Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

I don’t even know what Vice is. I doubt the site is big enough for anyone to notice.

This. And times are different now. I’ve seen smaller games shut down for reasons such as this.

Edit: Public outrage control sales nowadays.

Wouldn’t mind if Goldshire got purged of public ERP’ers and weirdos hanging there. I’m of the mind that I do not care for what people do in private as long as its kept that, private. But when people go solicit people to j/o or whatever I draw the line, because hot damn its creepy and annoying to get unwanted unsolicitized whispers like that.

And yeah, some people in those circles do not care for your age IRL, I got wrangled into ERP at the age of 14 despite saying no (: and not knowing better, thank heck for being told to go to bed and people telling me to report the guy, never saw him after and good riddance, may your account be banned and rot in there.

TLDR keep your ERP out of the game or in private with people you know and don’t hecking go ask people for it, or better yet just don’t
Inb4 nonces come to defend ERP.


It should because its against the ToS.


It did? well screw it, lets do it again , everyone loves a sequel. Terminator 2, Gears of War 2, Empire strikes back, Halo 2.

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So a lot of people have been saying, here and in other places, that ERP in general is against the ToS… so I tried to look that up.

First of all, there is no “Terms of Service” for WoW, or for anything Blizzard as far as I could tell. So the name is mistaken to begin with.

There is a general EULA:

This seems mostly concerned with legal stuff, don’t pirate the game, intellectual property, etc.

There is a Code of Conduct:

This seems to contain the rules for how you are expected to behave in the game in general.

I’ve also found references to a “Role Playing Policy”, which I do recall existing myself from the vanilla days… but I can’t seem to actually find it anywhere. I’ve found links to dead Blizzard pages though, which seems to indicate this used to be a thing, but was since abandoned.

These are all the rules and legal documents I can find pertaining to in-game behavior. I’m struggling to find any reference to anything mature, sexual or just erotic in these… so could anyone point out for me where ERP is banned? Am I missing some rules somewhere? Am I not reading these right?

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Extreme Sexuality / Violence

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

Refer to extreme and/or violent sexual acts
Refer to extremely violent real life actions

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be permanently banned from the forums

Obscene / Vulgar

This category includes both clear and masked language in posts, signatures, and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

Are an inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions
Are pornographic in nature

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

While these repercussions may seem harsh, we feel very strongly that this behavior has no place on the forums due to its extremely offensive and inappropriate nature.

This category includes language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

Are a mildly inappropriate reference to human anatomy or bodily functions
Are otherwise considered objectionable
Bypass the Mature Language filter

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Are just few examples mentioned when it comes to the forum, I think it is quite similar to the in-game rules as well.

Edit: this one seems to cover in-game stuff but it is very shallow.

I did find this document; as you said, it pertains to the forums, not in-game interactions, so it doesn’t apply in the first place. If these rules apply in-game, I have found no indication of such.

The same link is in my original post. As you say, it’s quite brief, and doesn’t really touch on the issue.

You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language.

This part is the bit that is most likely relevant to ERP. Of course, “could be offensive or vulgar” or “obscene” are all subjective terms that aren’t defined anywhere else. To me this seems more like a prohibition against swearing than anything; would that mean ERP is okay as long as you call it lovemaking?

EDIT: This also makes no distinction between private and public chats or emotes. I get the feeling the distinction between these is more a GM policy than a hard rule. Generally public expressions are scrutinized more harshly, I guess.

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It really sucks how shallow they are in their description on stuff touching in-game I mean this is their old ‘‘description’’.

B. Rules Related to “Chat” and Interaction With Other Users. Communicating in-game with other Users and Blizzard representatives, whether by text, voice or any other method, is an integral part of the Game and the Service and is referred to here as “Chat.” When engaging in Chat, you may not:

(i) Transmit or post any content or language which, in the sole and absolute discretion of Blizzard, is deemed to be offensive, including without limitation content or language that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, sexually explicit, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, nor may you use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the content and language restrictions listed above;

This one actually has an explicit prohibition of “sexually explicit” communication, which I would say is fairly specific.

Where is this from? I assume it’s an older, no longer enforced document, but I’m still curious. A guy linked it there, it is from the old TOU formated they had a blue later confirmed it to be correct by the following post.

Oh, nice!

I think this might be where people get the whole “it’s against the ToS” line they keep repeating. There is no ToS anymore, and there isn’t an explicit ban in the current policies (arguably), but a lot of people probably still got the idea from that era and just stuck with it.

So what you’re telling us is ERP is “legal” now? I think I just Vomited in my mouth.

Except the blue post states “If you see inappropriate language, emotes, etc… please submit an in-game petition reporting that character(s).”.

It is against the rules of the game as confirmed by blue posts

The old ToS has been folded into the Code of Conduct which is more or less the same thing


When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

I have had a GM that I was contacting for something completely different recognise my name & thank me before for posts / reports I’ve made

I don’t know if you honest believe World of Warcraft has no rules now because they effectively changed what the document is called or if this is some oh c-cogs posting

The big problem with reporting ERP is really trial accounts - you can use TRP to largely bypass the text restrictions and cyber away without paying a dime + have no fear of being banned because you can make a new WoW account in about 4 minutes flat

I think Blizzard needs to stop addons working on unpaid accounts or something - if lvl 1 trial draenei could no longer advertise their goods via TRP, Goldshire would see at least some improvement

edit: though there is no RP rules document available now, that stuff is also enforced as far as I’m concerned - you just need to have several people report it

Two jokers recently tried to do the old yell OOC / stand on roleplayers with mounts routine but weirdly vanished for an hour after we reported them

These two players spent the next three days with “MUTED BECAUSE OF THE EVIL PCU…” in their TRPs

Owned t b h




Fun isn’t something one considers when reporting trolls and erpers. But this…


… does put a smile on my face.


I read the title as “Goldshire kid praying hub” and thought the thread would be about those creepy NPC kids in Goldshire.


If anyone wants proof:


Forwarding the trial acc issue to the TRP team doesnt sound like a bad idea either.