Grow a pair Blizzard, at least try to make new fresh worth playing

Exactly! Grow a pair! Make this game worth playing and don’t make this as easy as any mobile game you can DL from Google Play Store. The game has been around for 20 years now. Everyone knows how to play it and how to not play it. Give us a little bit a challenge and shake some things up for a new game experience.

You have Retail WoW for “everyone plays” experience. Give us veterans some love too. Thank you.

Crazy suggestion - but have you guys actually considered not standing around in Felwood waiting for a flower to respawn - just not doing it?

Yeah, yeah I know that you are contractually obliged to follow the META in absolute lockstep and min/max everything to the quadrillianth googleplex to get your super-leet parses… but here’s the thing…

People actually cleared BWL back in the day on Alliance characters without having to have their entire guilds mind controlled by a Horde priest.

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Yes, but nowadays the playerbase is very toxic and you should have BWL gear if you plan to raid in BWL or you don’t get invited because the raid will take longer, don’t forget people leaving the raid after 1 wipe.

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Well given they aim to go through the whole vanilla part over 1 year only i think adding a couple of extra items to loot would be nice (something like 2 extra, to make it like 4 items per 40 men per boss up from 2 items)

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