Goodbye firemaw

It’s unplayable gaming for alliance 25-30 level when you are doing quests and been ganked 24/7 by horde the same level as you with his 3 friends 60 level which boost pvp points for him by scum way. Also you have always been ganked on the ships and everywhere (even in alliance towns) by 60 levels. What is the reason to play when alliance 30% and horde 70%? Nonono, its never late to start on normal server. I am looking for statistic of other servers where alliance / horde about 50 / 50 to start play from the beginning, if you know some playable servers, please let me know.


I think you are looking for pve server


I think firemaw becomes pve for you


Afraid there aren’t any genuine stats out there about faction balance per server. They are all guestimates and I have doubts about their accuracy or how they even get their figures - raiding folk perhaps?

I’m looking at one now which has a huge difference (

44% A / 56% H
8371 players total

47% A / 54% H
537 players total

If you want to wait out until the crazy subsides, or at least until BGs are out so you can re-think your plans why not look at a low pop PvP server? Some have mentioned having moved to them and found them much more like the Vanilla experience with a significantly smaller server population.

Thank for the link with statistic. No, I am not going to play low server population (not going migrate character) , just want to choose other with big population and balanced enough. But anyway it needs to get 25-30 level to see balance…
I saw statistic on ironforge, so maybe I start some low-populated with balance.

You could always make level 1 toons on the servers you are interested in, and the faction you want to play, and ask people on the server how it is.

A thread below with a couple of people who have moved to lower pop servers, might be worth asking in there how things are for them now they have levelled a bit.

Remember the stat sites are showing probably a tiny percentage of each faction, is only representative of people who have raided, I checked. Not everyone plays to raid so they might not be quite as lopsided as they appear.

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Hello friend!

Come over to judgement:D it seems pretty balanced still:)
you never know but worth a try, thats what i belive atleast!

Djevel - warlock, Judgement

I am at Firemaw too and I can tell you that Alliance is doing the same. I cant count how often I got killed in SV by your 3-5 man hunting Partys Camping the ruins in SV. Even though I have no numbers, I always had the feeling that the relation between Horde and Alliance is rouhgly equal. But with more Horde, I give you that.


you are probably right! anyway, its nice over at judgement:) - both sides do the same, thats how classic is:)

Finally someone on a PVP realm who’s willing to admit that they made a mistake, and know how to fix it instead of just crying on the forums. Well done.

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Just to be sure, when you mention “normal” servers, you mean pve servers right?

In that case, I’d pick mirage raceway anyday: it’s very populated, but much more balance than pyrewood village

If you mean normal as “balanced”, then maybe ashbringer, but that’s it.

Also, since you’re alliance, zandalar tribe is the only pvp server where alliance stomps horde (I mean the only populated pvp server where it happens).

Dragonfang isn’t bad for alliance I can see it becoming the main alliance PvP realm

Isn’t dragonfang that server this one gnome keeps making videos on with like 3 pots on the AH?

Goodbye heiðr

ironforge . pro has some info on faction balance.

25-30 is Duskwood, Redridge and a couple quests in Ashenvale, how is that unplayable? I’ve levelled through there 3 times since p2 and I’ve seen hordes twice.

In Firemaw Alliance keeps with 3 big raids at the entrance of Diremaul BRD and Scholo with no opposition.

You are playing Alliance wrong.

And Horde keeps all other spots :smile:

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Yes we are “that realm” and the AH is bad lol come join us

LOOOL he’s become famous for his misleading af vids

There is good reason. Soon bgs will come out and ali will enyoj instant bgs queue times while horde will sit 1h to get 1 bg what they will lose anyway.