Great vault scam, continued honest, i thought i will get 9 items…

Then 3 was ok…since read in mmo champion - ONLY 1.

Then read again great vault description ingame. Still vaguely worded.

If loads of people read a sign pointing left as pointing right, all it means is several people got it wrong.

It was clearly stated it’s 1 item since GV was revealed. It doesn’t matter that you and several others misread it.

Whatever next? People mistake a butchers for a bakery and blame the butcher and demand he sells bread?

As for “it’s vaguely worded in game” you what. It says right at the top “you can pick one reward from the vault” which part of that is vague?

If someone offers you a choice of four sweets and says pick one, are they being vague?

This was explained when the Great vault was announced it was also shown IN THE BETA that was how it was working.

You could literally have asked anyone with beta access and they would tell you this.

It is confusing yes, but in what universe will Blizz give you three of the best endgame items every week? It would be too good to be true and you know it.

I didnt, thats why made this.topic. so people can be aware, because over USA people already complaining.

Expect more in eu after reset

Thats not why you made the topic at all. Your title implies a scam, you made the thread because you’re salty.

probably because most people have more common sense than you and knew what the great vault was about.

Anyway good way to get a vacation from the forums by making a new topic about a locked topic

So why did you label this thread “Great vault scam”, instead of “Confusion about great vault”?

Because it is scam.

It is not a scam, it is at best a misunderstanding on your and other peoples part.

How is it a scam?

Sure it sucks that you only get one item, but it was never advertised to be otherwise, perhaps poorly explained yes but you were never lied to about this…

The quest objective says “0/1 Collect a reward from the Great Vault”. A singular reward, not multiple rewards. How is that not clear enough?

Vaguely worded description.

Anyway, just made this to prove that i wasnt the only one who thought so. :slight_smile:

Would it be too much to admit you were wrong or are you too immature for that?

It’s not vague at all.

It says you can pick one item per week. It couldn’t be more clear.

what a scam is that system. the loot drought continues! wtf blizzard

So you prefer the old system where you could get loot to the same slot 6 weeks in a row?

At least 2 items per all activities would do. 1 pvp, 1 pve

I do agree loot feels too sparse, but blizz didn’t lie.

They implemented a bad policy that they were totally honest about.

When they first announced the Great Vault at Blizzcon 2019 it was explained that we would be able to increase the pool of items from which we could pick ONE item every week by Raiding, M- and PVP

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