Goodbye wow ❤️

It went to a good place then

Sooo… you still have some time to farm some gold for the Vulpera :heart:


Goodbye again and I’m sure I’ll see you when you return… again :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Take care o/


If I suddenly become a millionaire and I can pay for things easily, who knows maybe you will see me again in the far future.

Thank you Nagrash The best Orc on the forums


You could try TBCC or Classic era until your sub runs out.


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I have hope!

Positive zugzug :four_leaf_clover:

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lol saving a huge amount of money because you dont pay a monthly fee…

Good luck with your health, and who knows maybe WoW will appeal to u again in the future :slight_smile:


loves come and go but at least you have the memories. Farewell and good luck with the future. <3

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Afaik this your 5th good bye post.

Idk what to say. Kek.


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Always sad to see a fellow from Argent Dawn quit.
Take care and good luck Ameerah, wherever life takes you! :slight_smile:

Hopefully we’ll see brighter days in WoW, particularly for RPers. Sadly, I am not that hopeful but…hope dies last I guess.

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Goodbye Luna the Highborne Athena style fighter.

I hope you find another Elf to argue with. There are plenty


Yup, you’re welcome at Hydraxian Waterlords Horde in these spare 2 weeks :wink: feel free to check in!


Take care and I wish you all the best with your health. :heartpulse:


Take care, Ameerah - hope to see you back some day


Can’t go wrong with someone setting the game aside if it also has financial reasons behind it. And hey, you could always poke your head back onto the forums every now and then to see what’s going on.

If you’re gonna be giving any other games a try, you could give a certain Japanese MMO a try and see if it’s your cup of tea.


I tried it and loved it.

But I will be putting FF14 aside, because again financial reasons.

I will mostly focus on single player games playstation that I already own. and I might come back to FF14 just to see how the new expansion goes. But if I do come back to that game, might be in Mid-2022 at earliest.

Aah, you did? I figured you still had thr option for a starter edition.

Yeah, understandable. Hopefully your finantial woes will be dashed away

If I were to be totally blunt about my most recent WoW times, I feel the same for you. SL does not have the WoW vibes or setup.

The only recent ish addition that DOES feel like playing WoW is taking a new alt into the lvl 1-10 starter island.


I don’t find that.

The segment is a bit of straight-up Warlords, so not really original WoW, but much more importantly

  1. It’s ON RAILS. Everything laid out, mandatory in sequence. WoW was never on rails.
  2. It omits any flavour or culture. The starting zones are oozing with flavour and a sense that the race you come from has a history and a culture. Exile’s Reach has all the flavour of a sawdust-on-cardboard sandwich.

Ameerah, I’m sad to see you go. I hope you feel better and your real life becomes wonderful, and that you enjoy what you do!

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