Guardian druids BUFF

No need this especially cat form while tanking. Instead of that we need legion frenzied regeneration back to solve heal problem. Simple.

Why not what he suggested as well ?

Pallies can do it without a problem while they are in a much better spot already, boomies can regrowth and so can ferals. I see no reason whatsoever why bears shouldn’t be able to do the same. Imo that would help a great deal. And then no need for any additional damage mitigation, because self healing suits the class fantasy just fine.

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I liked the old FR, mostly that it was off the GCD. :smiley_cat:

I would not be opposed to that. I think “fantasy-wise” switching forms and healing, seems to fit more than sitting in bear.

But, I am also not opposed to all abilities being useable in bear.

I think it’s all just posturing on our part. Nothing good and positive will happen.

Welcome to warcraft 2019.


The guy has very good mates who want to do that with a Guardian Druid instead of a better tank. His mates have also the best setup for m+. Lucky boy.

There are simple steps for Blizzard to make the Guardian spec greater, but they don’t care all the statements from the Druid players?!

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Dont talk all time of this guys… It’s like talk method on Jaina like other Guild…

We have clearly a very Big problem with tank class balance…

We need some rework of the classe Guardian… Like they have make for Shaman…

But if you look next patch note… Blizzard make nothing again…

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I really hate when someone says "hey watch nihillo or someone else. “He/she can do it so you can do it too”. Yes he/she can but this doesn’t mean everyone can or guardian doesn’t need some help.

It is clear. We need rework. I saw a post last night which says guardian druid best tank in 8.1. It is easy to give someone’s name or make tank rank randomly.

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Even the Prot Warri has become a top tank now, while Guardian is almost in the same state like before 8.1


Because they were garbage in Legion and at start of BFA. They deserved it

Look at Lipkiss. Korean bear who completes 20+ keys and proves that many druid players are wrong about the state of a guardian.

4, 115, 173, 272, 278, 409, 431, 504, 522, 531
Do you know what those numbers are? Thats the places of top 10 bears in world rate. Is there any other class named only once in 100? Did you even do 10+? You did? How many of your tanks was GD? If GD are so OK, then why people dont play it? We are looking for overpower, you say? Does that mean that all other tank classes are overpowered? Or may be druid is undertuned after all? You dont seems to know anything about druids.

  1. Heal - remove FR from GCD and make it scale with mastery and versa. Affinity heals should be castable in bear form.
  2. Def - make IF 2 sec longer. 9 from 7. Boost mastery a lot, bear suppose to be meat tank.
  3. Mobility - wild charge should be base skill.
    Thrash should have its slow effect back.
  4. Utility - hibernate should work on more types, on more then 2 dogs in 2 dung. Remove corruption, root, etc castable in bear form.
  5. One little damage CD baseline, simillar to moonkin CA+ICoE talent. Base damage +10-15% depending on CD.
  6. Looks - make bear/cat form separated from weapon transmog.

As the topic is PVE i speak of PvE side only.


Stop giving streamer name in your every post dude. So streamers are only players who know how to play guardian? If you play guardian druid give me your name. Yes some streamers can do +20 and i dont care them. You cant ignore guardian druids’ problem with giving streamer name.

Read this again. M+ Tank rank 15+
Blood DK : %40
Guardian Druid : %2.5

We dont want become top tier tank with %50. We just want rework. %2.5 not okay and you cant change this truth with your streamer names.

Legion is past. Being garbage (or OP) in previous expansions is no reason for the actual state. Blood DK was the best dungeon tank in MoP, WoD and Legion - and they are strong again.

Lipkiss is indeed a very skilled player, but also an exception and a lucky guy. Only one Guardian with over 2k Rio (and 24 above 1,5k) world wide don’t mean that every other Guardian player is bad.

Good changes and easy to implement, but Blizzard is either lazy or they don’t care.

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i go fairly well with my bear up to +12 and don’t have much issues but what i am really missing in my kit is magic dmg reduction.
I get crapped on by the casters in kings rest and cant do anything about it.
On mobs like zuls shadow I sit there and cant mitigate any dmg, I just tank it because I have the most hp but thats about it.

dmg wise I am doing good and even my hps and dtps is pretty on par with my other tanks (even above my dh).

Wish ursols would have a second range circles that sucks everything in the outer circle into the middle and everything thats leaves the middle is sucked back. Apart from that i hate that it has 1min cd.

frenzied regen could use a beefy buff and then i m good

there is only one dungeon where I need feral charge and that is siege of boralus because I have no waterwalking mount :stuck_out_tongue:
apart from that, I much prefer ursols, especially on fortified weeks

Sorry for the double post, pressed “reply” before finishing.

BTW, I am upping this post because the situation is ridiculous.

People coming here saying that GD player are exaggerating probably haven’t played the Spec for long.

No one said you can’t do high keys with Druid, but if the Spec has only a 6% representation on keys that are 10 or higher, that should make you think that something wrong is going on with Druid.

It is boring, and have nothing they excel compared to other tank right now.

FR on global is pure BS and clunky to use.
Self sustain is garbage.
Damage is not orribile but still low compared to other tanks.

I would LOVE to see Fury of Nature added as a Passive, to boost our damage and healing output and FR removed from global.

there are of course many problems with guardians which will start to show maybe at +13 and higher, before that it is not the case.
Guardian has good aoe dmg (terrible single target) but only if you facetank mobs all day, which is not possible anymore on very high keys.
Blood dks dmg still works more or less while kiting, at least the aggro does, while bears aggro comes from thrash (melee)

Even if you buff armor by 10% and take of FR of GCD and buff it by 30% the problems on high keys remain the same…
Hard to hold threat while kiting
can’t face tank mobs
not much group utility

BTW I think that all tank specs are more or less boring and have no buttons to press anymore

trash - thunderclap
ironfur - IP
wild charge - charge
mangle - shield bash

sprinkle some random situational abilities in but in total the basic rotation from bear and warrior for example are pretty much identical and so are most other tanks.
Warrior just have some more situational additional abilities, like demo shout, shock wave, shout etc.

But don’t scale the advantages of other tanks equally down to lower keys? What I mean is: If a tank class works better at, say, +15, because it does more damage, holds aggro better, has better self-healing, and provides more utility, doesn’t it also equally work better at +10, where the utility, damage, and ease on the healer’s mana also make the runs smoother and easier?

I’m genuinely interested in this. I’d like to play bear more, but I don’t want to weigh down groups (vs. playing as balance or resto and letting someone else tank).

Does anyone have links to streamers who do 10-15+ keys regularly as bears?

I am by no means an expert on the matter but sure the top tier tanks may make the runs smoother even on lower keys, but that doesn’t mean you can’t complete the keys in time with any other tank.
Im totally new to tanking but I have healed a fair bit of tanks over the years. And I would rather heal a skilled bear than a mediocre DK.

Scroll to the top of this thread and there is a link to Nihillo the bear, a prime example that if you know the class you can make it work. He does plenty of keys in the 17-20 range.
Sure he has a very good team composition, but Im guessing all the top tanks on the leaderboards also play optimal comps.

Im in no way implying that guardian druids are perfect, but they are absolutely not useless.

Drunkentreegaming I believe on twitch to name one other than Nihillo :).

i hope they will make artifact abilitie (from legion) back because it felt good to use it now its not as intressting i liket the abilitie and it was why i liket tanking as bear in legion

interestingly it doesn’t because things die much faster before you actually get in trouble.
It might stem from over gearing all the lower keys by default.
I never had problems with my bear at +10s or below and with typhoon and swiftmend I am also not very dependent on the healer.
Honestly I can’t say anything bad about bear at mythics below 10.
On +12s on the other hand it becomes tough… I just get smacked in the face by magic damage, therefore I absolutely hate Kings rest on fortified and avoid it at all costs