Goodbye firemaw

Never gonna happen, every server will always shift to one faction- here’s why The inconvenient truth of world PvP & why to turn War Mode off and roll PvE in Classic

Solution - Roll PvE.


I would be really careful about going off of sites like Ironforge pro to get your server population info.
They’re very inaccurate due to how unreliable it is to collect that kind of information.
For example reckons the the population of Shazzrah is 36.7% Alliance and 63.3% Horde. []

WoWpop on the other hand reckons the population of Shazzrah is roughly 50/50 (it gets it’s data from Census+). []

But wowclassicpopulation says that that Shazzrah is 28% Alliance and 72% Horde (it also gets its data from Census+). []

Point is we don’t actually have a reliable source of data regarding faction balance and Blizzard won’t release it because if they do it would permanently screw any hope of balanced servers.


Oh, thanks :slightly_frowning_face:

I left firemaw too, final straw was unable to quest anywhere, unable to get to brd about 2 raids of rats in brd ganking everyone. Like you said unable to use any boats unable to use fps.

Then standing in SW and a 60 rogue comes and tries to kill me, right by the AH.

Who wants to play a game where you spend hours trying and unable to play

Come to ashbringer much better balanced server,having a blast. Had no problems at all leveling.

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Honestly, if you are complaining as soon as lvls 25-30 you best move out fast, PVP server aint for you. At those levels you can easily skip quests and just do dungeons instead.
Many of us were/are facing far worse situations lvl50-60 where we have to go through hell to finish certain attunement/key/enchant quests with dozens of Horde 60s roaming around.

Hey, I’m looking to perhaps re roll on Mirage Raceway or Pyrewood village and i’m having a rough time deciding. Could you give me some info on what your server is like? I will be playing Alliance mainly but will definitely be making some horde characters.

Reroll pve or Quit.

you can move to Bloodfang, it is still on the free transfer list.

Another ally player who believes that only they can get ganked… even in their own cities.

Never been ganked in UC courtyard by ally, nope… :roll_eyes:

Oh shutup everyone. Mograine is balanved and full. Best server

Can i have a teardrop please?

Leaving Firemaw asap when paid-transfer is available

I made a Alliance character in Judgement the server is completely dead. lvl 60s were saying they are just waiting for a server transfer there is no one anywhere. Its just like a PvE Server but where you dont see anyone at all. I played till lvl 14 I saw maybe 2 or 3 players.

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Your mentality is going to kill your server and be all horde. If that’s what you want for a PvP server, it will basically become on a PvE.

oh the irony.

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