Maybe if you wish really hard you’ll get an extra item
Oh, so now its mandatory to learn game before playing it?
I didnt watched blizzcon
This was announced when the great vault was announced.
You expected something COMPLETELY different than what was explained.
It’s a flat buff for someone who solely does PvP or someone who solely does M+.
Lmao. What a joke.
1. a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
It was CLEARLY stated you would only get one item from the GV from the get go. So no.
You have found your way to the forums to post 1500 times, yet have never ever read any announcement ever made on the forums?
It is not, but it looks quite silly to see people get mad because they thought something worked in a certain way, did not inform themselves and then get mad because they were sure it worked differently.
Also lol 1 item per row would be an insane amount, the point of vault is to let you choose what you need mitigating the rng, not to shower you with loots.
Plus it would basically force people to do all the different content to get more loot, big nope imo.
On the plus side, it means I don’t have to bother with Mythics any more. That’s nice for me.
And I don’t have to PvP. Yay.
Not just loot, everything is intentionally slower even the daily emissaries, I wonder why
I genuinely don’t get the confusion.
I’m one of those people who intentionally AVOIDED research, streams and information so that I could enjoy SL as blind as possible (outside of checking out covenants), and even I understood that I am only going to get one item from weekly.
Their goal is to provide more of an option/choice - so you can pick the item you want - rather than the old system of ‘throw random stuff into a chest based on what they did last week and assume it’ll be useful to them’, to the lamentations of countless people getting junk or duplicates.
Now you’re getting a list of options to choose from and select the one that is most useful to you. Do I miss having ‘moar loot’, sure, but assuming the options are semi-decent, I’d greatly prefer being able to pick a useful item from a pool rather than work my butt off for yet another [insert item I already had 5 of] from the chest of disappointment.
Will see how I really feel after the reset.
Is this news? It literally says this is how it works in the game if you look at it. You can’t be mad because you got confused about a system that states exactly that you will only get 1 item to choose regardless of how much you do.
Is the system confusing (as to how you get 2nd, 3rd choices) and convoluted? Maybe, but it’s pretty clear that you only get 1 item in total.
You’re not alone in this.
The Vault itself is not giving us enough information on this, and that’s the worst thing about it.
A friend of mine farmed arenas and hit the Vault cap, then we have done a couple of NM bosses to get the chest too, and farmed M+ until we maxed out the M+ row.
So we flush the raid and arena chest and just pick the highest ilvl we get from M+… that is a show.
Yes we hoped we’d get 3 items per activity (Raid, PvP, M+) , but apparently that’s not the case.
Ah well, at least it won’t be RNG fest if anything…hopefully offers us a nice choice.
it does say you only have access to 1 row, seems pretty fair
Not really.
You used to have a weekly PvP chest and a M+ chest. I hardly find it fair, considering some people wish to dedicate to all activities to max out the Vault and be rewarded for that effort like before.
Very little point in raiding or PvP-ing now whereas we can just run M+, get good drops and get a good ilvl from the weekly chest.
Still gotta see how it works, but if it’s not RNG fest, I’ll be fine with it…at least letting us choose is something.
Guys stop feeding fuel to fire.
you can just pvp, raid or do dungeons and the more you do the better the gear. you can use pve and pvp gear interchangeably in most cases. I think its very fair
I’m aware of that, as I did that
Just saying, it’s a bit confusing as many of us are used to separate chests rewarding us for these activities separately. Just saying.
As long as we get to choose and not rely on RNG, it’s fine…
Never opened a single weekly chest before because it was too time consuming to do everything so I did nothing.
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