Goldshire kid preying hub? What to do about it?

Trial accounts using TRP to circumvent a restriction.
That doesn’t sound good to be fair.

Blizzard can’t ban people for doing this stuff in private, asking someone else about wishing to join these mature activities but stopping after being told off is no offense.

you really do know how to stir an old gnome up, Distantpeak…

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Always the greaseballs coming out on random alts to try and justify soliciting sex online.

Pro tip there buddy - if you are trying to solicit sex from someone who isn’t interested, that’s sexual harassment.

If you do that to someone who’s underage, that’s a crime.


Also its just pathetic.


Blizzard can do whatever they please within the confines of the game they made and manage.


It’s a blight on the RP community, but what can they pratically do? They can’t stop /w or /s ofc as that would either kill RP or the game itself. The only real way is the ineffective reporting system, unless blizzard is willing to basically hire people to eavesdrop on GS to ban people, but again how would that be enforced?

At least most guilds with any respect ban ERP from members, most people report it when they see it and MOST people avoid GS in it’s entirety. Sadly, I think this one of those ‘case by case’ things for blizz, it’s hard to enforce ToS in such a grey area of the community. I assumed they must of clamped down a lot considering GS is silent in /s or /e if I lvl a human in the zone from what i’ve seen, then again I spend only quest time there and avoid GS like a disease.

https ://

I did some reporting. 5 people, Blizzard just has to click the ban button. I literally posted screenshots on every single one of them… And I have to wait a week for them to reply, before I can report more people… :frowning:

Edit: Great system… Thinking of getting a second Blizzard acount just to report more people… But alas.

is that imgur link supposed to come up completely blank? Like, the page exists but there’s no image there.

Fixed. I think…

https ://

It works now.

Yea… Point is it’s clearly not a top priority for them… So I guess we just have to accept the pressence of 25-50 year old people sexting and sending pornographic material to 12-13 year olds on this otherwise somewhat acceptable game. I for one do not accept it, I’ll literally spam Blizzard with complaints hoping they wake up before someone hangs them out to dry in the media.

heroic as you try to sound, if you really go bananas it’s more likely that they’ll just make you less of an issue in whatever way they see fit. Hope you don’t actually plan to spam them up.

Hard to spam when they only let you do 5 complaints per day. I’ll keep pressing the issue, if 5 is the max they accept, I’ll do 5 per day. If I get 1 pedo banned per week that’s progress for very little effort. Wish everyone would do the same.

Edit: Not trying to sound heroic, just genuinely disgusted that some people think it’s okay for adult men to look for kids on a videogame they can jack off to


Keep up the good work I guess.

Dunno what Blizz think tbf. They know the problem but do nothing about it in the end. They say report it but ??? Nothing changes.


Is that even the case? I highly doubt Goldshire ERPlers actively look for underage users.

man this attempted drama snipe that you’re failing hardcore at would be at least remotely funny if you were like, concise or at the very least coherent.

it’s ok you get off on writing sexual things about underage characters we get it, go get back to your hobby ok thank u


I am wondering, if blizzard can’t or won’t take the ability of trial accounts to use addons away… can the creators of said addons perhaps build something in that allows their stuff to only be used on a full-on account instead of a trial? Mind you I have zero programming-skill whatsoever so I don’t know if it’s possible, but it might be something worth looking into.

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Didn’t they experiment with posting a GM in Moon Guard US’s Goldshire?

I seem to recall they banned a tonne of people, but it was a brief respite at best. And when you can make a trial account in only a few minutes, that solution is like trying to prevent a ship from sinking with a spoon. You would probably have to tailor some restrictions to accounts flagged as trials.

I don’t want to sound a cynic, but you shouldn’t put people on pedestals. Less of a chance they’ll disappoint you.

I commend the dedication, but I have to wonder how much of an impact it makes. As mentioned earlier, the ease with which people can just swap trial accounts is a little disheartening to me at least. :roll_eyes:

See there’s an interesting thought.

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