Grateful Offerings are a pain to farm and items cost too many!

Hello Blizzard,

I have been buying a bunch of cosmetics with the surplus of Anima that I’m gaining from all my activities and I have noticed that (even though I farmed these early in the expansion) I am still unable to buy all the cosmetics that also require these as a currency. I calculated that I need 510 Grateful Offerings to purchase the items on sale by Elwyn in Ardenweald alone and I need some more to buy items from the other vendors aswell. With the rate of around 3 Grateful Offerings per quest that we receive for completing a limited amount of daily quest available each day, this is one of the most painful and exhausting currency to farm of all the currencies introduced in SL. I just can’t be asked to complete another ~200 daily quests that I don’t need the (other) rewards of and which content I have totally outgeared so that it’s not a challenge but just a grind.
If you want the cosmetics to be some fun reward for playing the current content of the game instead of them being an exhausting and annoying grind, then please consider granting us this currency in another way within the current content (Korthia, Dungeons, SoD, Adventure Table) in a significant enough amount so that we can actually feel progress towards reaching the goal of acquiring the items sold for it.

So at around 10-15/day that’s around 34-35~ days to get everything. Not that bad.

2 grateful offering from special treasure
2 enemy champion
6 from daily quests giving 3 each
3 from qorld quest
3 powerful foe
2 night fae theater (need night fae summon)
3 from valfir (need night fae summon)
2 from wingflayer (need kyrian summon)

As a Venthyr/Necrolord the maximum obtainable per day is an overall of 23 .

As a Kyrian the maximum is therefore 21 .
And as a Night Fae the maximum is 18 .

To buy the Night Courtier’s Warbow you need 3500 Anima and 50 Grateful Offerings. The 3500 Anima you farm by just completing current content 9.1 in Korthia, Dungeons, Adventure Table, SoD within 1 day. For the 50 Grateful Offerings you need to go back to old content from 9.0 that you normally wouldn’t complete anymore and which you would solely have to do in order to farm this currency. You’d need to farm it for multiple days, just to buy 1 item.

Or you could’ve done it when it was current and bought it during 9.0?

That’s like complaining I have to go back and farm old raids for old raid mounts.

Okay, I understand that you disagree with me, that’s fine.
I have farmed ~300 of the Grateful Offerings during 9.0 and I have now noticed that it wasn’t enough to buy the cosmetics. While Blizzard has opened the flood gates for Anima they seem to have forgotten the currency Grateful Offerings, so I came here to bring it to their attention. It wouldn’t seem outrageous to me, if the residents of Ardenweald reward Grateful Offerings to me for completing current 9.1 content just as they did in 9.0.

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Look I started farming at the very end of 9.0.5 and I’m done with the vendor since about 2 weeks ago.

It’s not the end of the world if you have to farm for 30-40 days to buy everything from a vendor.

You’ve had 8 months to do it.

While you’re entirely correct, it’s still a bad system in my opinion. I did dailies regularly during in the period from release up until now. Some days I didn’t bother, some days I only did a couple and some days I did all of them. I spent the offerings I earned on Memories, and only when I had them all I started to stockpile.

Wasn’t until the release of Korthia and I started to cap anima, and my sanctum was fully upgraded I started to spend the excess anima on transmog items. By that time I had more than enough grateful offerings.

But… I’ve only been playing this char (Venthyr) up until a few weeks ago. Since we were now showered in Anima everywhere, I thought I could finally level an alt and build a sanctum with a new covenant.

It seems so unbalanced that I am drowning in anima, but still need to wait well over a month to continue to upgrade the sanctum (need souls which have a weekly cap of 20), and also do well over a months worth of dailies and other activities for an additional currency for transmog items. By the time I get the souls and offerings needed, I will have capped anima several times,

While I agree with the entire sanctum upgrade and soul cap. I don’t think that offerings are that bad, they only offer cosmetic rewards after all. If you want cosmetics a bit of farming isn’t that out of the world. Especially since to clear it all daily for the maximum amount of offerings you need about 30 minutes it’s not that bad.

I will however always stand by uncapped sanctum so that I can deposit all my anima.

I guess it’s only me that accidentally has almost 500 more than I needed to buy everything from just casually playing the game since Shadowlands release. They’re easy to get.

Let’s keep the complaints to things that are actually a problem and not just a matter of “I want this now, why do I need to do something to get it”

Oh, you are the one who decides on what people are allowed to post in the forums? Good to know, I will PM you next time I want to create a post here.

I agree with you. It’s not what I would call *bad * , but it seems so unneccessary - to the point where it sort of feels discouraging. Especially given how quickly everything else is obtained. I do think most people are fine with a small grind for cosmetics, but I also think they could easily have doubled the amount of offerings you get pr activity without it feeling like they’d be given out.

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You don’t get them from casually playing the game. You need to do activities that reward them. That means you need to specifically put those activities into your routine.

All this has done is gate rewards behind 2 currencies. How is that good?


Exactly this.

Plus something that hasn’t been pointed out yet, even the obtaining rate is time-gated. When you first unlock the Anima Conductor, you can only channel to one place, and once you do it 10 times, you can then channel to 2 times. I’m having this issue on my Necrolord. If I for example channel to the chest, Gieger doesn’t drop any offerings.

Stupid currency to just timegate stuf further. Period.


Late Night. Blizzard Meeting Room.

“Anything else? I need a drink.”

“Yeah, we have to put one one more thing into the Sanctum Activities”.

“Oh, %$£^. What about that idea Jerry came up with?”

“Nah. Was going to be too heavy client-side.”

“/sigh What about the idea for an extra World Quest summon?”

“Yeah, but that pretty much sucks. Who’s gonna want to do that?”

“Well, add a unique currency, to make them do it”

“Can’t be for gear. We’ve already locked down the gear budgets. Extra cosmetics?”

“Art is backlogged with queues for cosmetics.”

“Well, make the currency a requirement for some of the cosmetics then.”

“Yeah, that’ll do. Let’s get outta here.”

I have enough grateful offerings to probably buy everything twice, just by playing the content in 9.0
also the amount of offerings needed was transparend, of all the things to fix in SL this is not one of those.

where are people finding these Grateful Offerings!?
I dont think Ive ever gotten one from a daily quest or a rare, or any treasure chests. The only place Ive seen them drop is the NF theatre event.
Im still stuck at the same 3 Ive had for months!

they sually come from the activities you unlock with the anima conductor. You can find a list of all the activities that reward them on wowhead.
You can probably hoard more than a hundred every week if you aim for them specifically.

As NF you need to complete 7 daily quests/world treasures/special boss kills to acquire a maximum of 18 Grateful Treasures per day. The completion of the 7 needed events which are scattered all over Ardenweald will take around 1 - 1 1/2 hours per day. So it’s a maximum of 126 Grateful Offerings for around 10 hours invested each week. So you can gain all approximately 600 needed Grateful Offerings within 5 weeks of constant farming for ~1 1/2 hours per day for a total of 50 hours spent to buy the cosmetics and a few other items.

“Bro I started farming for the totally not necessary and undertuned system 4654561 years ago its not that hard, just spend a bunch of millenia like I did doing useless stuff that is not fun so you can unlock the ugly recolor of that one transmog set, the system is fine”

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Let me know when you have any actual arguments. Feel free to read the entire thread and realize that it’s 30 days of farming. OP and you will be just fine.