Group Finder Improvements in Wrath Classic

That’s not true. I was upset at TBC launch, that they didn’t upgrade the in-game group finder like now, and didn’t do those boosting nerfs. But now they do it, which is nice. This over, what we had to deal with since 2019/20, is such an improvement. RDF is unnecessary and it’d destroy more for alot of players, than it’d give QoL-improvements to rush to endgame faster with soulless dungeon spam and instance teleports from Orgrimmar.

First of all I’m not talking about boosting nerfs, those are a separate thing and they could’ve been done even with RDF in the game.

Second, I was talking more in general about the max lvl dungeon group forming experience. How was it different from what it would be like with this tool? Where is the actual improvement? The only significant improvement I can see is if you played on one of those mega servers where parsing through the LFG chat is impossible and you’re unwilling to use any of the addons that help you doing so. But aside from that, it’s going to be the same exact thing - some people are looking for members, some people are looking for a group, and if you’re the latter you still need to whisper the group lead and hope that (1) you do it faster than others, and/or that (2) the group lead doesn’t dislike your class/spec/gear. It’s the same exact thing, no change involved.


Blizzard announced it was in 3.3.5, but thats wrong. Blizzard either cant use google or are lying to make it fit their agenda. It was introduced in 3.3.0, more than 6 months before 3.3.5.

Btw, client aside, it would make sense to introduce it in the original 3.3.0 patch, while I personally would prefer a sooner release, since it was introduced because it was a fix to many issues and was necessary for many players to partake in the game.

Blizzard is excluding RDF from wotlk because some vanilla/tbc fans dont like wotlk for its design, while its proven by player numbers back in the day on retail and on private servers for the last 14 years that a faithful wotlk, as it was, is the most desired expansion out there.
I cant grasp why they would make such a decision with a professional team.


Looks great!

Well done.

Both sides should be happy with this a solid mid way!

Cleans up the LFG chat and no auto teleporting Dalaran Lobby poggerz.


Wotlk is way more balanced than TBC.
But still, how to fix this anyway: Just list your own group in LFG, and then people whisper you instead.
:white_check_mark: Problem solved.
If this is not enough for you, and you want everything immediately with teleport and no interactions, retail also exists as a game, and it is really fun. I play both semi-casually.

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Do you think that will stop people from, say, not wanting to invite more than a DPS with the same spec/class - even if nobody wants the items and even if any 3 DPS in T7 gear or better can melt any heroic?

“Make your own group” is and never has been a solution to problems involving making dungeon groups. What actually happens, in practice, is/will be that an increasing amount of players will just decide that dungeons are not worth the effort (besides the one daily) and will only do raids instead. After two Classic versions worth of raid logging I was hoping for something different, but I guess that was not to be.

And I’ve already explained why I don’t like retail, so I don’t see why you keep reiterating this. In fact, I’d add that class gameplay is a LOT more important than something like RDF since you play your class 100% of the time, while RDF only impacts the dungeon experience and not Battlegrounds, Arenas, daily quests, Raids etc. So yeah as you can see it works both ways.


Great addition.


Don’t perpetuate Blizz’s mistake, it was patch 3.3.0.
The other one - 3.3.5 - was Ruby Sanctum.


This is a great addition and improvement, and personally I welcome this idea. I hope Blizzard can continue to innovate the group finder tool in a way that is similar to how the existing LFG Bulletin Board addon works.

The LFG Bulletin Board addon is a seamless experience that provides an overview of requests in chat channels, by detecting the requests and sorting them in manner based on your own customization. The problem is many players to this day are still not aware of this extremely beneficial addon, and continue to suffer an unproductive way of grouping up. The beauty of the addon also makes it that you don’t need to be part of the LFG channel where people are spamming their requests.

I appreciate that Blizzard has taken the initiative to keep the automated dungeon finder out of Classic Wrath, and I hope the community educates themselves on the useful tools available to make grouping up easier. I am really glad that the social aspect of the game will continue to live on.

Also, the people complaining that this may further promote boosting activities, well Blizzard is planning to take further preventive measures to tackle this very point, by adjusting monster behavior when ensnared and kited, and implementing a reduction to group XP earned when there is large disparity between player levels in the same group.


I’m glad to see there is no RDF. The introduction to it back at the end of WOTLK should have never happened in the first place.

Keep people out in the world, that’s the MMORPG experience.


Yes because spamming LFG in Orgrimmar is good MMORPG experience… :man_facepalming:


Pretty sure the interface proposed by Kaivax solves this exact issue.

Instant group forming and teleportation to the instance goes against the whole point of creating meaningful interactions with others.

Sure, the current system is not perfect but it forces people to communicate. RFD is the first of those features that started taking Blizzard off the MMORPG direction.


Even though we would love to have no changes Random Dungeon Finder, I think this is a good change. Modern Retail group finder is pretty good IMO.


If anything, not having RDF will mean less people out in the world and more people in main cities, making groups for dungeons and raids instead of just minding their own business somewhere else in the world.

Then why not removing auto-queue for BGs too and force people to (1) make their own groups, (2) go to the battlemaster near the portal to said BG, and (3) without any x-realm?


This overhaul of the LFG tool won’t even solve a single problem that is in TBC Classic now. But it is just as unpersonal as the RDF.

There exist addons for ages, that do, what this overhaul is supposed to do. Most players already use those and the problems remain.

Seiously Blizzard I am tired of this. I’ve been posting in this board, in comment sections on discords, that I want the RDF, like a lot of other players.
Just give us the WotLK Classic we want not the WotLK Classic you want us to want.

I quit my sub on the day you announced that no RDF nonsense and I won’t reactive it unless you include the RDF into WotLK with all the features it initially had. I won’t accept a fowl compromise, that will bring me a bad experience.

How hard can it be to rerelease a game that was great as it was? You literally wouldn’t have to change a thing and still you managed to screw up.


Can’t they just use /4 and the new LFG tool proposed by Kaivax?

That’s a really good point. I’m glad you brought it up. If I had my way, then I would remove the auto-queue bg as well.

And I’m not saying that these features are terrible or not useful, they take away from the world experience. I would much rather have wintergrasp, tol barad, etc outdoor battlegrounds instead. That’s just my unpopular opinion.

I think Blizzard should focus more on making the world more interesting and exciting… but haiya… I’m essentially wishing for a WoW 2 at this point.

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Yes but the new tool proposed by Kaivax doesn’t have teleport included, so a lot of people will just stay in main cities instead of going out in the world if they still have to go “manually” to the dungeon anyway - and you won’t see them doing this in the world since they’ll all be flying above your head while doing so.

Instead Blizzard is basically catering to PvP and shove PvE under the bus - it’s getting to the point where it’s just faster to get full epic gear from PvP than it is to get full blue gear from dungeons. With this system in place, it’ll get to the point where basically nobody will play dungeons outside the daily one by ToC/ICC phase. And even if you removed auto-queue BG, people would just do raids only instead, and log even less. Your hope of seeing more ppl in the world will just not come to pass because that’s just how WoTLK is, and removing RDF isn’t magically gonna change how it is.


I don’t understand why people fixate so much on dungeon teleportation. Like, we have summoning stones, right? In the last year, there was literally one single dungeon I have done where the entire group made its way to the instance instead of two people going to the stone and summoning while other three pretend to be busy, and that was when I went to do SFK with a group of level 15-20 characters who were all played by my friends from outside the game.

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I do not care about the quick / automatic / semi automatic or whatever group assemblage. If I was looking forward to anything about LFD it was theteleport there and back again.
But no, Blizz just have to ruin anything that could remotely / potentially be fun:

  • Fresh servers - with 50 % XP bonus!
  • LFD - with no teleport!
  • RP servers - killed, then only HW revived - Celebras should have stayed!

You still have to travel back as well last I heard.

What he means is that, if LFD teleportation is so much against “the spirit of the game”, then it’s kind of arbitrary to claim summoning stones aren’t. Where do you draw the line exactly? Each person will/would give a different answer, and there rly is no objective one here. That’s the problem with all these claims about “the spirit of the game”.