Guild bank empty

as the guild leader of a large guild on EU Silvermoon i am dismayed to find our guild bank empty ! apparantly this has been happening to other guilds for some time - but no solution yet - VERY upset - if a solution is taking so long i am not optimistic about recovering anything :frowning:


Is it a bug or did someone steal everything?

Did the items disappear into the Void?

Or was it an untrustworthy guild member fleecing you all?

If the former I assume it’s a bug and should be fixable.
If the latter then I doubt much will be done.

Did you check the guild log?

For those that dont know, there is a bug where the stuff in a guild bank went missing, they implemented a fix so it doesnt happen further, and are working on getting everyones items back.


I don’t know if it was because i invited a MoP timerunner into the guild that bugged it. The guild where i didn’t wasn’t affected.

We got the same issue in our guild :*(


Same with my guild, no-one is in it except me and my dead characters - no cash - no logs

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