Goldsinks... Goldsinks everywhere šŸ’ø

So gold has monetary value.

Thank you.

And I say you should treat it as such.

What are you objecting to?

You saying I should use my WoW gold in place of real money. Iā€™d never do that.

I said no such thing.

Hereā€™s the exchange:

I agreed with you, and said that it made good sense to treat gold like IRL money (which you said yourself!) and then I elaborated as to why.

I didnā€™t tell you that you should spend your gold on anything.

I said you CAN, as a means of explaining why the gold has value like money.

I didnā€™t say you SHOULD.

Yeah I realised as soon as Iā€™d said ā€œshouldā€ that that was the wrong word but it was too late.

I guess I should have said ā€œThe potential implication that I may perhaps be inclined toā€

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@Vicktor: Donā€™t forget that you can also buy store-exclusive stuff with in-game gold. So thereā€™s a 2nd example of gold ~ RL money exchange being possible.

Or conversely, you can consider everything on the store as being on an in-game vendor with those items not having a static gold price but fluctuating.

I dont see no where talk about token but if u want to raid u need gold right flasks, food etc dont grow on tree so u can just grab for free.

I spend like 40k other day for raid and with skinning i can provide that gold. If u dont raid ofc u dont need any gold since u will not spend on crafting gear, consumes for m+ and raid or u will enter in raid and m+ without anything and wait someone pop feast and cauldron so u can grab because being cheep.

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I was doing gathering for 30 minutes between 4 BG queues on my alt. I made a total of only 10k gold. 1 repair+transmog change is 1.4k. 1 single enchant is 10k. Crafting gear is 100k upwards. How is this okay? Iā€™m about to quit over this. Meanwhile 1 wow token for only 20 euro is 270k gold. This means for me I am deciding basically between gathering flowers for 13.5 hours or spending 20 euro additionally to subscription and the game, so I can get significant power enhancements for my character. This is understandable for a free2play game, but not for a game like wow. I am not here to pay the sub of farmers.

And, no, itā€™s not necessary. If gold has hyperinflated, how about you stop punishing new players on such an extreme level and asking additional money from them, because Blizzard gave old players too much gold in the past?


And on the flip coin you can consider everything that costs gold in the game to have a real money price tag. What exactly is your point, and why is that okay, if gold is directly tied to player power?

The game practically threw thousands of gold at you daily from doing a few WQs.

Things are expensive atm because demand is high with the new season. And hilariously youā€™re scoffing that you ā€œonlyā€ make 10k in 30 minutesā€¦ that is a lot in 30 minutes. You made that 10k because of that demand, the ā€˜high priceā€™ youā€™re complaining about.

Let me tell you how bad gold inflation gotā€¦ what was 20k in MoP became 300k in WoD, and that gradually rose. Vendor trash keeps going up, you can sell a 2H axe for like 180g.

The point is that, depending on how much time one can devote playing the game and how much of that time is spent on actively making gold through the Auction House, then it is entirely possible to play the game without spending a single real life ā‚¬. There have been players (ā€œthe 1%ā€) that manage that according to their word.

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s ok; in fact I disagree that itā€™s ok. I do consider the game to be light-P2W and abusively-heavy-pay2skip. The latter part (pay2skip one) becomes even harsher as the treadmill becomes longer and longer. And not just the gear one, but also the collection one. But itā€™s not the lack of good gold-income sources that makes it such, itā€™s the combination of in-game time required to achieve oneā€™s goals combined with how much timegating exists due to capped currencies and weekly lockouts.

As for gold being directly tied to player power, thatā€™s not true. It can be when you consider players participating in RTWF or players logging in 1 hour per week and paying for a boost for the seasonal missable rewards. But itā€™s also entirely possible to reach those targets without paying additional cash beyond the box price and the monthly subscription. Which emphasizes the pay2skip comment above.

You guys are extremely funny. Imagine not being able to do the BARE MINIMUM (i.e. disenchanting, mining, herbs, tailoring etc.) which most of the time can be considered passive. I am as casual as one can get, and still swim in gold.

lol I never even looked how much repair nor tmog costs. Itā€™s easy to make money, donā€™t do crafting orders, do other stuff. Download craftsim and figure out what makes money.

Itā€™s easy to say ā€œGo earn more goldā€ etc but letā€™s face it, repair costs and transmog costs are way too much. Nobody should be paying nearly 1k gold just to look good which is just a little bit of fun that even the person who can grab an hour of playtime after work can do without spending that time gold farming.
Blizzard needs to respect players time because at the end of the day, we pay their wages. They need to stop the pointless grinds and add more fun into the game because flying around herbing/mining for a few hours just to make the extra gold so you can afford repairs and transmog isnā€™t fun.

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There has been a sudden shift such that outgoing costs have gone up a lot, while rewards have gone down. Completing quests for 2 gold, I see mention of mythic+ end chests giving 50 gold.

With a transmog + repair easily costing over 1000g now, we will soon be in a situation where people will have red armour, and no gold to fix it.

Where will they get the gold from, without which they will be unable to play? This is a few months away, but it willchappen.

Of course, all those people with millions worth of stuff in their guild banks will be fine for a while. Unless of course something happened to all their stuff.


Costs will always go down eventually.

The ~2000g per raid cost at the start of DF (Assuming 3 flasks and 20 potions per raid) was ~500g by season 2.

The reason the costs are high now is because mats are being sold for high rates, recipes were really expensive during early access (I remember one selling for 2m, I didnā€™t sell this, but screenshots exist from a person I know) and until the costs of those are recovered, prices canā€™t come down.

If item x takes 4 apples to make, and people are selling apples at 10k each, that item costs at least 40k to craft.

3 months later when those apples are being sold at 40g each, the crafted item will come down too.

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