Guardian druids BUFF

Iam 383 ilvl guardian druid now. What about guardian druids? It is possible to buff this spec? Do you even care ? Its shame, nobody wants to play with guardian druids in myth+ , higher keys are impossible . There is no toolkits for us. Wtf is wrong with Death knights? , grip , aoe grip , parry buff, bonestorm , self healing and much more. Every tanks are much better then guardian druids. Do you know that ? How long will take to fix those issues? Can you answer on my simple questions? Thanks a lot!

PS : i dont speak english very well


They dont care us. They decided to make us worst tank in this expansion. No hope.


Check this guy out. It’s entirely possibly to do reasonably high keys as a guardian druid. I know they are lacking in some departments, but they are nowhere near as bad as most people seem to think.
Same as with feral.


Why. https:// raider. io/mythic-plus-rankings/season-bfa-2/all/eu/leaderboards-strict#role=tank:mode=unique:minMythicLevel=10:maxMythicLevel=99 See, there is still 4.6% bears tanks in 10+, it clearly shows that guardian need a bit nerf

*sorry, could not stop my self from a bit of sarcasm


I love guardian, tanking as a bear to me feels appealing.
Be cool if barkskin either mitiagated some magic dmg whilst active or frenzied regen to be reverted to dmg taken in the last x amount of time.
Most of all 20% slow effect on thrash would be nice.

Yeah community perception is difficult to change.
OP doesnt specify what content he wants to do. If you want to do weekly +10 keys its no problem if you play your class well. If you want to do +20 keys as easy as possible, yeah youre gonna be better off playing DK or monk.
I only do m+ with guildies and our tanks are usually warrior or paladin. Those arent top tier tanks either but good enough for what we are doing.
I dont know if DKs should be nerfed or other tanks buffed. One thing I would like to see for bears is some kind of magic damage mitigation.

Dude, guardian druids were the kings of tanking in Legion both raiding and m+ as well. Only after Mark Of Ursol was removed it became a bit weaker but still very solid tank.

Don’t be greedy and let other tanks shine in this exp. I don’t remember when prot wars were doing high keys, but now they finally can.

Guardians were insanely strong in Legion. Now just take a nap and relax :slight_smile: Your time will come again but not now.

Btw, every tank can do keys till +12-15. Though you need only +10 for the reward. I don’t see any point for you not to do +10 keys.
Only keys after like +16 and more require some defenite team with bdk and monk as a tank


I do find this a bit of a bull excuse, sorry.

i can remember blizzard stated that they were mainly a pve focused game.
so why not make everything simply viable for pve and balance it out more.
i don’t mind not being the first shiny tank but can we atleast close the gap between the tanks.

it’s not that hard to come up with rework idea’s for druids in general or other classes in general to make them alot more interesting.


I wouldn’t say “insanely” strong. They were strong especially in Nighthold because of MoU (which was removed after). They were strong in ToS because of Roar (now nerfed). In the second half of Legion, Blood DK became the king in M+ (and raid). Guardian was in a very good state, that’s right, but this can’t be the reason for the current state.

Having the same spec design like in Legion, but without Artifact traits and legendaries, is the issue in BfA.

Stop writing this in every tank and guardian druid topic. You did here.

Yes guardians were good in legion but this doesn’t mean they must be garbage in this expansion.


Who told you that guardians are garbage? You obviously have 0 clue how to play as a bear effectively.

Watch Nihillo. The guy is doing 15+ keys on his bear while you’re all whining about the state of guardian druid now.

In raids bears are also solid. Tbh, compared to bdk in m+ every tank except monk seems to be “garbage”.

Who said guardians cant complete 15+ here? Show me my post. But top tier tanks like blood dk can complete +15 easier than druid. This is what makes my bear garbage in my opinion.

So please stop talking about guardian if you dont play it. If you play guardian dont tell me nihillo or whoever i dont care, instead of yours.

Blood: 35.6
Guardian: 4.6
There is nothing to say. Statistics.

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So you want do complete keys easier? I prefer to work for it, then to tank on a DK whilst drinking a cup of tea and watching TV at the same time.

Ignoring the obvious trolling huntard…

Guardian is performing so poorly this expansion it’s a joke. It’s not for lack of input or data either. The US topic is sitting at over 1k comments, most of which echo the same damn thing. Guardian needs love.

It had core aspects removed totally from base spec via the artifact, things that all tanks enjoy now such as a slow… I don’t mean one on a 1 min CD that uses up a GCD, but a rotational one. It’s damage is still WELL below the other tanks, and it still suffers from the archaic vision of druid. Blizz encourages druids to stay on form (losing IF/rage etc when shifting is hugely detrimental mid fight) yet locks literally half our utility behind caster. Other hybrids can cast class heals and dispell, but druid can’t.

Just a few changes would make guardian FEEL so much smoother.
FR off GCD has been said literally every guardian post for a reason.
A slow put back in so that we can actually kite like other tanks.
Reinstate Berserk or RotS as a DPS CD. Lowest tank damage out there, and we had our CD removed to boot.
Access to Dispell in bear, a tool every other hybrid has.
Access to roots in bear, so we can actually CC and reapply mid fight, like every tank with a CC can do.
Some kind of defensive adjustment. What is a bear actually doing these days? No parry/block. Laughable base armour. Mid tier HP. Bear lost its identity and desperately needs it back.

I’m fine with working for what can be accomplished, but being so severely disabled because Blizz removed so much of the base tool kit to accommodate the artifact, and then restore not their original function to an already depleted spec, is ridiculous.


Situation is not as bad as it was at start of BfA. We gained nice utility with Ursol’s Vortex. We also do have quite nice toolkit. Problem is that I’d like to use some of that toolkit. Make more spells (Hibernate, Remove Corruption, Roots) to be castable while in bear form.

Remove some abilities from GCD (Frenzied Regeneration, Incapacitating Roar). I think that none of abilities that require reaction time should be on GCD!

Also we need some adjustment buffs. Numbers are too low currently. Mostly our self sustain is rather poor outside of our quite powerful cooldowns. Overall Guardian is not as bad as people say it is. You can do just fine in normal playing. Sure we can’t compete in the top but I bet most of us here (me included) are not ones who really race at leaderboards or try to get World First kills.

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Definitely good points, all other tanks have their armor on at all times so bears should be able to use their abilities without “taking their armor off”
I would actually like that for feral druids aswell, like in WoD when we had that mancat talent claws of shirvallah or whatever it was called.

It is in same talent line with charge and this makes it unusable for me. I cant give up my charge.

I agree with this. If something is not castable in bear form, it is essentially unusable.

Cat/travel form might be useful for kiting if you didn’t get 1-2 shot, just from the two globals to switch in and out it. God forbid you can’t get out of range–from what you would need run from in the first place–because it will hurt.

I think some passive skill like “residual hide” or something like that, that keeps you bear armor/health for like 8 seconds after switching forms would be a welcome addition.

This would also help us use abilities that must be cast out of bear, which is a win-win, we can use our full kit, while shapeshifting like we are supposed to.


We used to have PvP talent like this. It gave us like dodge or something after shapeshift. This would really help us quite a lot to cast things while tanking.

Maybe 8 sec is too long, but maybe something between 4-6 sec might suffice.

You could swap out, regrowth and swiftmend, then back into bear.