Guild Bank items gone

Blizzard please stop with this beta testing on live servers… We need content released when it’s 100% working… The game is unplayable at the moment…


Here is now my dilemma. I started playing wow when it first came to EU. For the last 14.5 years I have been Guild Leader of Renascence, Veknilash, EU. We regard ourselves as a reasonably successful guild and have always been active, welcoming all levels of players. We regard OUR guild bank as a special place for any guild member with need or anyone to put into guild for others to use.

Blizzard BROKE that trust by taking stuff from all but 2 of our tabs. Despite being notified early on first day of the problem Blizzard did NOTHING and next day our tabs 7 8 were also emptied. Here we are at day 5. and Blizz have still done nothing…

At this moment in time i have no confidence that Blizzard are even going to do anything about this monumental screw up.

Please do not ignore this issue… this is not confined to guilds with properly organised guild security… Anyone who has created a guild for himself and a few alts…can (and probably already has been) be robbed.

Many many guild who members thought were properly managed… wiil be surprised to find if they bother looking… once bulging guild banks completely empty… and if you check the log for each tab… NO ENTRY.

Potentially hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands… even millions put their trust in these banks worldwide… SORT THIS PROBLEM BLIZZARD… and i dont mean by ignoring it !


It happened to us too.

Realm: Kult der Verdammten
Guild: <Käufliche Klingen>
GM: Aurélie

Tab 1 is unaffected (random BS was/is in here)
Tab 2 is 90% empty (cloth from Classic til DF gone, linen bolts, a few mageweave, mageweave bolts, netherweave and respective bolts, some windwool, shal’dorei silk and lightweave cloth remain)
Tabs 3-7 is just empty, deleted or …idk. It’s all gone. Ore, gems, essences, items, flasks and phials etc. Gone.

The logs do NOT show anyone taking anything from the bank, except gold for repairs. The only activity is more than two weeks old, and it’s someone depositing INTO the bank.

My personal guild bank is also missing a lot. Five empty tabs and two with some random slots still filled.
I did put in three things in free slots before I realized what had happened, Removed them again so that when this is solved everything has it space. I also withdraw the money just in case…and will keep the guild at zero money.

I looked into my guild bank again all stored items in bugged tab 1, 2 and 3 … are gone :open_mouth:

Our guild, Kobayashi Maru, Vek’nilash, EU has >600 members. I happened to have time off and was pulling an all nighter across the last reset, 13 - 14 August 2024. Noticed very soon after reset that our entire max tabs guild vault, full of rare, achievement, raid, guild event and mats items (and nearly completely full) was absolutely empty. No-one had permission to do that and the logs didn’t support a bank ninja.

When these things happen, Blizzard immediately blames the game subscriber and you get ‘reinstall’, ‘turn off your addons’ and form link responses to tickets.

I’ve had my ticked marked as “Answered” 3 times now when there is no information from Blizzard, no timeline to a solution, no delay of the new expansion to sort out the stability of the game.

Our guild has been in existence since 2010. We had put items into our guild vault from that point in time. The unavailability and farming to replace those items today, quite apart from the memories and experiences lost is not calculable.

I, for one, am absolutely fed up of the lack of customer service and how we users are ‘blamed’ for every bug. As some have said, to have the best chance of getting items back, Blizzard should have owned up to this bug immediately and advised people affected to turn off privileges to withdraw and deposit to the guild vault so a known situation exists if things are to be restored. This has obviously not happened and I can’t see how they could possibly sort out the ensuing mess of some folks still using their guild vaults when affected.

How can we ever trust storage again, in a game where collecting and storage are a main component?!

With the recent ability to add cross-realm guildies, we had a couple apply (we accepted) and I think this may be a factor (e.g. one from Stormrage) when we are on Vek/Bronze/Eonar/Aerie.

I am also suspicious that our guild vault logs have transactions that are ‘pushed back’ in terms of date compared to when we remember those transactions being made. It’s only a perception, though.

I am amazed there isn’t more on the 'net about this - there should be. It’s as if content creators have been ‘told’ not to discuss it. I have been guild leading and raid leading since 2010 and seen plenty of stuff ‘break’ in the game since the end of BC, but the sheer lack of any accountability from Blizzard nowadays, the number of bugs, the instability of the game is the worst I have ever experienced.

Folks - don’t accept being treated like this. Many of us have a strong emotional connection to this game and we deserve a proper solution, not just to have this ‘papered over’ or some paltry amount of gold distributed to us in lieu of what we lost. Keep reporting what you see. Keep talking about how you feel. Keep this thread open and shout loudly. If your ticket is marked as “Answered” when it hasn’t been, re-open it.


Mostly all items gone from my guildbank, millions worth of items stored “safely” hopefully not lost in the nether :slight_smile:

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Same problem for me - my “Bank Guild Tabs” are mostly empty. Especially the recipe drops, all went /dev/NIL.
And No, BLIZ Support, I did reset my UI, there is no ninja stealing items…
If anyone would be able to ninja into my guild (it is invitation only), they have no access to guildbank. There is no withdrawal of items shown at all - only suddenly the items are gone.

TLDR: Couple of guild banks of mine, that only I have access to have been wiped, both Horde banks, one had, had cross realm characters added, the other had, had nothing done with it.

My main GB is the biggest loss for me. Tabs 1 and 2 are fine (at the moment), tab 3 was full, but now has about a dozen random things left scattered across the tab, tabs 4,5,6 and 7 have been completely wiped, full tabs now looking empty, nothing in the logs, just a repeat of what everyone else is saying. Like many, it’s years and years of Materials, collectables, mounts , pets etc. from across all the expansions. Only out of the ordinary thing I had done with this Guild is add some of my other characters from different realms. Also one time upon opening GB I saw all the icons on tab one glitching and then half of them disappeared, I closed and reopened the GB and tab 1 was fine again.

The other of my GB’s wiped is just a little random bank on a random realm that I haven’t looked at in ages, so this is a “clean” bank, as in it wasn’t accessed during the recent buggy AH / memory leak days, there has been no changes to ranks or addition/ subtraction of characters…if fact the first time I have looked at it in ages was just to see if it had , had items go missing in this recent bug…and it has been completely wiped.

The almost complete radio silence (away from the forum) on this massive break in the system is deafening. One little support article, couple of blue posts from GM’s as in the dark as us, a little mention on mmo champion and someone said Hazel and Soul had mentioned it and that’s it? Like mentioned above, it’s like they have been told to keep quiet…


I also am missing several items out of several different guild banks on my Auction House account. Leather, toys, pets, mog, cloth, enchants you name it some of it has gone missing. I would estimate the value to be well above 3-4 million gold and some of the items being no longer obtainable items.

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Update from previous post .

Just got a response on my ticket

Greetings Joelle

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment Support.
Game Master Talseiatel here Well Joelle, we have recently received several reports similar to yours and the Developers are already aware and investigating the issue. If you are experiencing a different, new issue I urge you to please submit a bug report so the Developers can track it and investigate.

To bug report, check the following link:

Meanwhile, should there be anything else you might need, just reach us, I’ll be here to find the best solution for you

*´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•`
Sincerely, Game Master Talseiatel Blizzard Entertainment

So nothing new so far, :frowning:

It’s Tuesday and this problem hasn’t been solved.

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I also received the same response yesterday

Let’s cross fingers and hope that there is maybe a resolution for the Americans today as they have a 4 hour maintenance (and they often get extended). They do have an 8-9 hour time difference with us Europeans (California time zone) so we may know nothing till late this evening.
They are getting very angry though and someone on the main thread says they will take legal action :astonished: :scream:

I hope management are taking this seriously as unless fixed - it is a timebomb that could well…
I don’t want to lose my favourite game but I think after the World Soul Saga it may be retired as the core engine is so old. Hopefully we will get a Warcraft II.
Thank you again to everyone working to resolve this.

Same issue here on a GB i own on Stormscale EU

Dont quite understand why i have to put a post here after raising a ticket, you think the latter would be enough

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[Blizzard Support - World of Warcraft (]
Updated: 3 days ago

Article ID: 363630

World of Warcraft
I checked my guild bank and there are items missing

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new [Bug report]
Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.

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add 1 more to the list: my personal guild bank
Character: Thoiran
Rank: Guild Master
Server: Aggramar

As of this afternoon, Guild Renascence, Realm Vek’nilash., EU is still completely empty in guild bank… NO resolution posted. HELLO BLIZZARD? This issue is not going to go away, you have stolen millions of items from your customers guild banks… WHAT are you going to do about it… Tomorrow will be a full week !


I have lost items not in game anymore as well as loads of crafted epics and rare drops.
Not touching some of my guild banks till I see it wont mess them up permanently.

It’s been a tiresome month and more with all these severe bugs and hardly any communication and slow fixes… :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: