Am on a tight budget. Want to play WoW but don’t have the money to pay for Token. Don’t have professions and only have three days on the subscription.
I think anyone in that situation’s screwed. And you don’t seem to care because “Peepz can go and grind gold and stuff and get their token duuuur 100% XP so good.”
Yes, the buff is nice, but don’t pretend that there might be a bit of an iffy feeling of “This is nice and all, but I have no disposable income and I am not gonna be able to pay for another month. This buff is dead weight for me.”
Loving all these threads using emotional blackmail to in a VERY roundabout way asking to play for free while hoping no one will notice through the crocodile tears and hand wringing “think of the children…”
Exploiting people who genuinely are in dire financial straits over a sub to a freakin video game really is a crappy thing to do, same as a accusing Blizzard of corporate greed because you can’t be bothered to find something more productive to do than play WoW until the world either ends or whatever.
So you want all phyco people get a free game time so they could ruin the game they have no interest just for sake of “doing the right thing”…
I think only smart way of handling it is to issue some discounts for long time subs based on the length of the tenure if they would ask for it
Attracting toxic trolls from internet to abuse and harass wow players won’t help the game.
Socialism: Force somebody to do something they dont want to do, and at the same time force them to pay for it. More money to the state (Blizz in this case)
Thats what socialists want the sheeps to think socialism is.
Stealing other peoples stuff, keep most of it yourself and giving a small part of it to others is socialism, well a small part of it anyways. Thats what socialist politicians have been doing through all of history.
More power to the state, more money to the state, less individual freedom, less freedom of speech, meaning-control ++ = Socialism, and yes alot of aspects of socialism can be found in alot of other ideologies.
Liberalism = The opposite of socialism. Im a liberalist, but politics should be kept outside of the current situation.
While we’re stating facts, you’re actually a child if you preemtively try to shut down people who share different opinions to you.
Punys point is just as valid as yours. And I happen to share her POV.
all you’re doing is making an attention seeking aggregation thread. Your usual trick when theres a hot topic, try to see which way the wind is blowing and pretend to deeply care about something in an attempt to garner some ethumbs up.
On to the topic at hand, can you really not see the other side? This situation is changing with shocking speed. It’s only 1 month ago that Italy had 127 cases of the virus. Now the country and half the world is in lockdown and faces huge uncertainty.
In that climate, what company in its right mind (that had employees to pay - and shareholders to please) is going to say “Hey fellas, I have a great idea, lets give our product away for free!” when they don’t even know what the next month holds?
In one day we went from broadband providers in the UK saying “lol no problems” to netflix et al reducing streaming quality to help ease the load. What if the net hits serious trouble and Blizz’s revenues tank to zero like pubs and airlines? Oh look, they’ll have to fire (more) people because they gave their stuff away for free cos the Pikachu pitchfork brigade had a fit of self righteousness. Get over yourself.
I know you like to bleat on about how sage and smart and worldywise you are. But are you serious?
Time you followed your own advice to people, grow up.
The current situation. is that the Markets are collapsing, because people can’t go to work.
The workers control the means of production, but Capitalists want peeps to think they don’t, so they can steal peeps’ stuff and give it to shareholders… that’s what Capitalist politicians have been doing for all of history.
Liberalism = Giving more power to the Establishment factory owners and shareholders, not to mention using tax payers’ money to pay off corporate debts, when Capitalists literally run out of other people’s money to gamble… that’s control…waving the cheap flag they handed you as a consolation prize, isn’t freedom.
I was going to reply as I got notifications but I can see they just got progressively worse with their petty insults.
So I’m going to ignore this thread. It’s clear opposing views aren’t welcome, I’m not allowed to have my own opinion, or express it, and daring to do so results in childish remarks and ridiculous assumptions.
My Vulpera just got her heritage armour, I’m 112, this buff is glorious even if some don’t like it.
If playing a game is currently this much of an issue for you then maybe you should do something about your priorities. If you want to talk about the current situation this much then compare yourself to those who actually suffer. The ones that are in hospitals and kept alive with machines while also suffering from high fever/cough/pneumonia. Then here you are, a man-child who wants to play video games for free instead of spending time with something productive if you have no money to pay for your sub (which is obviously not the case for anyone in here because you wouldn’t be able to comment without a sub).
If you still think that the biggest issue is that Blizzard is not giving you something you personally want then you are mentally on a level of a 4 years old who got an xbox one instead of a ps4 for christmas and throwing a fit about it.
i agree, cause the game forums arent and should never be a platform for political discussions. Plus you buy too much into the name/brand. Only results of specific leader matters at the end for people, not how someone calls himself and his policies.
Honestly I welcome a differing opinion and I bet many others too, I think it is important to have such things from people who put it together so well, you do and you offer your time to detail it further where others just walk out the door with fingers in ears, don’t let people discourage ya, it’s important to have multiple points of view, even if disagreed upon, serves as thought food and provides more perspective.
I do think they could have provided time if they wanted and lost very little, nothing is expected however and I am happy and grateful we got something for nothing anyway, as things stand wow is an incredibly cheap hobbie, for me there is hundreds of hours of potential playtime for the fee of a sub and latest expansion, thats a good price for a hobbie that can soak up so much time and folk probably spend much more on vices for less.
albeit one of biggest business succeses of this year in my country before all this coronavirus crap was start of selfservice mini markets - they were incredibly popular from day one.
so ye people will manage just fin without cashiers. all they will need will be 1 person to restock shelves.