Group loot in Mythic+

To be fair, current loot system wont allow tank to roll on caster staff for mainspec.

But i get your point.

Problem is also that kind of situation :

healer + 1-3 dps caster

only the healer need the item for upgrade, others absolutely dont need.

They roll in purpose to sell to you, the inspected you before the run started.

you’ll probably answer “the raid system that make you the impossibility to roll something you have equal or superior than the item dropped.”

Ok I ll say this :

Exemple the trinket “branch” on Waycrest Manor, As a holy priest i absolutely dont care about that trinket but imagine i dont have equal or superior (trinket are not a good exemple because you may need a inferior or equal trinket if its bis, even if its inferior of a shi-ty trinket you actualy have)

imagine if I m a greedy unfair player (rethoric I’m not, i m infused by the light KEK)

What’s gonna prevent me to roll, win the branch trinket to sell to the poor warlock in my group ? Nothing

Group loot would be horrific in M+.

Instead of getting two items suited to the group class and specs, you’d get two items completely random on the entire loot table.

I’d rather have useable loot than the useless rubbish GL generates that nobody can use.


Group loot doesn’t have place in dungeons. M+ is quite well balanced around PL.
When I play with friends and I don’t need items I am switching loot spec to the one my friend is playing so I can trade items if I win anything useful.

No, you don’t. You can just wait for them to offer. It’s their loot, not yours. If you do want to share loot, playing with friends is the best way to go.

I much prefer Personal Loot to Group Loot and hope they’ll switch back to PL for raids.


PL is just fine for M+ and dungeon loot.
A little background: I played 7 characters this season (1 to 487, 2 to 485 and the rest between 470 and 480).

Why PL is better? Simple. Let’s even say they will adapt GL to only match the comp of the party in a dungeon. The system will pick out 2 items from a total of 5 players loot table. So this would be the first obstacle in actually getting what you are farming, a bigger loot table. Then you will also have to win the roll for that item. And no, I don’t hold any grudge on people selling their items, because it’s just fair: some people go for loot in a raid, others to make gold. You all come and say :“But it’s a joint effort”. Same applies for people selling the items: they won the item fair and square, and their reason to sell it is not less important or immoral than someone who wants the item to grow in power.

Meanwhile PL: Selects randomly 2 players who will get loot, then goes in loot table and picks something random from there.

The problem is bigger than that. According to Raider IO, I ran 620 dungeons this season across all my characters, and being part of the guild, my alts have the rank of an alt ofc. The amount of people asking me for an item that dropped to me/won on a roll because someone offered the item was insane. And their argument was :“Yes man, but this is my main, that is your alt. Why do you care so much if your alt is geared or not?”. This problem won’t be removed by GL.

One improvement PL can have, is being able to trade any item you got, without any restrictions when it comes to what you currently have equipped, because there were plenty of times when some trinket or another item with worst stats possible dropped for me, and it was 3-6 ilvl better than what I got on me, but couldn’t trade. That is one improvement that hopefully they will take in consideration.

GL could be changed to only drop loot usable by the group. I don’t quite understand why it isn’t that way already.

A bigger issue with GL in Mythic+ would in my opinion be the needing on items with the intent to sell them, as it happens a lot in raid. Although even that could be prevented with well designed systems.

I’d say the ideal solution would still be to completely lift PL trading restrictions.

I would love for all GL to respect the classes and specs of groups. Would stop us getting so much useless loot. It wont stop the needfest ofc but it would balance out the rewards being rolled on.

Never thought I’d miss PL until they took it away.

It really should. Plus it should only be usable by guild groups. Everywhere else should be PL without any trading restrictions. A wishful thinking perhaps but that would be the ideal system in my opinion.

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Knowing you made someone happy when you give them a (potentially huge) upgrade.
It’s called empathy.

They absolutely do. I’ve had people in my party that were farming the dungeon over and over for a specific trinket. If that trinket would drop for me and I wouldn’t need it, why the hell wouldn’t I trade it away? If more than one person needs it they roll, simple.
If it makes them happy? Never understood why people actively try to avoid being nice.

You’re basically saying you were reported in the past for leaving a key. I mean reading your posts I feel you’re actively trying to be a toxic player, why? Did someone hurt/scammed you in the past?

Ah here it is. That sucks but that’s just pug life. Do it with guild mates you know and trust or form a group on a discord that pushes keys. Load and loads of ways to increase your chances, not to mention pusing your own key and checking rio/gear before you invite, but yeah when you need a specific key that’s tricky.

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nah i was reported for literaly saying " i cba with this dps" when on tyranical week we had 2 dps below me as tank on meters and wiping on boss with bl due to low dps. in +19.

after this infraction i stopped caring .

those people are not worth me thinking about them . they will never learn anyway if you point it out to them and they will be hostile towards you.

thx to god for pings now in game. if only they made additional ping for BL calling … . but what i have is more then enough to never talk :slight_smile:

Plus 1 for personal loot, i never enjoyed group loot and rolling for gear.
And the problem is solved by playing with decent people, if someone doesnt need it I often see them asking if anyone else wants it.
Or you can ask nicely and get a yes/no.
Sure you dont know what kind of player you will end up with when you pug, but most of the time people are not a-holes imo.

The annoying players are the ones that doesnt accept a no and keeps whispering you after the run…

No, if you wanna roll for loot in dungeons go play Classic or SoD.

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I dont feel its necessarily a problem of the dps players being bad, but more a symptom of this season being very easy to gain rating. Everyone regularly playing m+ will eventually get carried into the 18-20 range, because the timers are so lenient that its almost impossible to fail 15s/16s. Thats not a bad thing as such, in fact all m+ rewards being available to everyone who wants it is great. But it means that you can quickly get carried into a key range that you dont belong in yet.

Oh no… are you saying some people will use it like personal loot and need on items for the 50g…? Oh nooo…

So we 100% need to change loot sysytems so people can’t do that i guess…
Step 1. Remove personal loot

Maybe because it would create the most toxic environment for groups ever? Apart from making boost runs the most efficient way to gear up, it would incentivize pug leaders to ONLY invite more geared players that share the loot they want.

At least now it favors to have the most diverse groups in order to not waste loot drops.

The reason they explained they are not doing that, is that it totally trivializes gearing, and creates a toxic environment for optimal gearing.

You want to gear up a single person for your raid/party:
Make a raid of 30 alts that share his armor/tier token/trinkets and just trade away all the loot that drops. Most specs have 3-5 possible drops from a boss, which means that with a single run from HC people would be BiS.

nah -it was almost year ago :smiley: doesnt matter but tought me to never speak in dungeon ever again .

most of those issue will be solved with warbands - now all drops will have its use for like alt nr 10 .

beggars will stop eventually when they relise nobody will trade anything anymore.

on bonus side - when you decide to jump on your alt - guess what you dont have to farm 10 difficulties below your main or underperform like crazy in higher keys.

Dude, I think you misunderstand.

Warbound until equipped gear will be rare gear that will drop at a lower level from what people do normally.

For example if we do a m+ +20, the normal 2 item at 465ilvl will drop, but there is also a chance that a 440ilvl will drop to a random person (for his warband).

Most gear, especially at endgame will not be for your warband.

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