How is this a thing? I don’t usually get kicked from the group or chat but I told the tank to stop pulling so many (it was Stratholme and pulled the MC Wraith + all the groups around her ziggurat including the patrols). He died in less than a global cooldown. Now I got kicked from the group and I have the deserter buff. This is totally unfair and I don’t understand why is this a thing. Maybe a blizzard representative cand shed some light on this. Thanks.
Proposals so far include but not limited to:
- “Just remove it” The darkest times will come back again
- “Reduced cooldowns stacking upwards” so that if you aren’t kicked often, it starts with a minor debuff.
- “Reduced cooldowns, stacking downwards” so if you’re in a “good” party, then when they surprisepikachu kick you at the end the cooldown is lower.
- “Warning before Debuff” - When you get removed from dungeon you get a Warning but allows you to requeue, if you get kicked again you get debuffed on subsequent leaves.
- “Add reporting for kicking” - This is akin FF where they investigate if someone is really, really using votekick so often and gets reported for it that often as well. WoW used to do this.
If you have a proper suggestion, you may submit it through the ingame feedback box. If it’s a new or better suggestion I may also add it to my list above :>
It’s a vote of the whole group, not a vote of a individual.
Valid reason from your side. But we don’t know what language did you use? Was it a nice approach or did you just rage out yelled at them.
It’s a thing where you as a group can vote to kick someone from any instance for valid reasons. I bet you also found yourself in a group, where some guy was just standing AFK doind nothing. Imagine it’s a healer or a tank. I think you don’t hate the option then when you can kick someone like that.
I am really sorry for your situation, but this also varies from group to group. Some people will vote kick you just a part of habit to click on messages on the screen. Some people will get easily offended if you ask for something (like don’t pull that much, means for some people you’re wasting their time). Good luck with you next runs and I hope you won’t be getting into same situation very often.
Same thing happened to me, not once, but multiple times, mostly its when u get in group with not so smart people, who fail to do mechanics, at end i end up kicked. As much as i find system good, that is not the way it should function, as i am screwed for 30 mins because someone didnt like my attitude, but its tolerated that someone over and over fails to do the job.
Blizzard definetely should reconsider concept, as this sucks!
I think you should let them do this twice before trying to make suggestions.
If they didn’t learn from the first attempt and repeated the mistake then it’s time to speak up.
If this gets you kicked then it’s just tough luck on getting such a group.
Best solution is revert the early war within change. If you’ve killed the first boss you don’t get the debuff
And what if the tank or healer decides to walk off the dungeon again in those cases and their replacements too because the boss has been killed that drops their items?
There’s a reason why the community suggested this change and Blizzard implemented it.
The group voted to kick you. When they do, you get deserter debuff, so you can’t queue again. Blizzard is not involved.
see this is why i tell people to not use in game chats.
had you played with disabled chat he woudl run ahead clear the dungeon for you - gg win free cary
instead you ended up with deserters.
disable in game chats. its 2025. treat other players like ai-npcs.
Are you missing the part where there was no carry cause the tank died?
Great carry, a tank full time suiciding and wiping the group.
I honestly don’t understand those that feel the need to hide chat unless maybe their tempers get the better of them and they can’t exert some self control.
I have never been silenced or squelched. I use all the chat channels apart from two trades.
But if I can’t control myself surely no one else can. It’s just human nature, right? There’s nothing wrong with me specifically.
who could have guessed, that this change would backfire?
This kind of person x leaves after first boss was a 2 week problem and now its in the game till blizz is doing anything again and we know blizz is very lethargic. So everyone can be happy with deserter debuff
How much are people abandoning groups that this is an issue.
It was an issue in the first 2 weeks in tww, because ppl wanted the ara-kara dd trinket from the first boss, because there was literal nothing to do, besides to level more alts.
No I mean now! How many times are you leaving groups that it’s an issue for people that they can’t stay to the end?
I told the tank who was in fury spec to keep aggro and they kicked me xD
I would have kicked him, personally.
But sometimes you are removed and it can’t be helped.
I tried! but he was with friends, they voted no and they kicked me instead