Best memories of RP?
The time I had with Tyrenas. Even if we just sat on a bench and chatted for a few hours, it was the most heartwarming RP to date.
I’ve had so many great moments, so it’s hard to pick.
This is from the pre-Cata Zalazane’s Fall RP event with The Cult of the Raptor and Darkspear Tribe. It was really fun to do the quest chain IC with a lot of troll players:
The Kodo Run event with The Spirit Wolves. Really enjoyed the spiritual RP after the hunt that night:
And the stuff we did when I had a dwarf in the Anvilmar Iron Brigade during WotLK:
Serious military RP like this, and then also Thunderbraid being one of the judges of Miss Stormwind and everyone cheering for the dwarf contestant, which was kinda hilarious.
Good ol’ days of Bane having fun. Those were great times.
Teaching the Alliance forces a lesson about weapons of mass destruction by embedding a cultist agent in Footman literally months in advance, then performing a successful weapons test of an arcane field railgun only to have the guy be given it for safekeeping on the march back.
Yeah. He blew our senior NCO’s head off and turned our sapper into red mist. It was absolute chaos and I loved it.
One that comes to mind is a particular guild campaign a friend when they were still in it at the time. The Myrmidon ended travelling through a few dark twisted chapters, challenging them both individually and as a collective group. It was really interested how the pressures and emotions really brought out things in our characters that we hadn’t particularly thought about or had the opportunity to explore. It was a campaign I really looked forward to each day, to find out what could happen next and how my character might react?
Ercia being normally quite positive, enthusiastic and generally a hopeful character finally found herself being broken and facing some deep seeded fears of what could be? almost falling down a spiral of madness throughout it. Fortunately enough she found ground to stand on again, but it’s really impacted her in a way that still affects her character.
For that I’m very thankful for the campaign hosted, it’s interactions and story telling like this that keeps me hooked onto roleplaying and the game itself.
The first campaign I attended after a long hiatus was ‘Fel in Feralas’ during early (relatively speaking) Legion.
Truth be told, it wasn’t that much different from most PvE campaigns I’ve participated in. That said, it was exciting to see Feathermoon come to life the way it did. Had many memorable engagement throughout the course of the campaign.
Other than that… Acrona’s Lunar Festivals have always been a solid source of entertainment. Any roleplay that have your character come to know another over the span of a few months worth of interactions.
What else is there to say?
Roleplay, my dudes. It’s pretty great.
-You- are amazing.
Infiltrating Deathknell during an event hosted by the Hand of Agony and some other guilds with the Scarlet Epitaph during Cata, shortly after I had moved to Argent Dawn. We were attempting to conduct terroristic actions against the Forsaken and rouse the populace with speeches that kinda-almost-instantly just marked us as fanatics. So we were captured after a very brief attempt at holding them off, imprisoned, labelled as madmen before managing to escape somehow. I don’t even remember how we did it.
also i was really a noob back then so sorry for anyone involved.
Ogrepowered without a doubt. So many good moments to choose from in that campaign, but some of the highlights have to be the following:
First off, it was my first time in a campaign with Womp so it gave him some much needed character development, along with Domp, Thurd and Gonk.
The first few days were just hilarious anyway, with Womp and Droof teaming up to try and deliver supplies and food to one of the outer camps and may have accidentally ended up feeding the Bloodstained Unity hyena cub meat.
Then Domp, Womp and Gonk went out to cut some lumber and dig in the mine for stone, which lead to an Alliance ambush in the latter and we barely made it out, as well as almost felling a tree on Gonk and he set himself on fire when he dropped his torch to roll out of the way. AND THEN, when we were making our way back to camp, we were pinned behind an entire Alliance army amassing.
And then towards the final days, Womp was tasked with helping mine Azerite on the beach. This gave him the chance to finally hold Azerite and what did he use to do with it?
Count to 10
Last off as well, was when Womp was helping place spikes to try and barricade the Alliance behind a row of spikes in the middle of a battle and was yelling encouragement for the Horde.
This lead to one of the Alliance commanders, (Theon I think) personally yelling for Womp to be attacked and focused and when Womp ‘died’, the entire Horde army started to scream to avenge Womp while I was being rezzed.
Pictures included:
As I’m on a break for a work contract, I’ve sadly not been RPing a lot lately
Instead I’ve been sneaking around and hugging RPers. Keep being creative <3
The penguin incident.
No, you’re breathtaking!
Some of my best were with an old, almost ancient guild (sadly dead), The Light Watch Order (before it went off the rails due to management handling).
One of them were an event with Argent Archives to have a guild day in Orgrimmar were all lined up and met each other.
Current best memories, signing for events as my own guild, Alliance Salvaging (And Procurement). The fact that larger guilds have been welcoming for our little company.
As well, many of my memories of RP moments are from meeting wonderful people on Argent Dawn, having come from the Venture Co. around the Icecrown Citadel race, and having to meet new people among reintroducing yourself to old, so many I have met through roleplay as Taelan/Lochton/Auroom/Wizzleblast/Gehco/Atourius/Aurious
But come to the point, I am still a nobody compared to many great people here working to make things happen on Argent Dawn.
rumours say that stealthing around is creepy, so have the gods of this realm decided
Garerth holding onto dear life on a rope attached to the saddle of a DKs deathcharger - a Jormungandr right on their heels as my character screamed out in Frustation. “F YOU KAAAAAAANG.”
That was hillarious.
I really miss the pre-cataclysm world, most of my memories come from being able to actually use places like Menethil Keep for RP before it became gutted out. There’s too many to speak of, I personally miss The Vanguard Order’s early days the most. Too many guilds, too many faces have vanished! What I remember in particular though was my first ever time in an RP ‘campaign’ around Silverpine Forest and Southshore. There was a storyline that involved a wolf cult before worgen were even playable not too dissimiliar from what we see in Grizzly Hills.
It centered around Pyrewood Villiage back when the worgen lore wasn’t really fleshed out beyond the rumours involving the Scythe of Elune which was pretty vague. In Pyrewood Villiage at night (back when there was an actual day/night cycle not permanent daylight) the villiagers would change in to hostile NPCs, they would all fall asleep and then transform in to elite worgen. During the day they were friendly and alligned with the Alliance. The story campaign culminated in an investigatory team being trapped in the Inn and having to escape a nightmare scenario, it led to the actual wolf cult guild being exposed and it was a lot of fun. The whole thing was DM’d wonderfully and we had a lot of sleuthing, combat and fun!
Admittedly, I think (here comes the sap) the times my characters notably fell in love. There’s always little moments when it was far more obvious, even if it wasn’t all at once. Charine drenched Oakley’s tabard because she was bawling after an emotional talk and just started trusting him wholeheartedly. Sinaldra was standing with her now boyfriend and he teased her about smiling, and was just happy he cheered her up, and she almost immediately made up her mind to hold on to him. I like my sugary sweetness!
OOC, there’s way too much. The love I get on the daily is honestly amazing, overall meeting so many new friends is the best thing.
Also probably that time Sinaldra thought Earl Grey was ‘some human noble, maybe’ and stood with Njang trying to uncover secret human bloodlines.
You’re breathtaking …
Probably the largest campaign I helped organise to date, Ogrepowered/“The Stonemaul Campaign”. Never did I imagine organising for 100+ people would be so hectic and yet so manageable with a few ground rules.
Was lovely to finally figure out some use for unphased Ashran, and despite the occasional hiccup, it seems like everyone overall had a good time. We ended up having to scrap a few of the things we’d originally planned, but that just means more ideas for the future.