Here we go right now.
Tmog click = 948 golds
Repairing = 900 golds
token under 300k
worldquests dont give enough money
abusive prices at the AH.
Is there anything free or not expensive in this game right now?
Can we have official thread saying to us “Yes the game is now made for grab all of your money for doing everything in the game added to the fact we demand you to pay a sub”
I am 140/100 tailoring with lot of reciepe = 1 customer/week because people dont have enough money in the game
Come do some PvP, friend, we need healers! Right now, 2500 honor = 9500 gold.
As a healer, that’s over 20k per hour.
Mats are expensive. Also, it’s early in the expansion and rank three materials are hard to find. Refining herbs and ore consumes lots of mats, hence the high price. It will get better once people max out their mining and herbalist etc.
This is a good thing for the economy, including mats being expensive. I can finally work with my professions and make tons of gold. Up to a point gold was irrelevant, not anymore.
Yes it’s good for sellers, like me. Can’t complain. WQ’s are nerfed but at least I can farm a decent amount of gold with gathering.
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I have a pot of gold to burn off before I quit. Only an idiot would stay around in a game where it requires both a subscription and purchases of token just to keep up with the jones.
So how good will that economy be when the population shrinks?
Are you promoting the necessity to buy token to play the game ?
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Please tell me you don’t believe Blizzard is in charge of prices on the AH… that is 100% player made.
Such a weird question.
What does this even mean?
Wait what? Requured to buy a token? Hahahahaa
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If you buy token, you are not broke any more
Buying token solves all problems
Want to earn some gold? Level professions. It’s so easy to make gold atm and it is not necessary to buy a token to afford anything
i m max at my profession
30-40k for buying blue tools
no customer during the week or maybe 1-2
There’s always someone looking for crafts in trade chat though
Do something else then, be creative
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I am retired mate. I don’t need a job anymore. Even less so one as boring as the crafting system Blizz have adopted.
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Yeah, not buying stuff in the AH. And if you do, buy the lower quality stuff.
Only invest in expensive 3 star things when you know for 100% that you will not change a gear slot for weeks. Like a Hero Tier Set or something like that.
When it comes to professions, its capitalism. The people that already had money, invested early in power-leveling their professions. By investing millions of gold into it.
And they take advantage of the monopoly they have and charge abusive prices to not only get their money back, but earn a couple more millions.
Its like real life. Those that had a head start, keep their head start. 
My suggestion : If you are not prepared to compete with people that already have billions of gold… then … dont … Just play the game…
But if you are adamant in leveling your profession, either take it slow (as you do now), or, know the consequences … 
what are you talking about ? I m one of the 1st on my realm to be max level at my profession…
I saying all of that in comparison with DF I had many many many customers and made a lot of money every week.
and know, nothing. And plenty of crafters told me the same.
This is the usual sport in this forum to think the OP is complaining about someting is a newbie or a guy discovering the game and say " it is what it is "