Great vault scam, continued

Why my previous topic was locked, without explanation?

Why i was even called as trolling?

Be aware, only 1 item per ALL rows.

USA already have a lot of topics about this.

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I mean the idea of this expansion is to “Push high in one level of content” but gear through all forms of content except M+ ofcourse (: not allowed to be mythic geared from M+, but from PVP and Mythic raiding its ok to be.

So a bunch of players assumed that you get three items per week from the vault and none of them read up prior to now nor realised that receiving three items would be quite excessive?

Thank god you recreated this topic. We really need this…


why in the world would you get 3 items per week ?

Because in bfa there were 2 separate weekly chests: mythic + and pvp, + weekly raid quest.

People as me expected 1 item per activity row…


It’s crystal clear that we’re getting only 1 item per week, always has been. The intent is that you get more item choices, not more items (Could change in th future)

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How is you not being able to read blizzard fault?


Welcome to the loot drought. It was pretty clear this was Blizzards intent.

Every aspect of shadowlands has a slower accumulation of loot that BFA

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It was not a top secret or changed sneakily overnight so nobody could notice. The info was in plain sight. Choosing not to read it and continue to expect…whatever is not Blizz’s fault.

Your illiteracy is not the fault of Blizzard

Reposting about a thread that was locked will get you a ban

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Your lacking literacy skills does not make it a scam.


He cant even read 1 sentence on the great vault about awards options. What makes you think that he will read forum CoC? :smiley:


Whats up with those gold fish memory IQ replies?

I am able to read, but i am not alone who thought that you will get 1 item per row, not 1 from ALL activities.

Your topic begs to differ

Well that’s the NA education for you

Congrats, there are also people who believe the earth is flat. Does this make your point valid or?

What did you read that made you think that we’d receive 1 item per row?

I knew this before reset, did you really think you will get three high end items per week?

Cmon dude.

Blame OP for the vault system being convoluted + being a flat nerf on previous systems.

Ok. Then it was clearly said that you get 1 item…but expect to get 2? Right this is the most flawed logic yet.
I am sorry but how can somebody read that they will get one item but expect two? :crazy_face:

Maybe just stick to being an ilitirate cause your interpretation is worse. :rofl:

Whats with the inability to read basic English?