Guild Bank items gone

My personal guild bank is also missing a lot, i’m based on silvermoon realm EU

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Does the following match up with anyone else, been thinking about events and wondering if there is a connection:

I only lost items from the first 2 tabs and remembered that I recently invited to the guild an alt of mine on another realm. I was kind of curious about how guilds worked across realms and if there were any limitations.

I found I did have guild bank access, although I was unable to remove gold. I didn’t think that much about it at the time as gold can always be mailed

I’m not 100% sure, but I have the feeling I did deposit things to the first or second tab but I wouldn’t have touched any of the others

Maybe it is just a coincidence, but I’m trying to see a pattern with why sometimes tabs are wiped or not

If you have stuff missing and definitely do not have any cross realm members it would be good to get this eliminated as a possible cause

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Same here i have a personal guild and 8 bank tabs. The first 2 bank tabs are fine and the gold is there. The other six are empty. Contact a gm, only a generic response. I play this game since 2008 so a lot of stuf just poof gone, sigh. And the helpdesk is, to put it mildly, hopeless, really hopeless, just standard answers generated by AI.

edit: i just did some lv on alchemy i can withdraw herbs as a stack but not as a given amount and i can put the stack back in the guild bank. i cannot ad new herbs in the bank. You get a comment “These items cant be swapped” No log entry are made. ( Aggramar EU)

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Update for me:
Personal guild banks on Ravencrest; “Critcoin Blackrockchain”, “Exodar Exiles” and “Westfall Refugees” all intact.
Exodar Exiles on Bronze Dragonflight - completly wiped, all 3 tabs.
My loss of items has only been financial and I doubt is much more than 100K max (so far)
I still think that only a small minority of ppl have been affected as there has been no mention in in-game chat and no talk about it on various discords or in guild chat. I have asked directly and warned ppl to maybe not deposit, withdraw or move anything until there is a resolution (cross fingers). I also regularly check out content creator videos and wowhead etc… and again no mention.

Thank you to the Dev.s working on this and thank you to Felranys and the community managers for their help so far.
I think the problem may well be complex and multifactorial.
It does need to be fixed as this small event could be a Harbinger event, just like Xala’tath, of more serious things to come.

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Good morning folks, and once again thank you for all the continued reports over the weekend.

While I don’t have much news to share at this point (unless you would be happy to know that my personal guild was affected too :cry:), I would like to confirm that work on this issue is still ongoing with high priority.

We’ll do our best to keep you updated as soon as we receive any news, thank you again for your patience! :pray:


some more details:

All 7 tabs were wiped with no exception. Gold is here.

Few days ago i made some alts on another realms (different lang) and added them to the guild. Anyway they were not able to access guild bank, something like “you don’t have permissions” (but they have).
I suspect the problem with access are the guild roles names which are not in eng/latinic chars.

Also i have around 10 remix alts were added to the guild in June, but all of them on a same realm with main char.

Is anyone have problems with GB but you don’t have any alts on different realms?

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Thank you for the update, that it very much appreciated.

And however awful it is, I think it probably does make us feel a little better that it’s affecting yourself and others as well - it makes it more like we’re in the same boat, rather than the usual “us and them” situation where it feels like anything to do with guilds is being swept under the rug.

Fingers crossed for a resolution prior to the new expansion turning up!


Thank you for the update. Very much appreciated!
Fingers crossed it will be resolved soon as I have so much DF mats stuck in the Guild Bank limbo right now. :frowning:

Thank you Felranys and good morning.
Good coffee and posh biscuits might be required for today. :coffee: :cookie: :cupcake:
Not happy that this has affected you but as Poisonenvy says it does make us feel like we are in the same boat.
Can I ask some advice and I do realise that you may not be able to answer this.

  • Is it best to leave our personal banks well alone in the hope of a restoration ?
  • or best to cut our losses and move out high value items ( financial and memories) to a character bank in case of future deletion?

I have honestly not enough information to make a suggestion on this.

To the best of my knowledge at this point adding or removing items from a guild bank should not affect anything going forward, however I can not guarantee in any way what the final outcome of this process will be or what will the final effects on items will be :cry:


No that wont make anyone happy - and thank you for the update.

No snark intended at all - of course there is nothing to report over the weekend, even if the devs are working lots of overtime to identify and fix this, I doubt anyone is expecting the lanes of communication, and statements (without accepting any liability etc) to be open over the weekend.

Hopefully something tangible will come through once the Pacific Coast folk get back into office hours.

Again thanks for the update.

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So “daily” update, despite all my will to enter the game is fading away… seems to be the sabe all banks unless this char that had the lottectd stuff of 5 expansions and classic mats and stuff organized in 6 of the 7 tabs all still gone, i’ve not put anything in them… just seeing the “news” because to be honest and i need to thank Felranys for givin the news that he can i don’t have at the moment no will to play the expansion or any wow content… yes and sorry for the bluntness of the words, but its the truth… my confidence is zero at this point, and i’ve never had any problems that were not fixed ingame so i have a strong feeling for wow… but its me i’m like that.

So for now, still the same, and for me and all people that already sent tickets to blizz, talked in forums and social media, just fix the problem, get the item back, may be a stupid thing but many people have memories of farming with people that are and not around anymore.

Edit - Well not being a tech in this matter, but having some knoledge, maybe they can go back see all the item and put them back, wee everyone happy, right… and then the problem spreads even to more banks and things… because the root was not found…

I may be on the down side of will to play and morale to give, because not even wowhead has given one line for this… but this bug is a bug that breaks wow in his core, in the people that play, and i’ve not seen the us posts… but i think they are flaming for what i read last…

I just ask with all the respect… fix the bug, restore the banks and give some words to people, because if past has taught anything his that people make wow, being the people that created the idea or Warcraft, the people that made and stil make the game, but the community is the main voice.



I think it’s best to forget you have a guild bank altogether. Some people report items going missing again after the initial wipe.

Many thanks Felranys for the reply. :slightly_smiling_face:
I think when this is all sorted :crossed_fingers: :pray: I will stop using Guild banks asap and store as little as possible and then only in chr bags.
The Guild bank code is 17 years old and all these cross faction and cross realm changes may be causing problems . I bet it’s a long time since anyone had to look at this code.

well, who says char-banks are safe?
you are very optimistic.

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Chr banks may not be safe but they have not had radical changes applied to them. I’m not an IT person but could it be new code not aligning with old code?

Just for information - we haven’t invited any new players for a while; and no alts from cross realm or faction. The guild player base has been stable for several months - so that hasn’t been a reason for the impact on our guild.

I did have a look in a guild bank on an alt (different guild) and they too have lost a lot - when I mentioned this to an officer online they thought someone had been doing some house cleaning for TWW - but no, they too have been affected as no one has removed anything recently.

Perhaps this is why it’s not being reported or mentioned in game yet - lots of guilds clear space out ready for a new expansion - people assume it’s just another guildie doing the good deed to be ready for the expac.


Very good point!

Same problem here, bank empty, no-one else has access anymore, nothing sus in the log.

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The first sign of collapse is when you can no longer trust the BANKS.
Best of luck to whatever database technician they have on this case.

… and yes. My guildbank is completely empty.