Green Skin for Trolls

Why not have both? It’s not a “or” and “or” option. Lots of races received lots of nice stuff besides skin color.


This is true, in an ideal world i’d have both.


Knowing how long it takes to add stuff like these, that’s why I only suggested Skin color. It’s really easy to add and it’s already in the game. Once they add that, we can ask for more after. But if we ask for both chances are they might not come for Shadowlands and that’s why I asked for the easy things to be added.

But yeah having both would be nice…


Thankfully we know they are coming :

New hairstyles, new piercings, hair dye.

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Those are nice, but I see no green skin there…? That’s what the OP is asking.


It is about time female trolls could alter their piercings and males could have them.

If I could ask for only one more thing it would be facial hair on males (no moustaches mind). When I made my very first Horde char in Vanilla a Troll shaman it was based upon the Shadow Hunter from WC3 and I hated the fact I could look just like him, tusks topknot and all but without the white beard.


Yes. Thank you. I feel 3 new skin colors is not really enough anyway. The customization is great! But I don’t see why Green skin was avoided. They even used green skin to show off the tattoos and yet it’s not added In the game.

Revantusk are part of the horde, so really there is no reason not to add them. But how can I deliver this message to blizzard? It’s unlikely they will see this.


This forum can be of use, as it is assumed the Blues are lurking and they have also occasionally acknowledged requests (as in, said they were interesting suggestions and asked fans to provide more).

Then there’s the underrated in-game suggestion box. I use that loads, and some of the stuff I asked actually happed, so well, why not.

Lastly, there are unofficial forums and/or you may want to hit twitter with some mockup art and hope some influencer notices you.

I personally find that a well-managed forum thread over here, with efficient q&a about the requested feature in the first post and at least a couple of links to image or (even better) custom art is probably the best thing a fan who cares can put together. I was very pleased to see Sigfrieda’s and Moira’s template mockups go somewhat viral on Twitter with dataminers linking them to the Blizzard devs!

But one has to get very lucky for that to happen… or have astonishing images to share, I guess.

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Here goes info from a blue.


I sent a message just now. Thanks for telling me about it!


You’re welcome, I follow your posts with interest, as we seem to have similar taste for Lore/customization. :slight_smile:

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Interesting. I send a message too. It is really a small request but one that will bring much pleasure and fun for Troll fans.

I think we had this luck with the Zandalari threads.


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