Great Times! What are your best memories of RP moments on Argent Dawn!

Howdy folks! Let’s have some good times! What’s your best memories/your favourite memories of rp you’ve had on Argent Dawn!

I think my most recent one was in the Northrend campaign when I kept rolling 1s in an event and got absolutely trashed. I rolled three 1s in the same event! Which lead to my character, Ohru, getting absolutely busted and mind controlled. It was fabulous for RP and his character!

Post your best memories!


A great moment was when I formed the Ebon Onslaught with a few DK during the ROTD campaign.
Felt good that we DK could still do something together.
… And something else.

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Hello there, thanks for making positive thread and spreading it, much appreciated.

I had many. But one i can point, is the Storyline Kump had to pursue his true identity and past…

During Harvest Festival, he undergone a Ritual. A Shaman prepared an incense, he drank a Sapta and went unconscious, witnessing his Grandfather’s spirit, whom he didn’t know. He told him about himself and who he truly is, including his name. The Ancestor told him to seek out Nagrand for more answers.
When woke up, he said:
“I, am Gor’kamp Axefang, Son of Korrah…”
Before it, he knew himself simply as Kump, along some newfound information.
That moment marked his destiny, to journey to Nagrand, and embrace the path he belongs to, Shamanism. :smile:


throwing apples.

You’re welcome! I want to hear everyone’s story! Yours is great heheh, that is fantastic

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Howling Fjord campaign back in… January…? I think. I really enjoyed that, partly because it’s my favorite zone in the game and cause of the RP and battles.

Sainur’s magic mushroom adventure in Grizzly Hills during the RotD campaign was pretty fun as well.


:star: While no particular event stands out, my time with Lordaeron’s Order back in ‘em good ol’ days was certainly amongst my most treasured memories, if not the most.

My roleplaying capacities were horrendous but shenanigans were had and friends, made.


one of my best memories would be of the recent campaign in Northrend as well! During one of my, if not the, most attended events ever. From the Wintergarde Mines to the Mausoleum to slay the Lich and it’s lackies, I’ve really enjoyed hosting it and especially seeing the attendees being active within it! Something I was very proud of and also looking into to improve the next time I’ll be hosting such large events.

The whole campaign was a fishing pool full of memorable moments of RP, but that one personally stands out to me :smiley:


During Frozen Heart 2 Sjazzle or whatever went mental over people flagging for PvP, but even more people ended up flagging in protest. I remember Belok and I attended the forced peace summit in Zul’Drak and when Queteron rallied Alliance to attack us, Belok and I started our long feud against Clovus to avenge the betrayal across many RP PvP campaigns to come with the dedicated Clovus Gank Squad.


One particular time that has always stayed with me is years ago when Chieun, Taelathis, Roolak, Ormol and some others joined the Frozen Paw together after some disputes in the Blood Tempest Warband.

They were the most wholesome friends imaginable and while real life and plot development has pulled us apart I will probably always remember the emotional moment when Taelathis supported Chieun in Binan after an event that was rather testing for personal reasons.



Scenario: Nightmare Green.
It started in the tail end of MoP, rumours of a Nathrezim, calling itself the ‘King of All Skies’, we kept facing grimmer and grimmer opposition, and had to call in more and more favours from other guilds to get the tools to even -try- to destroy him, He was a forwards Scout for the Legion, to take over the Skies, and act as Reconnaissance for a future Invasion (Yadda yadda at some point Azeroth will get attacked again by the Legion, now we’re toying with AU Draenor, whoo, not gonna happen in game)
Then they announced ‘Legion’,
Aww crap…

Cue even more beg, borrowing and stealing from others as now this dude has a Nethership, as the Legion has turned the skies green with flame, and ‘Scenario: Nightmare Green’ as in a ‘possibility’ became ‘Operation: Nightmare Green’ as in an actual fact.

The final battle was horrible, trying to flee this Nathrezim, to spring a trap, through a Nethership that was twisting and crashing downwards, but time inside it worked differently (If you think the van going off the bridge in the film ‘Inception’ you’ll get the idea), just as we got to the right part, one of our dudes decided to pull a Varian and jumped down onto the Nathrezim. It ended about as well as you would expect, his severed head thrown back at us as a jest. We escaped, just, as the Nethership crashed, but the Demon was empowered by Warlocks, to keep him alive. He was grateful, until he realised they were doing so so that he could be entrapped in a set of gems, never to reform in the Twisting Nether.

It was the end of four years of plot. It was…pretty dramatic, lots of death along the way, lots of death at the finale, but yeah, good fun.


I’ll give an honourable mention to the Cenarion Guardians as a whole. Every single interaction I had with them was fun and memorable in some way – they’re a great group of people.

My most memorable (isolated) RP moment is probably from the event campaign to Storm Peaks I led around December late-WoD. It started up spontaneously after I went to some random meeting in Aerie Peak (I don’t even remember what it was about) and got people to come with me to Northrend. It’s where my character first became acquainted with Thunderbraid, where his only friend died, where I met Melaphone for the first time and overall just got me introduced to a lot of cool people I talk to today (like the Cog :heart_eyes: and Queteron).

it’s also the only thing i have screenshots from:


I have a lot of them, even if it’s hard to be specific. I’ve lost track of the times I’ve stayed up past 3am roleplaying with people when I’ve been super into it and just hadn’t noticed time slipping away. The favourite moments I remember clearly are mostly as a storyteller.

I’d say one of them is one of my first events when I was getting back into RP, in particular The Sunset King; an NPC from an event where my GM’s fancy golden armour (and holy powers) ended up establishing him as the most beautiful crane in the forest with a majestic, glowy show. I also remember stealing his hat later on because a Hozen merchant wanted it, exposing his bald head for all to see.
I hadn’t set out to bully him, I swear. It’s kind of remained my standard for events since - fun to DM, fun for the people attending, and decently paced.

Then more than a year later, an event for a Night Elf guild - the ending of my Drustvar campaign, where we found a Drust we’d been hunting. He spoke for a while, largely talking about how we believed the Kul Tirans, and he couldn’t do anything about it - and continued for a while, essentially accusing everyone of siding with aggressive, hostile invaders who wiped out the Drust. Slowly watching people go from ready to dispense justice to understanding, or even sympathetic, was actually kind of incredible - simply because they could relate so heavily to the narrative he was proposing, and knew what it felt like to be pushed out of your lands, almost wiped out, and be fighting for your culture’s very survival.
They ended up killing him, but knowing I’d managed to impact a number of characters (with Darkshore recently announced) was fantastic.

As for my characters, I always found it funny that my Elf character smiled so rarely that people took screenshots whenever she did.
I also remember my old shaman having a really wholesome friendship with a mage.


Any moment which involved the Twelfth Penal Company, every person who showed interest, who whispered to compliment the idea, who showed support on the forums and of course to the members who kept it running.

I told my old guild that I would love to see such a concept on Argent Dawn and I was told I was out of luck. Well the Twelfth Penal Company was a foray into the darkness but it certainly taught me the importance of following your passionate ideas and if it wasnt for personal health issues I have no doubt that it would still be running strong today.

Sigh Good times…

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its never ever ever ever going away is it

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Way back when in Vanilla, we had a 39 twink premade on horde side. Many of us were RPers. So for fun, we went into a WSG in character, walking most of the time, unless chasing a flag (but since we were premade, and twinks, we pretty much obliterated the other team). We walked to the alliance base for the flag, and walked back. We /yelled, /said, /emoted all through the BG. With the last flag, we sat down in front of the horde tunnel, made a campfire, invited the alliance players and had an amazing time.

Of course, one of them started to look funny, so we killed them all and scored the last flag too in the end. But we had a nice time before that massacre!

At another time, in TBC, we had a couple of dungeon runs fully IC, taking it slowly, talking to the NPCs, admiring the view, exploring the dungeon, and so on. That was fun too, but not as fun as the IC BG in Vanilla.

I used to love priestly RP, doing sermons, ceremonies and other such things. I’ve also played a few wandering traders that did fun stuff including an urgent delivery of spice to Feathermoon. The guild event where this character got her iconic staff stands out in my mind, too.

Major moments of character growth are great, of course. Difficult choices, unexpected twists and powerful change for good or bad.

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