Gray and White Quality Transmog Options Coming

Unless you wear plate and parts of your mog is mail, leather or cloth.

Well in that case will likely always have to have bits n pieces like I do in my bags but atleast its less bits n pieces if it least matches up to your class’s area of armor.

Good to have the appearances in the Collection tab so you can use it on multiple characters without hassle, methinks.
Good to have when you’re RPing in current-content areas like the Dragon Isles, so you don’t get blasted by a random mob because you’re wearing a white robe with no stats.

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This is the next step: remove armour restrictions from mogs.


I think, like in Legion, it’ll check whether you’ve ever worn or owned the appearances.

I randomly got Ryedol’s Hammer(if that’s its name) in my mog tab while vague remembering if I did that quest or not.

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Paladins not being able to wear hoods with plate armour is so lame.

It is, and spell sword types not being able to roll mage and wear mail/plate ect is equally as lame, mogs all round.
Edit: and tbh there really isnt any reason to not allow it to be a thing, its not like mogging plate items give you the benefit of that extra amor OOCly, its purely looks.
Edit 2: Both ESO and Swtor have similar options, ESO in its superior outfit station and Swtor with its “outfits” thing, WoW needs to catch on to that.

I remember it being kind of inconsistent though as a few of the appearances I knew I had 100% didn’t show up in the tab and had to be reacquired.


Its a hit or miss, there are stuff I used to own I have to refarm and then there’s stuff before that that randomly appeared in my appearance tabs…

I just hope I’ll get my long Gnomeregan cloak aswell!

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at least you could do so
I remember having the old argent dawn tabard, but it was never unlocked :frowning:
Might have had the scarlet one too, but I don’t remember.

Scarlet one you can still farm!

I lack the Argent and Theramore tabard, Argent one I was too young and had no idea what I was doing (didn’tplay the first time it became available and second time I was too young :sob: ) and Theramore was when I had a break from WoW… :grumble:

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