Guardian tank is too weak compared to warrior

I can understand that warrior is S tier at this expansion, but druid tank is way too weak compared to it. At least, they should do something about the dmg taken of druid tanks. I am using all defensive skills, but somehow I still take %30 more dmg than other tanks. It is getting really hard to get invited as a guardian druid.

What do you think?


I think if you’re going to make claims like ‘30% more damage than other tanks’, you need to back it up with actual data.

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This is very common knowledge, there is no need to make any proof. The difference between warriors and other tanks is huge.

That link ranks guardian equal with vengeance DH, prot paladin and brewmaster monk.
It even specifically says of guardian: “Their damage and survivability, especially against incoming Physical Damage, are both quite good.”

Again, where is your evidence that guardian ‘takes 30% more damage’ than other tanks?

It says compared to warrior. Jesus christ.

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So, what is it? Other tanks, or just warrior (which everyone knows is the strongest tank this season)?

my response to you : gfy

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But you’re complaining guardian is ‘so weak’ when it’s actually performing about the same as 3/4 other tank specs. The issue is that warrior is so much stronger than other tanks, which means unskilled players think they must have a warrior tank for their +10 keys.

The problem is not a guardian problem, but a prot warrior problem.

DH Rio 3120
Dk Rio 3162
Pala Rio 3120
Monk Rio 3021
Warri Rio 3237

Guardian 2975

So that’s the best Tank players for now.

Now you can tell me that a Guardian is as good as an Dh, Dk, Pala, Warri


I see what you did there. Put warrior at the bottom of the other 5 with guardian on its own below them, so the difference in score people notice is the 262 between warrior and guardian rather than the 46 between monk and guardian.

I mean, a difference of 262 between the highest and lowest performing class is not huge, but 46 is nothing.

Take a look at the difference between the highest and lowest ranks of all roles:

  • tanks - 262
  • healers - 309
  • melee dps - 421
  • ranged dps - 460

Tanks are currently the most closely ranked role in mythic plus.

Not really. The best tank players are all playing warrior because it’s the current meta, which skews those figures further. A more useful figure to look at would be the range in non-meta specs (basically excluding the highest score from each role), which would give a variation for each role of:

  • tanks - 187
  • healers - 276
  • melee dps - 402 (326 excluding WW monk)
  • ranged dps - 362

It still puts tanks closer than all the other roles, and it doesn’t take into account how many people switched to a different tank coming from SL into DF because the talent tree changes had a significant impact on the playstyle. I’m by no means a ‘best’ (or arguably even good) tank, but I’m one who would be playing guardian in M+ this season if I didn’t find the playstyle so horrible. I’m sure there are plenty of others like me who aren’t posting here because they’re not playing their druids at the moment.

Of all the people I know who played guardian in SL, only one is still playing it in DF (and he has always been a fan of the laser bear playstyle). The others are mostly playing DHs or paladins. This mass exodus of guardian players, which can’t be explained by its performance or everyone who has switched would be playing warrior now, will be contributing to guardian’s M+ ranking.

tl;dr: Raw data is a poor indicator of anything.

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I think compared to warriors every other tank class kinda stays weak. Its not the other ones… its just warrior being really too strong.



I talk about to compare Guardian with Dh, Dk, Pala and Warrior.

I don’t recognize the Monk in there :thinking:

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blizzard killed guardian druid with this addon. I switched to heal and i would never invite a guardian druid. it is so weak against magic damage and damage mitigagion overall. this company will never help the weak specs or add something for magic damage. See the new m+ interview and you will see how far they are away from the community. It is played zero in raids and is the weakest link in m+

for example a random dude playing with a guardian druid and thinks o man i have to heal this dude so much ok maybe its me. Then next key he playes with a warrior and he literally doesnt need to heal him and thinks wtf i will never play with a guardian druid again. And so the meta shifts and less people will play with them :). But we know from the m+ dev every class can do a +20 and thundering is fun trolololo.


Every tank is “weak” compared to warrior right now. It’s a bit of a joke. That being said guardian is more than capable as it is. All the other tanks are pretty much even and all can do 20+ and CE. But comparing any tank to warr will always make the other look bad. It’s just that broken.

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guardian needs something like ignore pain. ironfur stacks are a joke compared to warriors kit. And we lack with cc. warriors can have 3 ccs and we have what mass root and vortex or usless cyclon, root which we cant use in bearform.

They could have made “Reinforced Fur” baseline or that it helps vs magic damage. But they added dps talents for 0.5 we dont need.


Main problem I have when playing Guardian is magic damage and to some extent bleed damage because of how weak frenzied regen is compared to other self healing. When you also take into consideration that the majority of deadly boss and trash mob abilites are magic or bleeds, it creates an even bigger disparity.

Even if warrior got numerically nerfed it’s still a fantastic tank at the moment, because whoever designed their talent tree created great synergy between different nodes. You really get the feeling that this person plays prot warrior themselves.

Guardian Druid design on the other hand makes me wonder if the person in charge actually plays the spec themselves, or just doing random changes and hope they work.
From what I can tell with the 10.0.5 talent overhaul, it doesn’t look like the glaring Guardian Druid issues will be fixed. It just forces you to go deep thrash build, or deep laser bear.


I main guardian druid and even if i enjoy it the only way i find it playable is getting rid of incarn talends and full focusing on dream of cenarius self healing- ursocs absorbs- arcanes self healing-earth warden passive- and my 2 absorb shield trinkets which proc so much shields…this gamestyle needed 100 self heals to survive should change


Druid talent tree gets a re-work next reset, I’ve been looking at the talent tree for possible builds or how things will improve for us…

This is a very weak rework in my opinion as all of these new abilities arent viable or worth changing spec’s for. I was hoping for Ursoc’s Fury to be repositioned to give is a decent passive absord ability to compete with Ignore pain!.. but sadly nope!.. My spec wont change, We will still have to stack all the moonfire abilities to be any good, and there’s too many points spent on the same thing, buff moonfire more plz!.. I was hoping they would condense those down but no change. Still too many 2 point abilities that are 1 point in the Prot warrior tree. :frowning:

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The whole left tree needs rework imo. Way to many talents / nodes that are useless for Feral / Guardian. Resto / Boomkin get to use most of it.

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Right now the new stuff can’t even be tested due to countless bugs and talents not working. Should things actually work as intended/hoped then there will be a few good builds possible without hard focusing MF. The left side/physical side could be very good. But it remains to be seen because nothing can be tested properly. Dreamgrove has a list of the bugged talents and it’s crazy. x)

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