You may think it’s acceptable for people to insult others to try and score points but I am not interested. Blizzard does not owe anyone free game time and I don’t need to resort to petty name calling or in this case an outright lie to try to say that.
Blizzard have done something for it’s loyal customers. Whether or not people like it is their choice. I love it, I appreciate it, I am enjoying it. This is something that is keeping me busy. Free game time does not.
It’s also worth noting that World of Warcraft is not the only game out there. If people feel so strongly that they are going to suffer emotionally without access to a free game.
They could probably still break a healthy profit even if free playtime was on the table and given the current situation many would be appreciative.
Should they?
Completely their choice and I can’t really fault them no matter what they decide, it’s their property, we just borrow it/play on lease.
People should stop flooding supermarkets and isolate to stop spreading disease too, many do not.
It’s just the world we living in, this virtual world is one of the only ones I’d pay for in such a manner that I do, it helps me escape on many levels and I wish it could do the same for others yet one glance over the forum and it clearly does not, there is entitlement on many levels, I do not think asking for a month is the worst, I think the people who think the game should bend to their will is a worse entitlement, this is blizz/activisions baby and they deserve to foster it however they wish, we are blessed to have the choice to like it or leave it.
Unless you are over 70 or currently exhibiting symptoms, home delivery of groceries is not an option. So whilst I appreciate what you have said, there is still many of us who need to shop for necessary items, rather than bulk buying and making the current situation worse. I did shop this morning, I took the necessary precautions, in fact we were told that we must leave a reasonable distance between other shoppers even at the tills, people were happy to wait and follow the rules, at present it’s the best we can do.
This is about a minority of posters acting as if Blizzard haven’t responded to the current situation. They have.
If my financial situation demands it, I go without certain luxuries. There are lots of free games out there.
This has zero to do with how those demanding free game time getting their way would affect me. Everyone is in the same boat, we are all going through the same social distancing and are all at home. I am grateful for the buff and I think it’s a lovely gesture.
I am disheartened how some will exploit any situation to beg, demand, expect freebies.
Of course, I’m human too, in-fact I have less than three meals in my house due to how things have hit in quickly and the fact that most of my meals would typically be provided on the job, I’m not running to supermarkets in a rush however, you live in poverty for long enough and you come to realise a bag of rice can do you for a week if it must. Not that I expect people to take things so drastically but the sheer scale of things currently is over the top, people are hoarding and looking out for number one meanwhile the most vulnerable are left to suffer the consequences (actually I’m also very lucky here as people around the community here are offering food, shopping and prescriptions for anybody who needs assistance), the people who are over 60, have nobody or are ill are the ones in need, not the majority who flock the stores currently and fill their cuboards to bursting point.
It’s not a surprising matter really, all it ever takes is a little push and society shows how cutthroat is really is, you and I may might only vy for what is needed but many do not and it just contributes to escalating things further. My kudos to the workers in the supermarket, underpaid, undervalued and currently holding our society together lol.
I agree, I was also happy to see that all the staff were wearing filter masks and gloves. At the entrance to the store, disposable gloves were being given to shoppers, they also extended opening times to cater for shift workers at the local hospital so that they get the opportunity to shop too. I applaud everything they do and yes they are undervalued.
I mean, buying and reselling stocks with your phone in between hooker parties provides society with so much more value than these guys, it’s understandable they’re barely paid crumbs.
(I really gotta step away from media for a while, I think. My cynicism these days is reaching unhealthy levels)
Nah. Do you honestly think it is easy working in a supermarket? First they have to deal with people who share such opinions that place them as low as cattle.
Second, it’s a huge grind, I have respect for people who do such jobs, I cannot devote myself to such things for any serious length of time, it’s too mundane, I prefer to move places and learn things. It’s litterally a backbone job of society.
All the politicians and stock brokers could drop off the planet tomorrow and yet society will still find ways to function.
Lose all the street sweepers, super market workers, teachers and other everyday low paying jobs? Your world ends as you know it.
the arguments will continue to go round in circles no matter how many times you state your opinions.
plus you´re dealing with one of the greatest mastermind posters, Bukachu lol
The world is based on Ying Yang, you can not have light without the dark. this applies to this, you can not have a happy player on the forums without the unhappy player.
I always viewed things to be naturally chaotic, even amongst human beings, some represent order and others revel in chaos.
As for Bukachu, always struck me as an individual who gives their unreserved (or even unwanted lol) opinion on things which is great, what a forum needs, no need to all hold hands and agree on things as we walk into the sunset, that is not reality at all, yet few strike such balance when it comes to more serious posts.
edit: just to add, Punyelf is a great poster here on the forums also I think, just not as liable to call people out as idiots… for being idiots etc lol
I just feel bad for Punyelf going in circles with topics like this one. 100% exp is nice, but you will always have people that will want more or won´t agree.
Oh for sure, we all have feelings behind our opinions and they all tend to be valid, we all trigger differently I guess, the best we can do is try express them as best we can with the words we got.
I think Puny just sharing their opinion like the rest of us, we are all going around in circles for the most part lol
Oh good news OP they’re way ahead of you here, they made the game free to play years ago. I suppose it didn’t make the headlines in whatever corner of the web you’ve been brooding in.
You can just use gold to pay your sub fee, cheers mate!
Shouldn’t be too hard for even you to swing it with all that quarantine game time
To be selfish, to be greedy is in your nature, this is the real nature of man.
To be charitable, to show kindness to strangers is an act of rebellion against your own nature.
Likewise, for blizzard to grant free gametime to it’s players due to the current situation, in spite of their monetary loses as a result, is an act of revolution against the nature of the men who can do this, who would forsake their greediness for the sake of others.