Guardian tank is too weak compared to warrior

I gotta admit that the changes are terrible, been tanking forever and only played druid main for a long time. We were weak before now even worse. It is possible to tank 20 keys, but as you guys mentioned, compared to other tanks were weak, especially vs magic/magic melee hits, its a totally joke. I also tried stacking Ironfur stacks, for some reason at 6+ stacks was getting same melee hits as with 0-1-2. Im pretty sure the Ironfur doesnt work as intended, unless all melee hits are magical melee hits 
 . Another big problem is in my opinion the Left Druid tree, to reach some talents you gota go Boomie spec for what?!? I mean in SL we had all cc options and now with the spec i play i only got 1 Shout as CC. Anyway only thing we can do is to simply keep posting, maybe someday Blizzard changes something. I set the goal for this season only all instances 20+ then gona chill and go fishing :smiley:


Just switch of tank, other tank are fun, dynamic and got many tools. Guardian is nerfed in all way even in fun.
Guardian become a tank tutorial : it’s bad but simple, once you play it a bit choose what you want to add to it then you got one of the other classes ~
I just hope for more nerf at this point so we can at least be a meme. Because it’s just frustrating that it can still be a bit playable if full gear and with a good team around to softly carry you.

Sick and tired of this weak spec, and there are people defending this spec as well, mostly on discord servers. It’s always a YOU problem, cause some guy did a 23+ key on guardian

I do not want to rely on my healer to babysit me, when other tanks do not need that, I want an answer to the situation, not rely on externals from others. I do not want my dps to carry me. I could play with 1 hand and still do it, but it would feel AWFUL. That’s what other tanks have, the fun factor, the tankyness, the boss feeling.

Never felt so weak as tank playing guardian. Remember season 4 blood dk? That was fun times. You could destroy someones key if you pulled too much, cause they would not live, but the tank would. A terribad tank pulled too much causing the team to die, not the tank itself.

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they dont play it makes no sence

100% true They dont play the class bro

check out Tactyks 10.0.5 Guardian Druid Update | Talent Changes, New Builds, and Feedback on youtube

Apart from being extremely bad, Raze has a terrible animation and graphical effect that doesn’t match the cone of attack. With mage tower bear skin, the attack animation doesn’t even play out if the player is moving at the same time.

Yeah you talking about pumps that also do icy veins guide (refering to the guide guardian is one of the strongest tank to play in 10.0.5, I ain’t lying check it up :smiley: ) and that always say that it is good, but he got a whole guild turning around him, and before log got cancelled if too much buff he got 4 Fae priest and 1-2 pala Fae to buff him up on raid for do some logs
Also the discord often give bad info couldn’t stay on it I gave up :person_shrugging:

I think at this point it’s probably better if as many players as possible just stops playing Guardian. Blizzard loves to make changes based on “internal data” rather than feedback, so if Guardian numbers plummit into the abyss then maybe they will wake up and do something.

At least it’s easy to gear up and maintain alts in Dragonflight, even if it’s somewhat annoying that my druid has been the luckiest of all my characters, getting tier piece in vault every single week along with other solid upgrades.

This isn’t what happens. Feral numbers had been desperately low for years and nothing had been done. Change happened when the feral dev left and the new dev listened to feedback - it’s been obvious with every talent tree change that it’s a response to feedback and an attempt to accommodate every aspect of the game. The neglect guardian has suffered so far in DF is not about policy but an individual dev problem.

Maybe the dev who has been given guardian is already overwhelmed with work and isn’t able to give it the time and attention it needs, or maybe they simply don’t care. But I don’t believe rerolling will fix anything. I’m not suggesting people shouldn’t reroll if they’d rather play something else (and I certainly wouldn’t blame them), but doing it as a protest is pointless, in my opinion.

If anything, the amount of attention that certain popular classes are given (mage and hunter come to mind) suggests that Blizz policy is to allocate more dev hours to the most played classes rather than less. Or it could be that there are simply more people playing them so the volume of feedback is higher.

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While this could be the case, it makes no sense to do a complete rework if time is an issue. It’s like if I took my car to a mechanic to replace faulty breaks, and then he proceeds to take the entire vehicle apart and reassemble it, but when I get it back the breaks are still not fixed, and the reason was they didn’t have time for it.

Maybe it’s a bit childish to boycott a spec, but so many people tried providing feedback and was met with silence and random changes nobody asked for.

Not if their superiors said: “Fix guardian in 9.0.5.”

And ferals have been dealing with that for years. If we’d all boycotted the spec, they would most likely have deleted it in the end. The only reason we have the fun spec we have now is because we fought for it.

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Well either way it’s extremely frustrating. Hopefully they get a new dev soon that has some idea of what to do with the spec.

Druid isn’t that bad, people are over exaggerating. It is worse now after the changes. These were a flat nerf since blizzard once again tries to enforce other playstyles while having no clue why you don’t play the other garbage they offer.

For the stats: Druid armor is 50% of warrior (shapeshifted), you need 2 stacks iron fur to match equal and without cooldowns you won’t see more stacks up
 HP is equal to warrior but you can’t block. There is no reason to play druid against physical

And don’t let me go on magical. Druid would need around 15% DR to match equal for overall
 but honestly we would need 5% on physical and 20% on magic for a dirty quick fix.

For a real fix, they would need to rework talent trees alot:
give real leech instead of situational which forces you down arcane road or give option to get selfheal off GCD.
Get a better place for all talents and maybe spend 5minutes thinking about your new skills
 F. Ex. Raze - you can’t tell me anyone skilled that and checked it by the dev team
 Someone forced them to design something so they did, there was no Quality check or sense in doing this
 This talent can be scrapped or made a passive cleave for Maul, but as it is now with 0 synergie in the remaining talent tree and the scaling it is straight up garbage.

Bear form’s baseline armor and hp modifier should definitely be buffed.

Bears used to be the highest armor and hp tank.

Now bears has neither armor, hp nor magic mitigation.

We were discussing how weak guardian druid is, they made it even weaker. Jesus christ Blizzard, get your 

It is really sad, i tank higher keys 18+ mostly, its ok, but most random dps+healers thank me how good i run the instance, that made me think how bad spot most druids are as we are clearly very weak compared to other tanks. Ofcourse i have another tank classe but i refuse to give up my main just because we are so weak. Dont have time to reroll and play another class just because Blizzard is not capable to sort the Guardian spec so its playable for everyone. Also gota say im sad because all i hear is We need more tanks stuff but they arent able to make us all playable. None asking for top tier tank class but as many mentioned, getting 1 shot by some grps is annoying, i used to get killed too many times and its annoying. I am playing with Thorns of Iron, its 1 point, why cant it be free as talent for druids? Like 0 CC and also for some dmg gota spend Points. Also to get into some CC talents we gota go Moonkin, i rly cant understand why we as Bear spec go into Moonkin Tree 
 Hope we get sorted someday 

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Has only done 17 Shadowmoon

This guy is breaking stereotypes.

Top 1 Guardians Druid, Top 1 Alliance guild, the only one Alliance guild on the first page. And they are Top 9 guild in the World.

And there is more Guardians in Top 100 guilds actually, so i dont rly undestand what are you complaining here about. And what are your goals actually? I dont rly trust that even 90% of those who is writing here are going for top 100 guilds or pushing very high keys.

Hands are the most important thing in the game, if your skill is not good enough, then do you rly think that if you were dying on Guardian in lets say 10 key, then you will suddenly easily tank 15 key on Warrior? No, it doesnt work like this

The people you are talking down to here (on your level 10) are tanking keys of around +20 and higher on their druids. And Pumps is nowhere near the ‘top 1 guardian druid’. Get your facts right before you start telling others to L2P.