Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

Well it seems you’re the only one so far derailing the conversation. Clearly you are in defense of nothing happening, that is what you would prefer.

Else you would not be here, trying to make nothing happen.

Stop derailing the thread with stuff that is not relevant to the discussion. You’ve made your point.



Yo, can u guys stop trying to pretend ur me? I know I’m famous and all, but please…


This isn’t a new tactic mate. You and many others on this server do it, you try to disable my points by just crying ERP at me, the content of the points don’t matter to you, because you’ve already decided why I am making them. Another reason why nothing gets done.


No… I understand your argument. And most of your first points were fine…

But bringing in seperate issues just adds things to the original topic that aren’t covered by it, making it a bigger issue for no reason.

We’re not talking about violence, we’re not talking about baking, we’re not talking about raiding mythic. This thread is about ERP and the like purely.

Please stay on topic. Else you’re just spamming and derailing the topic hoping it will get closed. Which is against forum policy.

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Neither is your attempt to shift the goalposts to violence in RP, or your attempt to go “haha well it’s just part of the game x3”.

Maybe if you didn’t make an (I can only assume) active effort to make Goldshire this totally normal inevitable thing, I wouldn’t treat you like you’re making an active effort to make Goldshire this totally normal inevitable thing.

If it looks like an ERPer, and argues like an ERPer, it’s probably an ERPer.

oh look, it’s a Serpent Sisterhood member. Imagine my shock!

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Very well instead of crying erp i simply doubt your understanding of the impact both sexual content and violent content.

Yea. I do agree that both of these are an issue. They’re sadly not both relevant to this thread.

If people wish to get rid of violence in videogames, they can make a seperate thread. It is not the issue on this thread however.

I am all for discussion in all matters, but bringing in seperate topics under this topic only makes the conversation less productive. And I can only assume that is the goal when people start spamming the same topic over and over again.

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What have I argued is part of the game?

This thread isn’t about you. Unless you’re a pedo, in which case it is.

Stay on topic.

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You’ve repeatedly objected against the idea of doing anything about ERP, and encourage Goldshire to remain as it is.

just to pick a recent example.

Anyway, shouldn’t you be well on your way to making that thread about the issues of violence in RP by now?

(also, weird that this isn’t the first time that you’re complaining about people protesting ERP, isn’t that weird? So weird.)

Violence isn’t really the issue, running around collecting heads, building abominations and what not.

Trying to treat it equally as, ERP but mostly the underlying tones such as predatory behaviour, insecurities regarding oneself etc. etc.

Yes that may indeed be… whacky.


I’m gonna ignore that little two-person argument about this person trying to derail the conversation and respond to this instead.

Yes. Predatory behaviour is generally bad, we all agree on that.

We also all agree that sex doesn’t have to be displayed publically. It’s not a thing that is needed, so why have it there?

It belongs in private, keep it there. Whatever people do in whispers or whatever doesn’t bother anyone else. But what you display and run around doing in the open, kinda needs to be restricted to a certain degree, so other people can enjoy their time too.

Personally I have made it a rule to report at least 3 quite obvious TRPs a day, but the report system is kinda flawed. So it takes a bit longer… If others would join in keeping the server clean of this I would appreciate it greatly.

IF just 5 people did the same, we’d actually have quite a hold on the problem.


I mean if I have to be clear. Goldshire is not a good place, public erp is not good, and predatory behavior is not good. But I think you’re misunderstanding still Tehya. You cannot deny that this server has been over this exact same forum bickering on this matter over and over again, and nothing has changed. Why is it going to be any different this time? It won’t. In a two weeks time this will be a forgotten topic again, and in a months time it will be a fresh argument without anything new being said by either party. Being blunt about the reality of the situation, being apathetic towards it, perhaps I am, but it’s not exactly without reason, given it’s a situation that never changes as long as I have been on this server.

Then, again, why are you in this thread? Why are you trying to promote apathy?

This is just sad my dude, at least make a remote effort to think up an excuse for your obvious nature.

So all you have to add is that you have no intention of adding anything to the conversation except things that might stop progress.

Sigh. The fact that this has been brought up in the past is absolutely irrelevant aswell. If you don’t want to further this conversation, please leave it for the people who actually want to… And maybe we could get somewhere.

Edit: Please stop responding to this person unless she brings up something relevant to the thread. It will derail the thread and it will be closed.


ye ok fair enough, it’s just going in circles anyway :ok_hand:



So what I propose is that people start reporting ERPers. I just need like 5 other people reporting a few people per day, and it will become enough of an annoyance to make a little difference. Feel free to add my char…

I’ll add my alliance char’s name that I use for reporting here in a sec:


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Because you’re wasting you time, and as the original creator of this thread you’ve done nothing but run over the same ground other people have before, and stirred up the seem heated arguments people have before, and in the end, it will have been for nothing because it won’t come to any change. As for Tehya, you’re as much an issue in threads such as these as me I’d say, you’re very ready to go digging and aim for personal attacks than considering what a person is saying and from what point they might be saying it from. In any case I’ve said all I want to by now, good luck in your attempts.

If anyone would like to help in trying to solve this issue. I’m gonna try to gather a bunch of people together, and just basically show that we are doing something to fix the issue.

If we’re lucky we might change things, if not then nothing is really lost.

Add and whisper Sylariá if you wish to help. I’ll be reporting most evenings.

Edit: Found a few people willing to help. We’re creating a guild as we speak to keep check on Goldshire ERP on alts. It’s a start. I’ll type here when the guild name and everything is settled. It won’t be a very serious guild, just to chill on alts and clean up the server a bit.

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