Green Skin for Trolls

I wanna make my warriors skin yellow. Sponsored by Marlboro!

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More customization options? You may not want it, but others do.

Eventually they could add the stronger body trolls later on, like they did Straight back Orcs. The reason I asked for skin color alone because itā€™s easy for blizzard to add.


But itā€™s not even proper if itā€™s not real forest trolls.

There are skinnier Forest trolls, you meet them in dungeon, and in Terrace of Speakers. Besides if they were capable of modifing undead model and adding extra facial rigs to humans, then bulkier trolls could be also an option.

If not now, then later in the future. Troll fans arenā€™t as obsessive as helf fans and will be happy with just skin option.


Dark Trolls should be rare and unique~ they should be given as appearance option only to most decorated forum trolls.

Horde-aligned, non-bulky, green Forest Troll.

Not my fault Blizzard are stupid.

Theyā€™ve made 99% of all Forest trolls to use the Amani model when it was added, and theyā€™re described in lore to be bigger and bulkier then jungle trolls.


Let them give us skin color for now, and we will worry about the body shapes later. If we ask for both, they will take twice as long to add them. In fact, they may not add them at all.

Letā€™s ask for something basic first like skin colors since Shadowlands is coming, then ask for body later as that is harder to do.


I love this. Every sub-race should have this. Iā€™d include Zandalari Trolls in the same category too.

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But Zandalari are Allied Race and not extra customization.

I know, but they are still the same race lore-wise. Iā€™d want Dark Iron Dwarves to appear in the Dwarf sub-race option for the same reason too, and Iā€™d even put undead under the Human sub-race option if it were up to me by the same logic.

This is what I want since day 1.
Trolls are the only reason why Iā€™m playing this game and I play almost only Trolls.
I would love to have a buff option for Trolls, so we can play Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls.

But Iā€™m happy with a skin option. The skin already exists and the Alliance has now all their WC2 races back. It would be only fair if we could also play as Revantusk. They are Forest Trolls and members of the Horde.

Sadly not. Teal is not enough.

This is great! I would love this option for every race (Taunka for Tauren).


Oh, thatā€™s a brilliant idea. I might try to put together a mockup for that as well. :slight_smile:


I was very similar to you. I started loving troll lore so much that I made lots of trolls. I wouldnā€™t say trolls are the only race I make, but they are the majority. And I like to pretend each one is from a different tribe.


Do it. :wink:

My love for Trolls began back during WC2. The RTS games and old Troll compendium were important for my liking of them. I also like all their tribes and would love if we could play as any of them. Even though Forest Trolls are my favorites among them. I see my characters origins also within different tribes.


My favorite is definitely the Zandalari, but I like all of them. Hopefully Blizzard listens to us. Unfortunately our voices are very small compared to the High elf fans.


Hehe I had the same! At first I just wanted cool hunter but then the more I learned about them the more I loved then. So I made another and then another. Each one visually different, canā€™t wait for more customization options!


Unfortunately thatā€™s true for every race.

Push this thing!


Green skin would be cool as simply another option, not necessarily representing Forest Trolls officially per say - Forest Trolls are stated to be physiologically quite different from Jungle Trolls. There would be nothing to stop someone using a green skin to RP as a Forest (Revantusk) Troll however.

Rather than skin colours I would rather they focus on things like piercings and adornments, facial hair for males, more hairstyles, ear styles (like torn, length) so characters can look really distinct, different nose shapes etc.
Also the darkspeak heritage armour really really needs to feature a Rusā€™kah mask.

I agree with almost everything youā€™re wrote. Itā€™s a well written response and I very much appreciate it. As far as we know, there will be no new lore alongside the new skin tones (like the Farrki one for example). Those skin tones also already exist, so it would not be extra work.
Of course a more bulky (or ā€œZulā€™jin likeā€) body option would be more appreciated, but thatā€™s asking for a little much here. Although I would love it.

Broken tusks will somehow be a thing (If we can go by what was shown at Blizzard) and some claws and bones as piercings too. I would love to see much more of those things too. Even a nose ring, for at least females. It would be a nice touch regarding an old quest.

I also agree with that and want to point it out especially.