduct as a role-player needs to be appropriately matched to fit the 12+ rating of the game than more than just sexual RP needs to cleaned up. There is quite a large amount of RPers who go much to hard on gore, themes of abuse, themes involving issues with mental health, self harm, substance abuse, racism, fascism, the list goes on and on, even RPers who swear far to much. If you want to clean up the dirty pool that is AD to abide by a code of conduct that is deemed safe for underage players to interact with, you can’t focus on just one murky corner.


So because Blizz and parents are the first step in keeping them safe, anyone else that’s concerned is facetious?

What a wacky argument.

As correct as you might be, I’d argue that impropriety around and towards minors is much more severe than the other issues that you’ve mentioned. People should be much more reserved with those offensive and vulgar themes you’ve mentioned, but the safety of minors is more important.

My point in part is that these things are also harmful to minor or underage players are exposed to them. That you have to focus on all the areas where a role-players behavior might be damaging to a younger player than just one.

I do.

Sadly, your lukewarm deflection falls apart as soon as someone is willing to commit to that. : )

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These themes are also harmful to adults.
Lot of people that strugle here with themes like sexuality, mental issues, abuse of any kind.