Group of 4 looking for AOTC/mythic raiding guild

Number of People Looking : 4
Class Spec : Holy Paladin/Preservation Evoker, Frost DK/Assass Rogue/Aff Lock (or Demo/Destro if needed), Arcane Mage (or Fire/Frost if needed), and Resto Shaman
Faction : Horde
Contact : Eneth#2242 (or via this message below)
Availability : All days except Fri/Sat (2-3 days preferred)

We’re looking for a semi-serious heroic/mythic guild for this tier and beyond to get back into raiding properly, with like-minded players who wish to get the most out of their characters and their time raiding, but also have fun and a laugh in the process! While we have primarily focused on M+ in Dragonflight, we have many years of raiding experience between us (myself going back to 2007, with CE experience and several top 1000 kills).

We’re all prepared to do our research and optimisation both in and out of game to get the most out of our raiding, and we expect our attendance to be at or above 90%. Please get in contact if we sound like a good match for you, or for more information about previous raid experience, armory links, relevant logs, guild ambitions, or any other further information. Thanks!

Good Evening Enothear

I sent you a bnet friend request for a quick chat.
I think the guild I am part of might be a nice fit for you and your friends.
If you would like we can do a discord call with you and your friends if you have any questions.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Updated original post

Hello Enothear!

I think your group would fit well with us The Raven Clan.

We are currently bulding and active raiding roaster focused on reaching and clearing mythic!

If you’d like to chat, find me on discord @kerucqc !

Here’s our recruitment post: