We are a group of friends looking to join an experienced raiding and M+ guild. Between us we have Cutting Edges and AoTC’s. We are:
Resto Shaman ( [Staticbleed - Draenor - Warcraft Logs]
Balance Druid/Shadow Priest ( [Schizó - Draenor - Warcraft Logs]
Holy Paladin ( [Speaks - Draenor - Warcraft Logs]
Vengeance/Disc Priest ( [Wzi - Draenor - Warcraft Logs]
All sociable guys from UK and Czech Republic who are reliable and focused.
Staticbleed (Facebleed#21627)
Hey StaticBleed,
Primordial Knights EU (H)-Ragnaros is looking for people to fill up the mythic roster. We also run a lot of M+ keys and alt runs etc.
We are also a social guild with a non-toxic and fun behavious.
If you feel like interested add me on bnet for a chat
Hello, maybe you will like this. Progress is quite low due to lack of people, so more people = faster progress…
hey man check out this post here
Hey guys, feel free to give us a look as well.
Just hop over on our discord at some point and we can have a wee chat!
Hi Static,
Had a look at your logs and armorys you guys seem experienced and to know your stuff.
Please have a read of our post, we would be delighted to speak to you more.
Look forward to hearing from you.