Group Finder Improvements in Wrath Classic

You can hearthstone, or if your hearthstone is on a cooldown, you can “ghetto hearth” by dropping the group while still in the instance and you get automatically ported to your hearthstone location sixty seconds later.

Well, yes I agree here. Following “The spirit” is just like selling rubber bands by the inch :slight_smile:
I just know that I am going to run way fewer dungeons with the teleport not there. For me they could shoot the assembly and totally annilhilate the “bribe” for doing random dungeons. I don’t care, but the teleport saved me hours of time. Now given the choice of using my time for what I find fun - questing in the open world - or helping out friends in a dungeon, my fun, questing, will win most of the time.

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I would like to draw your attention to this thread posted on NA forums:


see how many different opinions we have. I disagree with Chaldea on all points.

  1. personal loot - no thanks.
  2. incentives for tank/healer - Teleport would incentivise (or what ever that verb would be) a 1000 times more than any rewards.
  3. Cross realm functionality - No thanks, and I play low-pop.
  1. Meh, Both has + and - points.
  2. TPing is no incentive at all for a DPS player too play tank/healer… (See Retail for example).
  3. Very much needed. You can still play low-pop without doing dungeons. And do dungeons eassier if you chose too… You will find no negatives here…

They did this then nerfed Boosting XP, what a FUBAR thing this is.

They probably removed RDF so they can add it back as a seasonal perk later down the line…i wish i was only half joking but blizzard is nothing but lazy when it comes to wow.

Im sure we wont see "need 2 dps (whatever Gerascore) "by mid nax
making it difficult for people who dont have gear finding grps so they can get tokens to get gear.

  1. Rolling for loot is the most fun about loot in Dungeons for me. Big minus
  2. TP is an incentive for me to tank dungeons, and no, won’t see Retail, don’t play it, never bought SL. I won’t run for ½ an hour just to tank for a dungeon. Big minus.
  3. Cross realm smashes what’s left of decent behaviour. Big minus.

Can we agree to disagree?

I cant wait to make my own groups and just ignore all them plate dps’, so i can get all the plate gear for my prot pala!

I have come here for the “classic” experience and now you want to change that experience, WOTLK was your most popular expansion… there was a reason for that. Stop making massive changes to what should be an authentic bit of nostalgia for people. If people wanna post in LFG for a dungeon they can do that, but don’t take out the RDF for those that also want it. You’re effectivley forcing the masses to have the experience you want instead of the experience they will actually be coming back to classic for.

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Dude you’ve hit the nail on the head. Then let’s see how many of the players want to use your new system when given the choice.

Someone who gets it… Would be nice if the wrath babies and retail wankers could stop crying about RDF. Just socialize and play the game

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Stop crying RDF was implemented at the END of wotlk


wrath babies > double digit IQ classic andys

everything you typed is just wrong

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There’s no improvement here. It’s a convoluted RDF, just worse, with more clicks and literally nothing useful.

I don’t know how you can keep lying to everyone about what the community wants.

Nobody at Blizzard/Activision/Microsoft asked players what they wanted.

I’ve been playing WOTLK for the past 4 weeks (ahem, yes) and RDF is amazing. Your stupid tool solves nothing.


If you don’t like wrath there always is the Season of Mastery :smiley:

PS: And unlike Retail you need not pay anything extra

No it wasn’t. It was in patch 3.3.0 which was the next to last patch, but it came right in the middle of the whole 2 years, WotLK went on. Plus in the second half the player count went up, so more people played WotLK with RDF, than without.

No matter how much you anti-RDF people are going to repeat the “Oh but it just came at the very end” line, it won’t make it true. It just shows how wrong your memories are, on which you base your bad opinion of the RDF.

Edit: Plus WotLK Classic will completely be based on the patch, that came even after the RDF, which invalidates every argument about the original patch cycle of WotLK.


or at least use the WotLK UI design for the group finder instead of the Dragonflight one. I’m talking mostly about the colourful buttons on the first screenshot, taken straight out of the Dungeon Journal.

Great news! Do not give in Blizz, do not add RDF to the game!

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