Amen in ten letters.
A resource for all crafters out there; this really needs a sticky 🤌
A large part of my RP-diet involves this guide; even though I know my stuff at this point it’s always nice to have something like this for a quick reference!
Bump to not let it sink. Please, moderators, stick this thread, we all here need it!
It really is a great thread. It’s very helpful for my Artificer!
This really need stickied.
I use this resource on the double every time I’m doing commissions with Ismaa’s Jewelery or Enchantments (insert Dragon Age reference here), and I got to say it’s pin-worthy!
Absolute beast of a post, on the level (if not higher… But I’m biased) as the already pinned posts! Keep the thread active and let it never go to the forgotten hell of… “Archived posts”…
(Edit, added forgotten punchline :P)
Since it came up a few times over the course of last year whether or not I’d be doing Shadowlands ores
I’m not against the idea, even if access to them would be dubious to majority of the RPers, but I can look into it if there’s a genuine interest. Last time I did a cursory glance, there wasn’t much flavour or quest text describing their properties, but I admit that I didn’t try very hard at the time.
Let me know if I should do it or just ignore the Shadowlands materials. The guide ultimately serves the community first and foremost.
Bumped. Please, stick it already.
Oh yeah absolutely sticky this. It is an invaluable resource for any self respecting RP server!
Regarding the Obsidian discussion from 2 years ago : There’s this one quest in Hyjal where you collect Warden arrows.
Warden’s arrows are crafted of living oak, blessed in the moonwells, and tipped with obsidian arrowheads scrawled with runes invoking the blessings of nature.
If nothing else obsidian should be added as it does exist and is a different thing from obsidium.
I will also point out AGAIN the obsidian elementals in burning steppes have the reflective effect, casting magic back at people.
and the obsidian sentinel in Ulderman also have the obsidian reflection passive
and the obsidian destroyers are all about anti-magic.
Screw that it is not mentioned in books or said by an NPC, visual story telling counts damn it!
Big agree!
Hello! Want to suggest perhaps adding this if it is appropriate:
Le bump. A bump of several bumps.
Requesting a sticky and bumping!
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the effort you’ve all put into keeping the thread alive these past 2 years even when the forum mods refuse to sticky the thread.
Just casually doing God’s work, all of them!
On a side note, perhaps we can have Tenasa add this guide to the general RP guide stickied thread(even if it deserves its own sticky)?
Holy Murloc in a tier set, has it really been 2 years since this was posted?
1 year and 4 months but I like to be hyperbolic
Close enough to 2 years I say!
Also, this is a bump in disguise.