Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

One thing I don’t get is why’re you posting text pasted into pastebin instead of screenshots.


What a terrible snipe.

Learn to format links on this forum and re-calibrate your targets.


dunno what all this weird stuff you posted is, but unrepentant paedophile erpers do actually deserve to be shamed.


Its been going on in Goldshire forever ,its not new, I remember way back in Vanilla when I was level whatever doing the candle quests around Goldshire some gnome approached my character and asked for something to be licked and no it wasn’t a stamp for putting on a letter, I reported them.

What do you want the Big B to do, employ people to monitor every players chat logs? There is a report function in game, use it and report the player, its up to the big B to then take action where they see it needs to be taken. If a player in a game chats/does something with someone who is underage which is illegal then it’s a matter for the law to deal with, This is not a problem unique to Wow it is a problem in all online games and social media in general. The internet is a dangerous place for kids to be left to venture into unsupervised, parents have to take responsibility to know what their children are doing and parents and schools need to educate them to the dangers of being online and how to deal with predators . Parents also need to assess the games their kids have access to and that they are suitable for them to play unsupervised.



I think it’s no trouble / funny for me but pretty embarassing for the guy you’re referencing for sure

I don’t think out-of-game art is covered in the ToS

It’s something I will laugh at loads (as I did and people should with my musky husky friend in question) but don’t care about as an issue (though I don’t think I would let someone have that kind of stuff directly related to a character in one of my guilds that’s accessible because that’s GROSS !!!)

I’m really kind of an unpleasant gamer so it’s always crazy to me that the biggest snipes people can throw at me are like these

re. that big wardrums log it makes me smile that the conclusion of the conversation is cut out, but -

In the PCU there are certainly some people who used to ERP, because that’s the point - being rude about ERP isn’t about owning people it’s about shifting a culture (and I think this thread when compared to MoP threads of a similar tone shows that that’s not been too unsuccessful)

I think the revelation that I was once an incredibly edged out politics forum browser isn’t going to shock anyone out here, either. After all, Stormbinder is one of my best friends and I have to put up with him somehow

I will never lose that power, king (until I am officially banned from playing video games forever at the age of 30)

In fact I am exercising it now by forcing you to altpost


Calling perroy a doo doo head would have more impact…

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Mari’tzuToday at 17:44
Only underage people should be allowed to look at underage p o r n.

what the heck :weary:


That’s a yikes from me

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aight imma head out

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You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language.

There you go, this easily covers all the greasy “role play”, honestly you took a really weird and also really bad approach to essentially stating that in your opinion ERP is based and okay to do but that is you, king, and I will instantly report you (and any other ERPer) caught :O)



Well, this is really sad, but unfortunately not unheard of.

ERP on AD is hardly a novelty, but at this point the phenomenon attracts so much weirdness that I’m sure it really impacts the image and experience of the server.

I mean, sometimes I wonder if I should invite my friends, colleagues or gf to WoW, or even mention that I do role-play there. Then things like the exposed ERP (aswell as certain toxic aspects of the community) really set me off that path. It’s really sad that argent dawn isn’t a community i’d recommend to my friends.

I’m fine when people keep it in private, but these type of attitudes degrade social hubs. Perhaps spreading awareness -out- of WoW is what we should do. Make people know what goes on.

Tehya may take my horse to the stables for i am done.

Taking a shot at someone with a gun you cant handle is how you mis and slam yourself with the recoil.

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That’s really one of the big problems - if you search “wow rp” or w/e on youtube, 99% of the videos are xD poggers goldshire in ERP pepega!!!

People will avoid coming to RP (or worse come for the wrong reasons) because of that

Like 50% (?) of the server are humans and the first town they come across is Goldshire. It’s just not epic TBH kings

Agree with point b at least

Damn … am I becoming a draeneiposter? Aughhh


The thing about Goldshire that grinds my gears is that it’s what a lot of people outside of WoW RP or WoW all together believe roleplay is mostly about and is the central hub (if not the only hub) for roleplay in the server.

That is why you have a lot of YouTube videos right now with shocked pog champs on the video tags that are solely based in Goldshire. It gives WoW roleplay and roleplay in general a bad reputation and it’s probably the top reason why people mock roleplayers in WoW in the first place.

Go ahead, look up “WoW RP” and observe the first page, I’m not kidding you.

Post above pretty much beats me to it.

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sounds like an erper’s post… wacky!! big P has never made it a secret that there’s some ex-freaks in the PCU gang, I’m pretty sure.

As he says, that’s the point. Putting the “ex-” in “ex-freaks”.


Yes. I often tried to laugh upon these things and /ignore them, but after a while they’re becoming somewhat pervasive and well, as I said, it really sets off a terrible image of what WoW RP should be about.

Outside of the RP community, people begin to think that World of Warcraft RP is essentially Goldshire ERP and well, honestly I can’t blame them.

I miss the times in which Goldshire was a hub for lollers, sons of Illidan and Med’ans wannabe.


If people want to get their rocks off they can use a means that doesn’t involve a game that children can and do play. No ifs ands or buts (or butts).

Allowing one covers for the other.

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There’s definitely a difference, and one is indeed far more tolerable (not to mention nearly undetectable), but it either way still feeds into something that’s just unhealthy to the overall culture of an RP community. Like, people have breakdowns because NSFW channels get removed from discords, it’s crazy.

I definitely have far less of an issue with people who keep it private, but nontheless it’s still something that just shouldn’t be done tee bee entirely H. But, like I said, if it’s kept private it’s virtually undetectable anyway.


I agree that ERP in general isn’t very healthy, but my viewpoint is that having zero tolerance makes more ill than good. Overall it’s more likely to have people join you when you try to be reasonable with them than when you don’t.

Some people might disagree, but it’s the viewpoint I adhere to in my life, and I adhere to it in WoW aswell. In this scenario, you may call it choosing the lesser evil.

In the end, I think being too strict won’t do this community any good, and considering that drama is one of the temptations of AD, being too harsh on ERP conduct (when kept in private) ends up encouraging toxic elements to spread, well, toxicity and infighting (ie. exposing screenshots of ERP and stuff like that) which is often done by other questionable members of the community. It ends up creating a web of sh1t which I really don’t think does any good to the people involved. It’s just another form of degradation.

Again, that’s my approach. I’m willing to work against public ERP, not private. People are free to disagree; I’m not here to play the Devil’s advocate.


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I’m not usually one to choose any evil to be honest with you my blue friend